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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE 105K+ READS! I'm so grateful and honoured to share my story with you. Hope you enjoy it because this is just the beginning! ;) #holdtight This will be hella rollercoaster ride.


YN's P.O.V

It's been three months since Justin got shot and he's starting to make progress. He can move around more freely now and his bandage finally came off. But there's one thing that actually breaks my heart every time that I think about it....

And that is that his smile is gone. And I don't blame him. So much has happened in these three months and I'm sure this isn't the end.

Everyday for the past month I've been receiving phone calls from blocked phone numbers in which no one spoke. It would be dead silent from the moment I answer. I haven't told Justin because he'll probably freak out or something and nobody wants that right now. He needs rest and peace, which he hasn't been getting much of in this time period.

Za, Ryan and Chaz were at Justin's house with me and we were trying to keep the media and fake rumours on the low by doing stupid interviews and answering all their dumb questions.

You're probably wondering where Twist is. Well.... Here's the story...


Justin was in his hospital bed, still weak and unable to move, me and the the crew were all there supporting him and keeping him company but then Twist rushed in, grabbed my waist and held a gun to my head and threatened Justin.

"Hey.. Oh well since bad boy JayJay is so poorly and weak he can't do anything to save his girlfriend now can he?" he mocked.

But Justin couldn't even tilt his head - it's like he was paralysed.

"C'mon Twist put the gun down homie. He's been through enough." Za said eagerly.

"Not a chance, she's coming with me."

Little did he know that Justin trained me to fight so I stepped on his foot, twisted his arm around and simply grabbed the gun out his hand and held it to HIS head.

"Am I Twist?" I mocked and then Za and Fredo took him outside as the others laughed.

End of flashback.

And we haven't seen him since.

I still get nightmares from the day Justin got shot. The blood and his pale face still haunt me today.

"Oh my god YN you have to see this!" My trail of thoughts were interrupted by Za shouting from the living room.

I hurried over to see him creasing on the floor while Ryan and Chaz were throwing food at each other.

"Guys this isn't funny." I huffed as I tidied up after them. They all looked awkwardly at each other and Za sniggered. I rolled my eyes as I heard thuds echo from the staircase. A sexy Justin walked towards me without a shirt on and just in grey sweatpants and you could see his white topman boxers underneath. He hugged me and kissed my cheek but something didn't seem right, he didn't even look at me.

He pushed his hands into his pockets and walked towards the boys.

"Hey guys." He said weakly as he sat down and exchanged glances with them. They nodded at him and also noticed that something's wrong.

"Um hey listen.. I've got a friend coming round later so don't make too much mess.. But who wants to play me in Black Ops?"

They all laughed and I could swear Justin broke into a smile which was a first in these 3 months.

Sally was sitting next to them, playing with her iPad that Justin bought her for going to the dentist. She was frightened to death that day.

I brought them snacks and drinks then I sat down next to Sally and started playing with her hair. I was in deep thought.. Why is Justin avoiding me? Have I done something wrong?

I got up and he looked at me for a split second and I could see something was up.

"Justin? Kitchen now." I ordered as he huffed and followed me.

"Okay... Spill it. What's wrong?" I questioned umpatiently.

He shrugged and let out a short. "Nothing."

But then his eyes travelled to the floor. I sighed loudly and then his eyes flickered back on to me. He could see it. The pain he caused me.


I grabbed a glass of water and walked to the door as I grabbed the handle and opened it to expose a wannabe barbie. I chuckled when I saw her but then I spotted her clothes, which kinda made me wonder something.

She had a short denim skirt on and a grey long sleeved belly top.

"And you are?" I asked as I leaned on the door taking sips of water in my mouth.


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Short chapter but gonna update two more times today guys! Gonna make it up to you all cause I missed a few days as I wasn't feeling well at all and I was really dizzy. Sorry guys. But I'm better now :)

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