Apology by Death

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Apology By Death

YN's P.O.V

Before Chaz could finish his sentence Justin ran down the stairs with puffy eyes but smartly dressed in a black shirt with the top 2 buttons undone and a pair of jeans and a pair of supras. He had his tattooed arm covering his face as he exhaled deeply.

I stood up impatiently, grabbed his arm and led him to the front room and sat him on the couch.

"Wait here." I said as I returned to the kitchen and picked up his untouched plate of spaghetti and meatballs. I walked towards Justin as he licked his lips whilst I put his plate down on the coffee table. I set it out nicely and he thanked me through several interruptions of heavy breaths.

"You look beautiful YN." He whispered as I began to leave. I trotted towards him in my heels and sat beside him, watching him eat.

"I'm sorry about today.. This wasn't meant to end this way." He apologised.

"What do you mean?" I rose an eyebrow as I closed the space between us by shuffling closer to him on the white leather couch. He stuttered thoroughly but I could tell he didn't want to reply.

"Um.. I.... I...."

Then I heard a knock on the door. Lucky Justin.. I rushed to the door as I grabbed the door knob and revealed.....

"PATTIE?!" I exclaimed as I hugged her tightly. I nearly cried of happiness. Then I noticed Jazmyn and Jaxon standing behind her and I rushed towards them and picked them up whilst smothering them in kisses.

"Jazzy I've got a little girl here and she'll love to meet you!" I said happily. Then Sally ran in with her toys and exchanged glances with Jazmyn.

"Hi, I'm Sally! Nice to meet you!" Sally stated and they both ran up to Sally's bedroom and probably started playing whilst Jaxon ran behind them.

Pattie immediately walked into the front room and spotted Justin sitting away from everyone else.

"Justin? Baby what's wrong?" She sat beside him and he started crying in her arms. I could feel my heart beating faster and tears starting to form in my eyes. I take all the empty plates back in the kitchen and load the dish washer and then go back and sit down with the rest of the crew.

"Ah YN! I've got good news for you!" Scooter applauded.

"Eh.. Well at least something good will happen I hope." I folded my arms under my large chest and waited.

"I'm signing you!"

I gasped.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I cheered.

I got up and hugged him and then we talked through some business and how he wants my career to start developing.

------2 Days Later-------

YN's P.O.V

I escaped from Justin's grip this morning and entered the bathroom to have a shower and get changed. I put on some grey skinny jeans and a baggy black top. I styled it with 2 gold chains (which weren't as thick as Justin's 😝) and I tied my hair up in a high ponytail as I slicked it back. I applied some dark make up and dark red (nearly purple) lip gloss. I put on my black stilleto pumps and sprayed Justin's perfume on me. "The key"

I walked out the bathroom and Justin stared at me whilst biting his lip.

"Babe you look hot but please take off the make up." I frowned as his muscular arms tied around me. Then I heard a crash downstairs.

*more crashing*

I got up in a flash and so did Justin.

"What the fuck?" He whispered sharply and he picked up a gun.

"Stay here."

I nodded, sat on the bed and called the crew.

"Guys come on! Bring your weapons! Someone broke into our house!" I whispered into the phone. Then I heard a bang meaning someone shot. I grabbed another gun that was laying on the desk and walked outside, leaving my heels in the room.

Studying every room in Justin's house, most windows were smashed and broken into. I gasped and I rushed up to Sally's room avoiding stepping on broken glass. She was fine, sleeping peacefully in bed. I noticed the windows were untouched so I left her there, and locked the door.

Then I heard another bang.. And it was louder this time.

I rushed down the stairs and held up the gun walking forwards. Justin why do you have such a big house? Then I heard a click behind me.

"Drop the weapon whore."

The voice was so familiar.. Selena.

Then I could hear footsteps behind me.

"Oh hello Justin! Have you come to watch your girlfriend die?" She laughed. I watched her as I narrowed my eyes in disbelief.

Then 3 presses of the gun was all it took, I closed my eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It felt so real.. But then I opened my eyes surprisingly, and saw her staring at me but wide eyed and she dropped the gun. She was frozen. Then I was taken back at what she was looking at... So I followed her trail of thoughts, and her eye sight and looked down.

And there, beneath me.. Was a cold, frozen Justin looking back up at me.


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I cried okay?

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