57-Living With The Pastas

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Okotte's POV
I watched as dad and Anti had a bit of a stare off.
So what is it you need to talk about? Slender asked.
  "Well, its about me and my friend's safety. We're being hunted down and I hate to asked but can we stay here for a while? Plus my friend is sick and we both know that I can't take him to a normal hospital." Anti asked.
We don't have many rooms left we have one more room. I am saving it for two more Pastas. Slender said.
"But we will only be here for maybe a week. Please." Anti begged.
Slender thought for a moment and agreed. Both me and Anti walked out of the room.
"So...you're staying here for a while?" I asked.
"Yes ma'am." Anti nodded.
"Great. I mean that in both a good and a bad way." I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah right. You can't get enough of this~" Anti winked.
"Stop. I'm going to my room. See ya." I waved and left.
"Can I come with?" Anti asked.
"Why? Don't you get enough of me at school and what about Dark?" I asked.
"No and he's on his way."
"I thought you said he was sick." I asked confused.
"Well Dark is but his human body isn't." Anti explained.
"Then why didn't he come to school?" I crossed my arms.
"To let him heal. What? Do you think I would let my best friend come to school when he could be using that time healing up?"
"Whatever. I don't control you." I shrugged.
"Alright." Anti smiled.
  I shook my head and went to my room. I jumped onto my bed and laid down.
  "So what do you want to do?" Anti asked.
  "I don't care." I groaned.
  "Oh really now~" Anti smirked.
  "Yeah but if you touch me then I will end your life." I growled.
  "Heheh alright. I can still have my fun while not touching you." Anti giggled evilly.
  I closed my eyes and when I opened them, Anti was sitting on my desk.
  "What are you doing?" I asked.
  "Having fun~"
  "By doing what?" I asked looking at him confused.
  "Well I have your phone here and I'm just a looking through your text wth EJ." He smirked.
  "Oh ok......WAIT WHAT?!?!" I yelled.
  He smirked and got into my phone. I ran at him and tackled him to the floor.
  "GIVE IT BACK!!!" I growled and my right eye glowed red.
  Anti laughed. "I see I touched a nerve~"
  "Fuck you. Now give it back." I demanded.
  "Fine. Here-"
  "Hey Okotte! Cat and I were-" CC walked into the room.
  I looked at her. "Hey CC." I laughed nervously.
  "What are you doing?" CC asked.
  "It's not what it what it looks like if that's what you're implying."
  "Sure. You're pinning a boy to the floor and you're on top of him. May I ask why though?" CC asked crossing her arms.
  "He stole my phone." I said straightly.
  "Uh huh. Sure." CC rolled her eyes.
  "ITS TRUE!!" I yelled. "I'm not even interested in this flirt!!"
  "HEY IM RIGHT HERE!!!" Anti yelled.
  "SHUT IT!!" I yelled.
  "Whatever. Anyways, me and Cat were wondering if you would like to go back to the circus for a while." CC said.
  "Sure. Why not?" I said getting up and taking my phone from Anti. "Next time you take my phone, you won't have the pleasure of seeing me anymore."
  "Alright sweetheart." Anti winked.
  I rolled my eyes and grabbed my gray hoodie and walked out of my room with CC.
  "Ok what's up with you and that guy?" CC asked.
  "He's a flirt. That's all you need to know. There is nothing between us."
  "Alright. Well let's go!" CC cheered.
  I smiled. "Ok then. Where is Cat?"
  "In our room why?" CC asked as we walked to their room.
  "I'm too lazy to walk there. We're teleporting there." I yawned.
  "Fine." CC pouted as we reached their room. She opened the door and Cat was sitting on her bed.
  "Hey Bloody!" Cat waved.
  "Sup. So you ready to go?" I asked.
  "Yup! Let's get going!" She smiled and walked towards us.
  "Alrighty then." I smirked and placed my hands on their shoulders and teleporting to the circus.
  CC and Cat stumbled a bit, dizzy from the teleport.
  "You guys ok?" I asked.
  "Yeah just a bit dizzy. Next time, warn us before you teleport." Cat said leaning on me.
  "I did. I asked if you were ready." I said.
  "Smart ass." Cat growled.
  I smirked. "Better than being a dumb ass."
  "Come on guys!!!" CC giggled running around the circus wanting to play games.
  We spent the rest of the night playing carnival games and scaring kids that would hop the fence. It got fun for a while and we all got tired. We went to leave but then something wrapped around me, pulling me back. It was yellow string. As the string pulled me back onto my back,
I looked up at who was keeping me from leaving. It was a boy with long black hair and gray skin. His eyes were yellow. He was wearing a gray beanie and a black jacket and a gray hoodie along with black jeans and black Vans.
  "Who in the living hell are you?!" I asked growling.
  "Oh such language coming from such a pretty lady." The boy said in a monotone voice.
  "What's with these flirts lately girls?" I asked looking at CC and Cat who were both ready to fight. I looked back up at the boy. "So are you going to answer my question?"
  "First off, in not a flirt. Second, my name is The Puppeteer."

    "Well it was nice meeting you but if you don't mind I would like to go home now, so do me a solid and let me go

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    "Well it was nice meeting you but if you don't mind I would like to go home now, so do me a solid and let me go." I scoffed.
  "But where is the fun in that? I found myself a bed puppet and she already wants to run away." The Puppeteer fake cried.
  "I don't want to run away I just want to go home." I said struggling to get out of the strings.
  The Puppeteer moved his hand up. There were yellow strings coming from his fingers. As he moved his hand up, it forced me up too.
  "I thought we were having fun right here though." He said in his monotone voice.
  "Not for me. Now I know what Sally's dolls feel like." I laughed.
  "You seem to take this as a joke. Why is that?" He asked.
  "Oh just tired. Be thankful I'm tired or you would be dead where you stand." I said smirking.
  "Then prove it." He said with a blank face but I felt like he wanted to smirk.
  "Well you asked for it." I shrugged and used my magic to throw him across the floor.

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