Second Face

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Second Face

YN's P.O.V

"You. You're gonna pay." They said.

"Erm.. About that... Do I know you?" I questioned lifting up an eyebrow. Justin came behind me and gasped.

"Hello Justin. Surprised?" One of them asked.

"What are you doing here you damn phsyco?" Justin retaliated whilst shouting at the man.

"Ooh.. Feisty." The guy backed away lifting his arms up in defence but in a mocking way.

I watched them argue and recognised the girl immediately.

"Selena? Is that you?" I asked squinting my eyes to look under her hood.

"Maybe." She sniggered making me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh what's wrong Justin? Cat got your tongue?" She noticed him backing away so she blurted out something that I think he was hiding.

"Oh Justin.. Are you scared? Didn't you tell YN yet? I'll take that as a no!" She shouted in an angry tone.

I lowered my eyes to the floor as I looked up at Justin in disbelief. Then I eyed Selena, and glanced back at Justin.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Nothing. Don't listen to her." He hesitated.

"Why shouldn't she listen Justin? Are you gonna lie to your own girlfriend?" Selena kept going at it, continuously throwing threats at Justin.

Justin immediately screamed and charged for the door, shutting it with force, he caught Selena's hand in it as she started squealing and crying loudly.

I stood there frozen watching the whole action thinking about what Justin could be hiding. He turned from the door whilst breathing heavily. He looked at me and huffed. I was about to cry but I ran into the kitchen to make dinner so I was alone, as Justin didn't even come and comfort me.

I placed the spaghetti in water whilst I heated the sauce. Then I made meatballs and cooked them aswell. Once that was done I placed it on plates and and set the table as the whole crew will be joining us for dinner. I grated some cheese on top of the plates and placed a vase of roses in the middle of the table.

I rushed upstairs to me and Justin's bedroom to find him shirtless on the bed asleep. I sighed, grabbed my towel, some clothes and had a quick shower. I dressed in a red dress which showed off my curves, and some black stiletto pumps. I curled my hair and threw some clips into it. Following this, I applied make up and some red lipstick.... And VOILA!! damn I looked fine. I walked out the bathroom trying to make as less noise as possible, and closed the bedroom door behind me. I walked into Sally's room to see her watching Scooby Doo and I dressed her into a black top, a black tutu skirt and I accessorised it with a white polka dot headband. She looked so cute. Her blonde hair was wavy so she kept tossing it behind her shoulders.

I snapped a picture of both of us in a large mirror and posted it to Instagram tagging it with a crown that Justin always uses. It immediately got likes but I logged off.

We both walked down the stairs and everyone gasped.

"Wow." Ryan exclaimed as he walked up to me and Sally. I blushed as he kissed me on the cheek and picked Sally up.

"Look at my beautiful girls.."

Then a door slammed upstairs. I jumped a little as Sally's eyes grew larger.

"Shhh shhhh it's okay!" I calmed her down.

"I'll go check it out." Chaz said as he ran up the stairs.

Chaz's P.O.V

I rushed up the stairs to find Justin and YN's bedroom door open widely. I walked in but Justin was nowhere to be seen. He might be in the bathroom.

I noticed a hole in the wall and then some sniffling coming from the bathroom indicating that Justin was crying. I walked over to the bed and saw his phone, laying there unlocked. I picked it up and saw the conversation he had with Selena.

Justin: How can you fucking threaten me like that?

Selena: oh so you'd rather lie to your girlfriend and never come clean?

Justin: there's enough time for that.

Selena: I give you 2 days, or she's gone.

Justin: what?!

Selena: you better watch it Justin.. You should've gone to rehab.. Then none of this would've happened.

Justin: you're a punk ass hoe.

Selena: thanks. So is YN.

Justin: don't you dare talk about YN when you're an ugly bitch.

Selena: that's why you've been crying after me when I left you. Oh. I see how it is.

Justin: fuck off.

Selena: remember Justin. 2 days. And it's all gonna come out. :)

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I gasped as I heard Justin shout. I turned and sat on the bed in despair but also to hide the fact that I was on his phone.

"Um.. Are you gonna come down for dinner?" I asked weakly.

"No. Now get out." He said with puffy red eyes and he sucked in his bottom lip.

"But YN cooked for you." I insisted.

"I'm not fucking hungry." He retaliated as he laid down on the bed and unlocked his phone.

"She'll get upset." I said.

"GO CHAZ!" He shouted as I legged it down the stairs.

YN's p.o.v

I heard a shout and Chaz running down the stairs.. He came and sat at the table next to Ryan with a startled expression.

"Chaz? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked as he already started eating.


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Been so sick today, so that results to this awful chapter haha. Sorry. :(

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