Happy Late Birthday Sally

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Happy Late Birthday Sally



I gasped and almost puked all of my food out. How is he already having a tour? He said he'll take a one year break, what a "lovely" surprise. (Sarcasm level 100)

"YN can we go????" Sally pleaded repeatedly. If it wasn't for her cuteness it would have been a straight no, but it's her late birthday treat, so she's got to be happy.

I nodded but a sigh followed after as I unlocked my iPhone to purchase the two tickets. Sally's never been to a concert, she's been backstage with me and been the OLLG once but never really got the experience to sit and watch from the Belieber's perspective. And we're sitting right next to the stage but I wish I didn't.

I picked up a now tired Sally, and carried her to my car as tons of paparazzi took pictures and asked questions.

"How's life without Justin?"

"Is this your baby?"

"How can you manage without Justin?"

Now that one really pissed me off. Being the bigger person, I simply flicked them off and didn't take notice. I placed Sally in the back seat, laying down in my range rover as I quickly got in the front. She dozed off but I turned the radio on as 'you are not alone' by Michael Jackson came on, which reminded me of me and Justin's first date when we were younger.. He took me to one on MJ's concerts and we had so much fun. We would sing along to the lyrics and dance together..

But now...

All of that is gone.

And I doubt it'll ever come back.

As soon as we reached my moms house, I picked Sally up and took her inside.

"Sally, wake up baby. It's bath time." I bathed her and plaited her hair after I dressed her in her purple leopard print onesie. I put her to bed in my old room. I haven't been in here for so long, it had my old pink doll house but it looked so empty and small. I kissed her goodnight and started packing. After, I looked for flight tickets and a hotel. I quickly purchased airplane tickets but couldn't find anywhere to stay.

I pulled my phone out and dialled Scooter cause he surely knows a guy.

He answered after the third ring.

Scooter: "Hello?"

YN: "Hey Scooter! Ermm listen.. I've bought Justin Bieber tickets for me and Sally as her late birthday present."

Scooter : "I swear you and him broke up?"

YN: "I swear you should shut up and listen!" We both laughed.

YN: "Anyway.. All the hotels are booked, so do you have any ideas of where we can stay?"

Scooter: "I have a cousin, he owns this house near the beach, but it's kind of on a cliff."

YN: "It's fine, we'll be there for a week anyway, gonna show Sally around."

Scooter: "Erm..YN, it's kind of a bad idea to come now."

My heart skipped a beat.

YN: "Why?" I asked him sounding heart broken.

Scooter: "look at his Instagram."

YN: "okay, hold on."

I put in my headphones so I can hear him clearer and so that my mom can't eavesdrop on our conversation. I tap on Instagram and search Justin up.

My heart stops.

I loose control.

My breathing gets heavier.

And then suddenly...



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Sorry I didn't update, had so many exams this week! And I have a school play "beauty and the beast" lame but yeah, probably cause I'm 15 I find it stupid. Out of all the cool musicals you pick this. Looooool. Anyway..

UNEXPECTED CHAPTERS COMING SOON! (Promise this isn't Justin's 'soon' lmao)

Love you all xx

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