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Y/N's P.O.V

My mother gawked at me as she stood there before me, frozen.
"I'm sorry what?!" She repeated as she crossed her arms and glared at me confused. Justin stepped next to me and placed his arm around my waist.
"We're having a baby."

"You bloody-" she started marching towards him as she reached out and pushed Justin to the side. He grabbed her arms to stop her from swinging then she kneed him in the crotch. Justin descended to the ground in agony and pain. He bit his lip and groaned.
"Suits you right." My mom swirled around and smiled at my angered face.
"Why the fuck did you do that? Are you out of your mind?"
I rushed and kneeled next to Justin. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead.
"You're coming home YN." She demanded. A glare exploded her face, I had no choice but to obey.
I nodded and faced Justin. "I'll be back soon."

"Don't be too sure." Mom muttered.

We both entered the car and drove off to my old house. My dad's car was there, and he was leaning on it, as he was looking down. I got out the car and walked towards him, but he kept eyeing the floor.
He sighed.
"Is everything okay?"

"Listen kid... Um... You might not like what I have to say but.."

I looked at him. I was frozen waiting for a response but he didn't say a word. Not even a glance. He just stood there, leaning onto his car, speechless whilst biting his bottom lip. His nose twitched as I went and hugged him.
"Dad c'mon. Tell me. What's up?"

"We're leaving."

My face dropped. I repeated the words in my head.

"We're what?"





"To support you at your university. If there are any problems we'll be there for you."
He smiled and hugged me. He quickly realised that I didn't return the hug.
"I can't go."

"But you need edu-"
Before I let him finish, I ran..

Not looking behind me, I heard my dad call.

"YN! You can't run! Whatever you do! You're coming!"

He shouted dramatically. Breathing became harder as I dropped suddenly. My leg hurt badly.

A mysterious figure rushed towards me through the dark surrounding. The chilly air had no purpose anymore.

"YN. Be strong."


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