Part 10- The other OCs

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Okotte's POV
  So today I'm doing a bit of research in these OC's (yes the fourth wall has been broken) there were many of them. Some were half monster, most were like Jane, rip offs of Jeff. I kept going there was a website if some of the most famous OCs. There were a lot. They had pretty nice stories too. I saw a document saying that OCs will never be actual Creepypastas. I looked down. Maybe Liu and Jane are right. I'm not meant to be here.
"Splatter? Are you ok? What are you looking at?" I turned to see BEN at my door.
"Oh. Hey BEN. I was just- never mind." I said closing out of the website and closing my laptop.
"What's the matter?" He asked walking over to me.
"Nothing. Hey BEN? Do you think I'm going to make a good Pasta?" I asked as my vision got blurry.
"Why would you ask that?" BEN asked sitting on me. I'm sitting in my swerve desk chair.
"No reason. Just answer the question." I said trying not to cry.
He looked me in the eyes and put a hand on my cheek. "Like I told Sally, Slendy wouldn't have taken you in if you weren't good enough."
I smiled a bit and let one tear fall. "Thanks Benny. You're the best." I kissed his cheek in a friendly way and pushed him off me. I walked out of the room and went to hang with EJ. For some reason I've taken a liking to EJ. I don't know if it's love or if it's just that I just like being around him. I just shrug it off. Before I could get outside, my dad shows up in front of me.
"'Sup dad?"I ask shoving my hands in my pockets.
You know about the OCs right? He asked.
  "Yeah? Why?" I asked getting a bit nervous.
Raven is one of them. I want you and her to go and find me another one. Her name is Hope.Murder name Faceless Cat. She goes around killing people who abuse animals. Slendy explained.
"Alright. Description please." I said in the politest way possible.
Blonde hair,green eyes, pink cat ears and tail. Slendy said handing me a folder with a bunch of paper about this girl in it.
"Alright let me go get Raven." I said hugging Slender and teleporting to Dr. Smiley's room where he was fixing Raven. I knocked on the door to get his attention and they turned to me.
"Oh. Hello Splatter. What do you need?" Dr. Smiley asked.
"I need Raven. We're going out to get us an OC." I explained leaning on the wall.
"Alright." He turned to Raven, "be careful out there Doll." He said helping Raven up. Raven blushed and walked to me. I rolled my eyes and teleported us to the town where Faceless Cat lives. The town was painted red. I turned to Raven and she smiled. We walked around town in hopes to find her.
"So what's up with you and the doctor?" I asked her.
"O-Oh. Well I kinda have a crush on him. I don't know if he likes me though." Raven explained blushing.
"I see. You guys are pretty close yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah. He fixes me every night. I brake easily." She smiled.
"Wow. Seems like some cheesy romance story." I laughed.
"Well I think it's cute." She pouted then smirked. "What's with you and EJ?~"
"Me and EJ? Meh. It's natural I guess. I mean, I don't know if I like him like that but I like being around him." I shrugged.
"You're blushing~" she pointed out.
"I am?" I asked calmly. I didn't care if I was or wasn't.
"Yup. Anyway, let's find this-" a loud crash interrupted Raven. We ran to the sound and found a girl with a lollipop in her mouth and a knife.

  "Hello~ what are you doing in my little town?" She asked in an innocent voice

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  "Hello~ what are you doing in my little town?" She asked in an innocent voice.
  "Cut the crap. We're here to take you to the Slender Mansion. My dad wants you to be a Creepypasta." I said with a stern voice.
  "Oh. I see. Well I won't make a fuss about it. Let's go." She said trying to take charge and walk off but I used my magic to pick her up and face me.
  "Wrong way sweetheart." I smirked.
  "PUT ME DOWN!!!!" She yelled trying to break out.
  "Nah. I'm good." I turned to Raven and she rolled her eye. I sighed and dropped her. Like a cat, she landed in her feet.
  "Thank you. Now if you don't mind I want to get to this mansion as quickly as possible." She rolled her eyes.
"I see. Well let's go then." I snapped my fingers and we were back at the mansion. I walked to my father's office. "HEY DAD I GOT THAT OC YA WANTED!!!"
Good job my daughter. He said putting a head in my shoulder and I walked to EJ's room. I knocked on his door and he came to meet me at the door.
"Sup Splatter? I heard you went on your first mission." He said leaning on his door frame.
"Yeah. I got an OC." I said smiling like an idiot.
"Cool. Well me and Toby are playing a game. Wanna play?" He asked.
"Sure!" I exclaimed but before I could walk into his room my father yelled for all of us.
EVERYONE TO THE LIVING ROOM NOW!!! YOU TOO DR. SMILEY AND BLOODY PAINTER!!!! IT ALSO INCLUDES YOU RAVEN AND SPLATTER!!! My father yelled and we all walked to the living room. We got in a line and my father told us to introduce each other. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Faceless Cat.
"This is Jeff, BEN, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Jane, Toby, Lost Silver, Glitchy Red, Dr. Smiley, Bloody Painter, Sally, Clockswork, and Raven." I said pointing everyone out and guessed that the one person that I didn't know was Bloody Painter. He had a yellow mask with a black smiley face painted on it, a blue button up shirt with a small smiley face on the right and black jeans. "Eyeless Jack goes by EJ and Laughing Jack goes by LJ. I'm still just getting to know everyone but so far they're pretty awesome." I concluded and smiled at Jeff, BEN, EJ, and Toby. So far they are my best friends. Tomorrow I'm going to get to know Masky, Hoodie, and LJ. Then after that I'm getting to know Clockswork and Raven. Then ending it by hanging out with Red and Silver.
  Faceless Cat smiled and waved. "It's nice to meet you everyone."
  "Oh and I'm BloodSplatter by the way. Call me Splatter for short." I said extending my hand to her and she shook it.
  "Faceless Cat. Call me Cat."

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