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Justin's P.O.V

It's been a week since YN has stopped talking to me, she gathered all her clothes that were left around at my place and she also took Sally! I was kinda devastated but Chantel has taken my mind of things, but I've been so depressed. I didn't think she'd leave.

I was swimming with Ryan in my pool and we had cans of beer.

"Dude where's YN? Haven't seen her in so long." He asked getting out the pool and searching for his towel.

I gulped and looked down because I knew I had to tell him.

"She left." I managed to let out as a long sigh followed.

He gazed at me, wide eyed and crossed his arms.

"You've done it again."

"Done what?"

"Messed with her heart?"

"I'd never."

"You just did."


"You need to get her back dude. She means a lot to all of us." He explained, and I knew he was right.

"But I'm on tour."

"Don't let it get to your head Justin. Do what's right." And he turned and left to get food. I quickly took out my phone and saw a message, and to my surprise it was from YN. My eyes beamed at it and my whole face lit up.

I tapped it and it read;

From :YN To: Justin

"I'm tired of you ignoring me, I just wanna exactly do you feel about me?"

From: Justin To: YN


"I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I'm so in love with you that I can't stand it."


From: YN To: Justin

"You really mean it?"

From: Justin To: YN

"From the bottom of my heart...please're all that matters to me..."

From: YN To: Justin

"I don't know if I can trust you."

Tears started forming in my eyes as I read the last message.

From: Justin To: YN

"I know you can. I'll prove it."

From: YN To: Justin


I'll show you YN. I will.


YN's P.O.V

I was staying at Patties house as me and Justin weren't really talking, but he's changed. And I think he realises what he's done.

YN : "How? How will you prove it?"

Justin: "meet me later on the low ;)"

YN: "your house?"

Justin: "yup."

YN: "Justin there's no point in trying.. You're on tour.. And you have Chantel."

(I text broken hearted)

Justin: "I know. And I'm sorry for that. But she's just a friend."

YN: "like you called me your friend?"

Justin: "I didn't mean that.. I just didn't want tension between you two."

YN: "or is it because you're embarrassed to call me yours?"

Justin: "never."

YN: "I dunno J."

Justin: "I have nothing if I don't have you. I want nothing else but you and it sucks that there will be miles between us. But those miles mean nothing because when I think about you, I'm happy, and I'll not quit for someone who'll accompany me and that's it. We will beat this distance. I promise you. This is just a test."

My eyes started tearing up as I read his paragraph. He meant it, and I knew it because he wasn't trying to be flirty.. He was being himself, the Justin I fell in love with.

YN: " if you had to choose between me or breathing what would you choose?"

Justin: "I'd use my last breath to say I love you. But it's doesn't really matter because when I'm with you, you take my breath away."


I hopped into the shower, and then when I finished I grabbed a white t-shirt with a tiger on it, some grey sweats and low cut ankle boots in brown. I grabbed my keys and sped off to Justin's house to savour the last moments together.

I parked my car, got out and saw rose petals everywhere, from the front door leading onwards, like a trail. It was cute. As I got to the steps, I heard "nothing like us" in the background playing gently and I smiled trying to keep back my tears.

But suddenly, I felt a hard metal hit me across my face, as darkness lunged across the room.


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STUPID CHAPTER OMG! I'm so lost of ideas, someone please. -_- ANY SUGGESTIONS? IM PLANNING TO TAKE NOTES

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