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YN's P.O.V

We arrived back at the hotel Justin was staying at here in Miami and he figured he needed a break after this concert tonight. I was backstage with Scooter and Pattie supporting him.

Then Ryan walked in with a magazine, and the headline read. "Justin Bieber The Player. Watch out YN"

"Tmz will not give him a break. Oh my god." Pattie got frustrated as she read the article.

"What's it about?" I murmured as I felt a punch in my stomach.

"How he's been through 4 girls in a month and now you're back together."

"Wait what?! 4?"

"YN don't believe this rubbish, every single girl Justin hangs out with they assume it's his new girlfriend." Pattie explained as she realised I was getting annoyed.

"Well who did they name?" I was paranoid and angry. I really don't want people to believe this, it will make me look like a desperate human being and Justin's reputation could be ruined.

"Chantel, Caitlin, Selena and a mystery girl they say." She huffed.

"Oh for the love of God. Why don't they just leave him alone? As soon as me and him are happy something always pops up and ruins it." I cried.

Pattie rubbed my back and comforted me.

"That's why you don't believe it honey, I've been with Justin this whole month and I can assure you, he's only had one girlfriend which is Chantel, but they weren't serious about their relationship. Well at least he wasn't." She hugged me tight.

"I just want them to leave us alone." I cried on her shoulder.

"Don't we all? But there's nothing we can do unfortunately." Scooter said as he talked to Chaz and Sally on the phone.

Then suddenly my angel appeared from the stage wiping his forehead with a towel. The moment he saw me, he smiled and ran towards me, embracing my body in his arms as he lift me up and spun me around.

"I love you JayJay!!" I laughed.

"I love you more, and watch how I prove it." He held my hand and led me on stage. He sang All That Matters to me and had me sit on a chair.

"So guys! How many of you know this girl right here ey?" He asked the crowd.

The beliebers started screaming loudly and they chanted my name. I smiled, laughed and waved.

"Now we all know she's a big part of the family right?" They screamed again.

"You all love her right? I mean I love her like there's no tomorrow." He smiled as he said that causing my heart to beat fast.

"And music is the best way for me to express myself. But the next song, we wrote together. And this was before she joined the music industry. Basically, it's her song. So YN, sit tight, this ones for you." He smiled as everyone screamed and he looked out at the crowd, scanning over their faces as they were jumping up and down and almost crying of happiness.

"It's been said and done, every beautiful thoughts been already sung
And I guess right now here's another one, so your melody
Could play on and on..
With the rest of them..

You are beautiful, like a dream come alive

As he sung I had butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I watched him own the stage. He's amazing. And the best thing is... He's mine.

The concert ended as me and Justin drove back to the hotel.

"2 whole weeks together... No interruptions, no schedule. Just you and me." He said.

"I can't wait. Finally." I giggled as he climbed over me on the bed. He kissed me passionately.

"And the best thing is.. We're going on a trip. Just the two of us." He said in between each kiss.

"Where?" I asked smiling.

"Hawaii. You'll love it there. And we finally get some alone time. It will be relaxation and sun. And I'll make you feel special." He winked as he kissed me again.

"I love you baby," I said.

"I love you too. And I tend to love you forever."

He smiled at me and his eyes beamed with happiness.

Yup. We're back. And stronger than ever.

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