Chapter 2

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  I died laughing at this picture.
Hello my child. It said through my mind.
"What are you?" I asked curiously.
Are you not afraid child? It asked tilting its head.
"No I'm just curious about what you are." I said getting up.
You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. From the sound of it, it sounds like a man.
"Yes sir. The only thing about that is that if you are left in the dark about things then you become naive." I said.
You got me there child. He said nodding his head.
"Well what do you want with me? Well not to be rude."
I want you to work for me and better yet, be my daughter? He asked.
I raised a brow at him. "So you are saying you want to adopt me? I don't even know your name or better yet what you are."
I am Slenderman. You may call me Slender or Slendy. I am who I am. I am in charge of a group called the Creepypasta. This group consists of many serial killers. Not only that but many inhuman beings like your's truly. He explained.
"Alright Slendy. I like where this is heading. Tell me. What exactly does this group do?"
My proxies go out and kill. You seem to have to do so for survival. I know that you are a cannible. There is another back at my mansion. I-
I cut him off. "WOAH YOU HAVE A MANSION!?!?!?"
Yes. It's where all of my proxies and myself live. And you too if you will take my hand. He said extending an arm for me to take.
I thought for a moment and hesitated to give him my hand. Even if he didn't have a face, I felt as if he was smiling. I smiled back. In less then a blink of an eye we were in front of a huge mansion in the middle of the forest.
"So you know everything about me?" I asked Slendy.
Yes ma'am. I know about your childhood and your parents. He said.
"Oh I see them if you know that then you know my name."
Yes Okotte. Or should I say, BloodSplatter? I had a feeling he was smirking.
"Yes sir. But you can call me Okotte when we are alone. Call me Splatter when in front of the others." I explained as he opened the door to the mansion nodding.
ATTENTION!! EVERYONE DOWN TO LIVING ROOM NOW!!! He yelled. Soon about maybe 12 people ran down stairs.
Everyone introduce yourselves. He said.
A boy around my age (15) with pale white skin and long black hair with matching black eyes and a cut smile all the way to the ends of his face his eyes wide open. He was wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. He stepped forward.
"Hey, I'm Jeff. Jeff the Killer." He said stepping back.
The next boy was about the same age with a blue hoodie, black jeans, and a blue mask covering his face. Black ooze came from the eyes of the mask. Brown hair popes out of the front of his hoodie. His skin appeared to be a dark shade of gray.
"Hello, I'm Eyeless Jack. You can call me EJ for short." He said politely bowing and stepping back. That was cute.
The next boy was short and wearing a green shirt and brown shorts. He had blonde hair and his eyes were black with red pupils. He had an elven hat on over his hair and his ears were pointed.
"Sup! I'm BEN. BEN Drowned." He said titling his head up.
Next was a boy with an orange hoodie and blue jeans. His hood sent a shadow big enough to cover his face. All that I saw was his red glowing eyes and red frown.
"I'm Hoodie."
The boy next to him had a yellow hoodie and a white mask with black eyes and a smile painted on it. He also had blue jeans.
"Heya! I'm Masky." He smiled under his mask. I smiled back.
The next one was a clown with black and white strips down his sleeves and a black body. He was wearing black tights. His nose was pointy and his skin was gray. His hair was black, long, and messy.
"I'm Laughing Jack. Call me LJ. Here's a piece of candy." He smiled giving me a lollipop.
"Thank you." I said unwrapping it and popping it in my mouth.
The next person was a boy who twitched a lot. He was wearing a brown shirt and jeans. He also had a black and white striped mask covering his mouth. He had brown hair and brown eyes. In his brown hair he had a pair of yellow goggles.
"I-I'm T-T-Toby." He stuttered out. OMG he is so cute!!! I just wanna hug him!!!
Next was a girl around five wth long brown hair and a pink dress. She had blue eyes and was hugging a teddy bear.
"I-I'm Sally." She said shyly. I walked over to her and ruffled her hair making her giggle.
Next was another girl with white skin and a black dress and black leather boots. She had long black hair and black eyes.
"Jane." She said rolling her eyes. That ticked me off. I charged up to her and got up in her face.
"You wanna go Princess?!?!" I asked.
"Bring it Newbie!!" She yelled back.
OKOTTE!!! JANE!!! STOP NOW!!! Slendy yelled.
I scoffed and backed up. Next was another girl with dirty blonde hair and a blue eye and the other was a clock. She had a clock themed dress.
"I'm Clockswork. Call me Clocky." She smiled.
I smiled back. That was the last one. Then I heard barking, meowing, and...lightning bolt charges?
"Oh god. SMILEY!!! GRINNY!!! STOP MESSING WITH THAT STUPID RAT!!!" Jeff yelled running up the stairs.
"HEY WHO ARE YOU CALLING A STUPID RAT?!?!? BRVR IS A MOUSE!!!" BEN yelled running after Jeff.
I raised a brow. "What?"
"Smiley and Grinny is Jeff's pets. BRVR is BEN's Pokemon." EJ explained.
My eyes went wide. "A POKEMAN WHERE?!?!?" I yelled/asked.
"Come on I will show you." EJ said leading me upstairs. "What's your name anyway?"
"BloodSplatter. Call me Splatter though."
"Nice. Anyway, be careful when you go in there." He said stopping in front of a white door with red paint dripping down like blood.
"Alright. Why don't you come with me? You know, to protect me." I smirked.
"Sure why not?" He shrugged. He opened the door and there was Jeff holding back a cat and a dog, both with grins matching his. BEN was holding a Pikachu with matching eyes. (Black eyes and red pupils)
"Wait what?" BEN asked looking at EJ.
"You brought her up here?!?" Jeff yelled at EJ.
"She wanted to see BRVR." EJ shrugged.
"Whatever. Get her out before we get hurt." BEN demanded.
"Alright come on Splatt-" before he could finish his sentence I was tackled by Jeff's dog.

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