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Justin's P.O.V

She parted from him. Her face was bright red and surprised.

"Jay I can explain."

"You don't need to."

I rushed back to my car. I felt tears coming through but I held them back and disguised them with my sunglasses. I left her stranded, I felt bad, but how could she possibly do this to me? I mean I messed up before but we've sorted it, so it shouldn't be classified as revenge should it?

YN 's P.O.V

I froze. Looking around and noticing Ryan staring at the grass I bite my lip in depression.
"Ryan why did you kiss me?" I ask as I cross my arms. He didn't answer at first so I walked closer to him and repeated myself.
"RYAN?" I shouted.

"Because I love you YN. I always have but you've never realised it." I was paralysed by his words. I gasped and my eyes widened.
"But Rya-"

"I know, you wanna stay just friends, I totally get that." He sighed and turned away as he placed his hands in his pockets.


He looked at me with sad eyes. I could tell he was heartbroken but guilty of his actions. I hugged him as he placed his chin on my shoulder and rubbed my back.

"I can't." We parted and I rushed home, leaving him behind in the cold weather. Ignoring my parents, I hovered up the stairs into my bedroom. Something was missing, and I knew exactly what it was. He was here. And he took it. Laying down on my bed I unlock my phone. Tapping twitter I see some notifications and I tap that too to come to..


'Writing a new song, thanks for giving me the inspiration, tell the truth through music. #heartbreaker'


'I hope you're happy. #heartbreaker'

These mixed tweets man. When he does this my stomach turns as it could have so many meanings. This was a song about me. And I know it.

I quickly tweeted.

"Under the stars he took my hand and said..."

To which he replied without mentioning me.

"This is forever"

I kind of smiled. My stomach had butterflies and I felt great about myself. But the semantic field changed when I though that I wasn't with him. And it broke my heart.

Justin's P.O.V

Playing basketball shirtless after a session in the studio, I try to take my mind off things. I heard a knock on my front door so I quit the game. Running for the door I open it to see a puffy eyed YN standing in front of me.


She whispered.

"I'm so sorry."

I didn't answer. Instead I looked down and licked my lips.

"I've lost."

I looked at her confused.

"I've lost you and the baby."

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