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Justin's P.O.V (the next day)

We ate breakfast and hoped on my private jet. The Journals tour was in Miami next and I've asked Chantel to accompany me since it's her hometown. She's my girl now, since I've stopped speaking to YN, but I'm still hurting, she could've at least given me another chance. But that doesn't matter anymore, I'm not gonna pick up my phone anymore. She still stood me up right? She should be singing heartbreaker to me.

Chantel cradled on my lap and fell asleep as I started stroking her hair. I took out my phone from my pocket being careful so I don't wake her and logged into my Instagram. I notice all my beliebers sending me love and commenting on all my pictures. I really smiled for once. Then I go to her account. @(YN)(YLN) I see pictures of her in a studio, tagging
• "ideas. New Music coming soon with @scooterbraun "
• "it's a sad sad serenade"
Then there was a picture of her which caused me backing to my instincts. I miss her.

The jet landed and we travelled to the hotel. I rented a yellow Lamborghini and drove around town with Chantel blasting music and racing my best friend Khalil. I'll admit we were kind of high. I pressed down violently on the gas pedal as Chantel squealed and held tight. The tires skidded on the concrete as I pressured the acceleration, focusing on the obstacles in front of me.

Suddenly, I hear police sirens.


Chantel looked around and noticed them indicating for me to pull over. I did as told but then the motherfuckers told me to get out the car and pat me down.

"Do I look like I carry fucking weapons?"

"No sir. But we believe you're under the influence of drugs and alcohol."

"Oh so you could tell that from staring at my car and thinking ooh that's a nice Lamborghini let me stop the driver he's probably high."

"No sir, you were speeding."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Please sir, can I have your driving license?"

I sighed and brought out my wallet and introduced my license.

"Mr... Bieber?" They looked at me in relief and gasped.


"Um.. I'm afraid this has expired 6 months ago."


"Mr Bieber, you and your friends are under arrest for speeding, under the influence of alcohol and drugs and also due to the expiry of this license."

I huffed and turned away drawing circles with my tongue against the inside of my cheek as I put my hands in my pockets.

They handcuffed me and Khalil and pushed us into their cars.

"C'mon I have a concert tonight." I yelled feeling the anger building up inside my body.

"Yes. But you could've killed an innocent person Mr Bieber."

"Well no one got hurt so let me fucking go."

"You're arrested for DUI sir."

"I am pissing on your fucking laws."

YN's P.O.V

I was in the studio again with Scooter working on a new song. I was so happy that I finally am putting an album together and hopefully I'll go on tours. I logged into twitter to tweet the news when I saw some trends.


I knew it would happen. I'm not surprised. But then the thing that really pissed me off was the pictures of Chantel next to him. I saved the picture and tweeted it with "..." As a caption.

I'll fly out to see him soon, and knock some knowledge in his brain. Instead of soon.. Why not make it now?

I jump on his other private jet with Scooter and Pattie. She was crying endlessly at the news so I sang Be Alright and she calmed down a bit. I kept checking my phone for any updates and I showed them the video of Justin in court.

"How is Chantel not there?" I gasped. The video showed Khalil and Justin getting judged but that whore is nowhere to be seen.

I logged into twitter and tweeted

Which started trending in 5 minutes. Me, Pattie and Scooter laughed at the beliebers reactions. Even though they started sending death threats it was really funny. I ❤️ beliebers. They're so loyal & friendly.

I'm happy Justin isn't going to jail but this is his second criminal record already. Argh. I don't care. I love him and this won't get between us.

The jet landed in Miami as Scooter drove us to the court where Justin was at. Then I spotted him.. Crying in Jeremy's arms. I ran to him and when he saw me his face lit up and he picked me up and span me around.

"I missed you so much. I'm never going to leave you again." I told him whilst kissing his forehead. His puffy eyes breaking my heart as I wiped away his tears.

"Don't cry baby. It's gonna be alright."

"Are my beliebers still there?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes. And so am I." I answered as I hugged him.

"Where's Chantel?" When he said her name I swear I felt a punch in my stomach. I felt tears building up in my eyes but then he spoke again.

"So I could break up with her." My face lit up again and he hugged me as he smiled. Many beliebers were behind us, singing be alright, and he started crying on my shoulder again.

"I promise I'll never smoke again, and I mean it this time, I'm sorry YN. I love you, I hope you know that." He sobbed. My heart started beating faster.

"I love you too."

"But I still don't get why you stood me up on Valentines day." He looked at me in the eyes.

"I didn't, I was there. But then your stupid girlfriend decided that it was fine to knock me out and hide me in the boot of her car."

"Are you serious?'

"Yes, still have neck cramps to this day." I giggled.

"I'm so sorry."

"No I'm sorry, I should've told you earlier."

"No.. I'm wrong. Why the heck was I with Chantel?"

"To make me jealous?"

"Probably. But it only hurt me more."

"I love you Jay."

"I love you more."

And we sealed it with a kiss.


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