You're All That Matters To Me

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"You're all that matters to me"

YN's P.O.V

He started travelling down the stage and then our eyes met. He froze but continued singing, his eyes were locked on mine as he strummed his guitar.

"Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go
'Cause I really wanna be alone
And baby nobody else gotta know
Just meet me later on the low"

Staring at me constantly, those dreamy eyes telling me that he's suffering. Sally threw her hands out towards him as he noticed and smiled. Several girls gawking at us in envy as Justin continued serenading me.

"So what I'm really trying to say is, and what I hope you understand
Is despite of all the imperfections of who I am I still wanna be your man
I know it hasn't been easy for us to talk with everyone being around
But this is, this is personal, this is for me and you
And I want you to know that I still love you
And I know the seasons may change
But sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain
But I'm under this umbrella and I'm calling your name
And you know I don't wanna lose that" (who else read that in his voice? LMAOO😂😂)

And that's when tears flooded his eyes, and his voice started trembling as he sang the last verse.
As soon as the song finished, the lights dimmed again.. And beliebers started screaming. Another video struck the screen, with Justin talking to Scooter.

Scooter: How'd you manage to keep yourself up?

Justin: I've learnt that when you are pushed to the bottom, you've got to turn your other cheek, and think positive, coz, you can't let them get to you, because.. That's what they want. They want to see you fall..

Scooter: How do you deal with all of these people telling you that you can't?

Justin: I turn my back, go in that direction and say 'Watch me'.

Scooter: And how about when it doesn't turn out right?"

Justin: well man.. I used to think about that.. But in the past she was there... And she changed me..

*dimmed lights*

A single spotlight shined on Justin at a piano. His eyes were closed as his beautiful voice sung:

"Girl, I'm ready, if you're ready, now
Ooh, is it ever gonna be?
If you're with it, then I'm with it, now
To accept all responsability
I'd go out of my way
To live by the words that you say
I don't wanna be the same

Maybe you could change me"

I placed my hand over my mouth as his voice shook suggesting his broken heart and that he's crying.

"Maybe you could be the light
That opens up my eyes
Make all my wrongs right
Change me, change me"

As the song came to an end he stood up and lifted a Rose up... I gasped and shook my head as Sally imitated all the Beliebers by screaming.

"Baby, you'll loose your voice!" I told her but she was having too much fun to consider what I said.

Then another video came on, showing Justin getting rowdy with the paparazzi, him going to jail, and several drug taking/ smoking and underage drinking attempts. Voice overs saying...

"Life... As a popstar... A teen idol sensation.. Justin Bieber arrested..." Etc etc...

Then another spotlight shined on him coming down the steps with a bouquet of roses in his hands, traveling to centre stage. Now we were close together.. His eyes met mine once again, and they didn't break contact once.

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