Justin's New Friend

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Justin's New Friend


I was leaning on the door taking sips of water.

"I'm Chantel. Justin's expecting me."

My eyes widened as she mentioned his name. Then out of nowhere Justin pops up behind me and smiles widely, and he never does this around me.

"Hey cutie!" He laughed as he hugged her. I felt punches in my stomach and I thought I was gonna be sick right there.

She kissed his cheek and laughed along and she noticed me staring so she smirked at me. THE NERVE.

I cleared my throat and Justin let go and started at me.

"Oh Erm... Chantel... This is YN." She fake smiled at me as Justin wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh YN?" He called. I thought he would invite me over but instead he asked if I could bring Chantel a drink. Oh I'll bring her a drink alright. Fucking bleach.

I gave her a can of coke and then immediately noticed her sitting on his lap.

"Justin what are you doing?!" I asked a rhetorical question but I was getting stressed. He gawked at me and mouthed 'be nice.'


Before I could say anything else, Chantel got up and asked.

"Erm.. JayJay? Who is she?" She asked him pointing at me.

Firstly, that's rude.. secondly you could've asked me who I was.. And thirdly, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCH? (RAGE MODE ACTIVATED 😂👏)

"Who YN?" Justin replied to which she nodded.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She asked again.

Before I could open my mouth up and reply, Justin quickly said....

"Nope.. We're just friends. Aren't we YN?"

Tears started to form in my eyes as I stood there watching the floor.

"Oh that's cool, so Justin, would you mind if we went out sometime?" She asked 'cutely' while pouting.

Here. Here I exploded.

"Fuck you Justin. And as for you Chantel, I hope you choke on something." I screamed and ran outside, unlocked my black Range Rover and drove away as my eyes spilled their tears. I couldn't stop crying, so my vision was blurry.

"FUCK!" I skidded off the road and brutally pressed down on the break pedal. I turned the car around and drove to Pattie's house as she always has the best advice.


I parked the car in her driveway as tons of paps lashed over me and snapped millions of photos. I yelled.

"Leave me the fuck alone."

I swear too much but I'm pissed.

I knock on the door and she quickly opens it and notices my puffy, red eyes.

"Baby! What happened?" She pulled me in for a hug.

"He broke my heart into a million pieces." I cried.

She quickly grabbed her phone and dialled Justin's number.

"Hello?" He answered thoroughly as Chantel's laugh echoed in the background.

"Is that YN in the background laughing?" She asked, trying to get an answer from him by acting like I'm not here.

"Yes." He said. LIAR.

Pattie's eyes widened and she looked at me with a horrified look to make sure she wasn't mistaken.

"I didn't raise you like this Justin." She said and Justin continued.

"Mom?? What have I done? CAN I NOT HAVE FUN WITH YN?" He continued lying.

"No Justin. You can't, because YN is here. She's with me, crying her eyes out."

There was a 2 minute pause and then Justin's line went dead.

Pattie turned towards me and hugged me as I cried in her arms.

"Don't worry.. I'll be here for you."

"But.. I don't understand.. He took three bullets for me and now he acts as if I'm not even around him." I cried.

She tightened her grip and tried calling Justin again.

But no one answered.

He doesn't care.


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