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Justin's P.O.V

I watched her go. I had this weird feeling in my stomach, like a sign of emptiness. But it couldn't be possible right? I mean I love Miley.

"That's what you think Justin" a little voice in my mind said. I brought out my phone and called Miley.
"Yo babe! Pick you up at 7 tonight?"
She agreed. I had to get my mind off things and especially YN.

Y/N's P.O.V
The rain was pouring down on me but my face was still burning. I cried out all my tears and my heart was broken in two. Heavily breathing, I leaned onto the brick wall going through what Justin just said. It's all my fault, if I've never left him none of this would have happened.
Through the heavy rain, someone stood a few feet away from me, staring whilst hiding his hands in his pockets. He started walking towards me, my heart started beating fast as they began running. My legs were stuck in one place, I was paralysed through this tragedy, they brought out a knife and kept running towards me. I gasped and tried getting up but it was too late. Red and purple lights flashed in our surrounding. He cornered me and spoke.
"Where do you think you are going little girl? It's past your bed time.. The boogie man will get you." He laughed as his golden teeth glowed at me.
"Please don't hurt me."
"Too late."
He dug his knife straight into my thigh and I screamed as I collapsed to the floor breathing heavily. I was gasping for air dramatically as I covered my wound. The guy was nowhere to be seen. I lay there, on the wet floor. Endlessly.

Justin's P.O.V

Eating BBQ ribs with Miley at a restaurant I get an email.
"Justin Bieber's Ex STABBED!"
Hold up.
My heart skipped a beat. My eyes widened.
"Justin is everything cool?"Miley spoke placing her hand on mine. I shook it off standing up reading my email over and over as I saw YN in an ambulance bed. That's it. I had to get there.

I drove off leaving Miley behind but I had no time now. I had to find her. Paparazzi were behind me, following me to my destination. I tried not getting affected by this so I focused on the road. Pressing the acceleration peddle, I rushed to the hospital. I got out and ran into the reception.
"Here to see YN, YLN.!"
"Sorry Sir. But she can't have any visitors at the moment."
"I will hurt you and every one of your colleagues if you don't tell me where she is right now." I clenched my jaw as she gasped. She typed into the computer.
"F..Fl..Floor 4 R..Room 285." She stuttered. I thanked her and took the stairs. Breathlessly, I reached her door. Opening it gently, she was on the bed with an air mask over her nose and mouth. She looked so angelic. My heart started beating fast. She opened her eyes and looked straight at me. I read her thoughts, she was definitely upset. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my heart.
"I'm so sorry."
She blinked thoroughly.
"I'm such an idiot, I didn't mean anything I said, I swear."
Tears were building up in her helpless puffy eyes.
"You broke a promise." She struggled saying as she sniffed, nearly choking on air.
"The rose? You burnt it. You said we were over for good."
"I didn't mean it! I realised I don't wanna live this life anymore. I feel stupid. When I'm with you, nothing else matters. You're the light that opens up my eyes and I'm begging you! Please forgive me!"
I cried. My heart hurt so much.
"You've done this with your own hands, you broke our bond."
"The rose?"
"The rose. Yes."
"Maybe the rose died, but my feelings didn't."
I couldn't speak through my pouring tears. I regret everything. My last hope was her. She could change me.

"I don't have long Justin."

What could YN mean?
Thank you all so much for the reads! I'm so thankful and I love you all!
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