Part 9- a vist in the night

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Jeff walked me back and I went straight to my room. I got dressed for bed in shorts and a tank top. I sat in the window seal. I smiled looking at the trees sway in the wind. Suddenly I was interrupted by a rock hitting my window. I opened the window and saw Liu. I rolled my eyes and teleported down next to him.
"What do you want Liu?" I asked coldly.
"Did Jeff convince you that I am bad? I'm not. I just want to make you happy. Take you away from the pain. Everywhere you go there is someone who always ruins it. Jane is ruining it here. If you take my hand then no one will ruin your happiness. Be smart here Okotte. Most of everyone in my house is a monster. Literally. Only me, you, and Dark Link are human. Everyone was an outcast. You, here you are nothing special. You're not the only cannible! Here you are not Slenderman's only daughter. You're not the only one who can teleport. You're nothing special. You're what we like to call an OC. If you take my hand you will be the only girl, the only cannible, you can be special with us. Please Okotte." Liu begged. He held out his hand for me to take. I sighed.
  "Look Liu, I would love to take up your offer but I want to get to know you more. I know I didn't do that with Slender but he offered me a home. He was the only person/thing that ever offered me a place to live. I shouldn't have let my curiosity take control of me. Let me get to know everyone here and I might take up your offer." I explained.
  He nodded and grabbed my hand kissing the top of it and leaving. I teleported back up to my room to be met with Jeff. He crossed his arms and gave me an angered look.
  "What were you doing outside?" He asked.
  "I was taking a breather. Sorry. I should've told you guys." I said lying through my teeth.
  "Alright. And next time, hide your eyes. Whenever you use your power your eyes glow a different color." Jeff pointed out. I turned to my mirror and lifted myself into the air. My left eye turned red and my right eye turned blue.
  "Nice~" I whispered to myself. I snapped and teleported downstairs to the kitchen. I looked in the refrigerator and remembered there is no human body parts in it. I sighed and snapped my fingers again but this time teleported to EJ's room. It was like 8:00am and we are all nocturnal soooo this is pretty late at night for us. I walked over to the fridge and toke a kidney. I ate it and heard EJ moan. I turned to him and he was awake. I quickly put the jar away and froze.
  "Splatter? What are you doing in my room?" EJ asked sleepily.
  "I got hungry. Sorry. I'll leave." I said and was about to snap my fingers again.
  "No, you're fine. Well today is my day with you so how about we go out?" He asked putting his hands behind his head.
  "What do you mean by go out?" I asked raising a brow but at the same time blushing a bit.
  "Like outside. Go hunting? What do you think I meant?" He asked smirking at me.
  "I don't know what your talking about.Shut up." I pouted.
  "Aw were you hoping that I meant it that way?" He teased.
  "No. Why would I? I just met you." I shrugged.
  "Heh. You got me there. Anyway, where do you want to sneak out to?" He asked. 
  "I don't know. Do you have a favorite spot?" I asked sitting on the floor.
  "Yeah. It's a bit far." EJ complained sitting up. He was in a dark blue tank top and gray sweatpants.
"I could get you there. It won't take long." I smirked then looked down. I'm still in black shorts and a red tank top. I blushed and looked away.
"Alright. I'm going in this because I'm too lazy to get dressed. Are you going in that?" He asked standing up and putting on his mask.
"O-oh I-I'm go-going to c-change." I said nervously. I snapped my fingers and teleported above my bed. I landed with a thud and flipped off the bed. Not like I put up the middle finger, like I literally flipped off the bed. I landed and changed into red and black jeans and I stayed in my red tank top cause why not. I snapped my fingers and teleported back to EJ.
"Ready?" I asked. He was sitting in his bed putting on his shoes then looked down at my bare feet. They were bruised, cut, and dirty.
"Why do you walk around barefooted?" He asked.
"Because I was raised without shoes." I shrugged. "I got used to it."
"Whatever. Put shoes on. I'm not letting you walk around like that."
"I don't have shoes." I said plainly.
"Then take a pair of mine. I don't care." He said walking to his closet and taking out a pair of black vans. I looked down at them and EJ told me to sit down. I did as I was told and sat in his bed. He put the shoes on my bare feet and tied the laces in a bow.
"There. Feel better?" He asked helping me up.
"Feels weird." I said moving my toes around.
"Yeah but you're not wearing socks with them. Well, how are we going to sneak out?" EJ ask.
"Magic!!!" I said. I hesitantly toke his hand. He jumped a bit by my actions put calmed down and went with it. I snapped my fingers and I teleported. We ended up next to a river in the middle of the forest.
"Nice short cut." EJ smirked climbing a tree behind us. I followed. I almost fell because my foot slipped and panicked and ended up teleporting to the top.
"Cheater!" EJ laughed.
"Shut up I panicked!" I yelled at him.
"I would've caught you!" He laughed again as he sat next to me on a branch.
"How could you catch me if I'm below you?" I asked.
"I have my ways." He chuckled.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. While we were out we killed 3 people and I fell asleep on EJ's shoulder a few times. We got our last kill and I jumped down grabbing the arm of my victim and ripped it off. I began eating it like normal people eat chicken wings. I watched as EJ cut out the kidney and heart. He gave me the heart. I toke it thanking him and eating it. He smiled and ate his share. After we finished eating we head back to the mansion. When we got back to EJ's room we heard banging. I followed EJ went into another room. There was a man with raven hair, red eyes, a white button up shirt, black jeans, and a white mouth mask with sharp teeth drawn on it.

He looked like he working on some robot on his bed

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He looked like he working on some robot on his bed. The robot say up. She had half blonde half silver hair, one eye was yellow and the other was blue. Her left arm was robotic, she was wearing a white dress with an orange scarf.

  "Here you go Raven dear

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  "Here you go Raven dear." The man said.
  "Thanks Smiley. You're a life saver." The girl said.
  "Anything for- oh! Why hello there Dr. EJ. What has you up this late in the morning?" The man who I suppose is Smiley asked.
  "Oh I was just hanging out with the newest Pasta. Splatter, this is Dr. Smiley. Dr. Smiley this is BloodSplatter. She goes by Splatter for short. Oh and the girl is Raven Soltice." EJ explained.
  "Hello. It's nice to meet you." I said waving.
  "Hello. I'm Raven as EJ said." Raven said shaking my hand.
  "Nice to have you here Ms. Splatter." Dr. Smiley said.
  "Thank you. Now if you excuse me, I must head to bed. I don't want Slenderp to chew my butt tonight. Sleep well." I said bowing then taking my leave. I walked up the stairs and to my room even though I could've teleported. I laid down in my bed not even changing out of my blood red stained clothes.

(Raven is darkmist02 's OC. I'm not making any spoilers but there will be more OCs.)

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