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Justin's P.O.V

After a night of cuddling with YN, I wake up to a missed call from Scooter. I don't hesitate to call him back.

"Yo JB!"

To my surprise... It was Usher.

"Hey man what's up?" I smile to myself and turn towards YN only to realise that she was awake and staring at me in an angelic way. I leaned in and pecked her lips whilst listening to Usher giving me instructions.

"Listen.. So I know you're on a break and all.. But since you're in LA it would be great for you to do a show tonight cause this was meant to be your next stop anyway."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. This was meant to be my vacation where I get to spend time with YN and get everything ready for the wedding.. I'm not ready to go back to work.

"Okay sure." Was all I could say. Usher didn't take no for an answer especially when it came to concerts.

Don't get me wrong, my beliebers mean the world but I deserve a break. This was meant to be my time off, this whole year.. But I've agreed to do a world tour straight after the Believe tour.

I hung up the phone and studied YN's expression.

"Don't worry baby. It'll be fine." She said sweetly. I pulled her in for a cuddle as my heart started beating faster.

"Go get dressed. I'll come with you to your rehearsal." She said. At least she will be there.

I dressed in a pair of grey baggy sweats and a black oversized tshirt. I tied the laces on my black vans and put on some sunglasses. I really didn't care about my messy hair I just ran my fingers through it and VOILA.

YN on the other hand, walked in with a pair of blue skinny jeans,a grey jumper and pair of Nike Air 90's. She threw a bag over her shoulder, grabbed the keys to my white Lamborghini and linked her hand with mine.

Surprisingly, she drove today. I didn't want to let her because c'mon.. It's a Lamborghini.

*before show*

YN's P.O.V

I was watching Justin get ready for his appearance in tonight's concert. He looked so good in that
white suit, hair slicked back and a pair of sunglasses on. He looked fly. And I don't think anyone else could pull it off like he can. I kissed him good luck as he walked on stage. It was all dark until everyone was in place. Justin at the front and his dancers in the back scattered in a symmetrical pattern. Then lights beamed, as a single spotlight flickered around the room as confident began to play.

"Oh no no
Oh no no

Don't do it to me....."

I watched from backstage as Justin was dancing and singing on stage. Beliebers were so happy to see him back.

I unlocked my phone and tapped on twitter to see that Justin was trending worldwide. Instead of tapping it I tweeted.

" my love goes out to Beliebers for always sticking by JB. You're all wonderful.. "

Pattie retweeted it and answered.

"@(YN)(YLN) this family is amazing..#loyalty and #love you've come far @justinbieber. Love you both and see u soon :) xx"

I dropped my phone as a pair of arms grabbed me and led me on stage. Justin was singing All That Matters and wanted me to join him.

After that song was done, he had me sit down on a chair in the middle of the stage.

"What's going on Los Angeles?" Justin asked the crowd which burst into screams and squeals.

"Now as you might know... I'm actually on a break... But it feels so good to be back tonight..."

More eruptions of screaming "Justin"across the arena.

"But tonight is pretty important. I've got a really special performance for you guys. And for YN."

I shuddered at the sound of my name coming from his mouth as the fans started chanting J(YN) continuously.

His cute little giggle echoed from the speakers and my heart melt at the sound of it.

"You guys ready?"

He pulled up a chair next to me as a dancer brought flowers and handed them to Justin.

"So... Erm..." I saw him blushing and something unexpected happened.


"Guys I'm getting emotional...." He laughed it off as he wiped his eyes and the Beliebers screamed.

His eyes met mine and we just sat there looking at each other. His kind smile was stretched along his face as he didn't dare break the eye contact.

After a few minutes......

Music started playing...

And my stomach filled with butterflies as I turned to Justin yet again, to see him staring into my eyes and brining up a microphone to his lips....

"Every time our eyes meet... This feeling inside almost more than I can take.."

His sweet voice echoed around the arena as he continued serenading me. I could feel my cheeks reddening.. I just hope no one noticed.

"Baby when you touch me... I can feel how much you love me... And it just blows me away.."

He held my hand against his chest, and I could feel his steady heart beat which began to increase with ever line he sang.

"I've never been this close to anyone or anything..... I can hear your thoughts... I can see your dreams..."

That was it. I began crying and he gave me his hand and pulled me up. I hid my face in his chest as my eyes were flooded with tears.

"I don't know how you do what you do.. I'm so in love with you.. It just keeps getting better...I wanna spend the rest of my life... With you by my side.. Forever and ever.."

I couldn't handle it. He kept singing as he rubbed my back and the beliebers were just going crazy. If only they knew...... Justin. I love him so much.

"And every little thing that you do...Baby I'm amazed by you..."

He brought me away from his chest and looked at me. I could see the tears in his eyes which only made me cry more. He hugged me tight during this interval in the song and then brought the microphone to his lips again..


He finished the song and the lights dimmed out as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Baby I love you." He said without thinking that it would sound through the speakers. But I'm glad he said that into it..

Oh what this boy does to me..

How could you possibly not love him....

Can't wait to finally exchange vows.

"You've touched every place in my heart." I told him as he hugged me tighter.


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Ah boring chapter... But I didn't feel like posting the wedding chapter just yet. ;)

Please comment any ideas you may have.. :)

And I'm back guys :)

- Adelina :)

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