'Just in' TIME

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Dear Readers and Followers,

Sorry for not uploading for so long. I haven't really had the time as all my exams have started. I hope you understand. I also haven't had much inspiration. Please could you guys send me some ideas because this is such a shitty chapter and same with the previous ones. I apologise for missing out on a lot but I promise after all my exams are finished, I'll upload at least 5 times a week. There's so much more to come. This is only the beginning. I'm very thankful for your support and I love you all. I really hope you guys could get this book to 1 million this summer as that would be absolutely amazing. I appreciate all your lovely comments and the way you guys bond with this book... I never thought this would get as much attention as it has and for that I am forever grateful. You guys are incredible. Thank you so much for this journey and I hope I can continue sharing my creations with you. You're all wonderful.

Thank you

Adelina xxx

'Just in' TIME


Za's P.O.V

It took about 20 minutes for us to arrive at the police station. My whole body was shaking as I gulped and turned towards Fredo.

"Let's just hope for the best?"

He nodded in agreement and we all got out my car.

"Guys? Wouldn't it make sense to check the news? Surely if Justin was arrested it would be all over the media by now." Chaz implied.

"But then YN would know." Fredo corrected him.

"Still worth a check right?" Khalil brought out his phone and typed 'Justin Bieber' into Google.

"Well.. there's a few claims that he's been cheating. But YN is smart enough to not believe that." he said.

"Okay whatever... lets just go inside." I ushered them to the reception where an elder women was working on a computer. The surrounding was cold and isolated, I'm guessing its trying to give us an insight of what prison life is really like; a deterrent.

"May I help you boys?" she placed her glasses on her nose and gave us a glance.

"erm.. yes. Have you taken anyone in, in the past 12 hours?" Fredo asked, you could tell he was nervous of what the answer may be.

"Let me check... hmmm.." She was away typing at her computer until her face lit up.

"Yes, 2 people to be exact. I cannot give you their details, however, if you do wish to speak to somebody, visiting hours are between 3:30 and 5pm."

We all looked at each other.

"This could be it." Ryan and Chaz said at the same time.

"It's 3:25pm now ma'am." Fredo mentioned.

She looked annoyed as she glanced over her glasses back at him.

"Who should I make an appointment for?" Her voice was raspy and made us feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Justin Bieber... If he's here..." I tried saying as quietly as possible.

After a good 2 minutes of typing, she looked at us and signed some document then told us to take a seat.

"This means he's in there right?" Ryan asked me.

"I don't know Ryan." I stuck to small talk and I was beyond nervous.

*10 minutes later*

"Is someone here for Justin?"

We all stood up in perfect sync and watched the man that mentioned his name.

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