17- Feelings

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Last one on BloodSplatter:
I put the files under my mattress for now.

"EJ X Splatter f-for th-the w-win!!"
"Shut it Toby! Someone might hear!"

She likes me?

Still EJ's POV
  I sat in the floor thinking to myself. She likes me? Wow. I don't know how to feel about this. The last time I liked a girl she literally back stabbed me. Well I kinda have to thank her. I wouldn't be the way I am without her.
  "Hey EJ. What are you doing on the floor?" I looked up and it was Jeff.
  "Oh nothing. Just thinking." I replied pulling my legs to my chest.
  "Alright. Have fun." Jeff said leaving me alone. A few minuets later Toby came out of Splatter's room.
  "H-hey EJ." Toby waved.
  "Oh. Hey Tobias." I waved. I like calling him by his full name.
  "W-what are you d-doing o-out h-here?" He asked.
  "S-sure y-you a-are~ Y-you h-heard u-us didn't y-you?" Toby asked with a smirk under his mask.
  "What? No~" I lied.
  "Y-yes y-you did. I-if not t-then w-why are y-you h-here?" Toby asked.
  "To t-talk to Splatter." I shrugged.
  "Th-then g-go on i-in." Toby smiled. I raised a brow then got up and knocked on her door. I heard a slight "come in." I toke a deep breath then Toby pushed me in. I almost tripped but caught myself. I saw Splatter at her desk on her computer. She turned and faced me.
  Splatter's face turned pink. "Oh h-hey EJ." She stuttered.
  "Hey Splatter. W-what are you doing?" I mentally face palmed for stuttering.
  "Oh just hacking. BEN is teaching me." She smiled.
  "Oh. That's cool. Can I see?" I asked.
  "Yeah. Sure." She said. I walked over to her and she faced the computer.
  "So how does this work?" I asked leaning over her slightly breathing on her neck.
  "W-well there a-are c-certain apps y-you can u-use for this. L-like I h-have one th-that allows m-me to h-hack into someone else's computer." Her face turned a bit more red and I moved a bit to the side.
  "That's cool. So uh got anything planned for tonight?" I asked.
  "No. N-not really. Why?" She asked facing me. Our faces were a bit too close so I stood up straight.
  "Well I was going to ask you and some of the boys if you guys wanted to have a movie/anime night." I shrugged.
  The moment I said "anime" Splatter's face lit up. She jumped from her chair. "THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING HERE FOR?!?!? LETS GO!!!!" She yelled grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs. She tripped down the stairs causing me to fall to. (No this is not one of those cheesy/cliche romance moments) I fell down next to her and she was giggling. I smiled and chuckled. Suddenly Splatter stopped and screamed in pain I looked at her and Jane was stepping in her knee bending it backwards.
  "JANE GET OFF OF HER!!!" I yelled pushing her off Splatter.
  Jane fell to the floor and growled. "Why are you protecting her? She's just a wannabe just like the rest." Jane spat.
  "I'm protecting her because she's my friend!!" I yelled. A part of me wanted to say something else but I ignored it. (Oooohhhh friend zoned. It would've been worse if she was sister zoned. Or should I say it would've BEN worse 😝)
  Splatter groaned in pain. I crouched down beside her. "Splatter! Are you ok?"
  "Mhhhh I've been better." She weakly smiled reaching for her knee but it hurt for her to bend it so she could cradle it.
  "Hold onto me." I said picking her up bridle style and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I carried her to my room and laid her on my bed.
  "Thanks EJ." Splatter said wincing in pain.
  "No problem Splatter." I said walking to my drawers where I keep my doctor equipment. I took out a knee brace and set it besides Splatter.
  "Y-you don't have to call me Splatter you know." She smiled.
  I looked at her confused. "What else am I supposed to call you?" I asked as I kneeled down beside her.
  "Okotte. I told Slender that only he could call me that only when we are alone but, you've gained my trust. Call me Okotte." She smiled.
  "Why Okotte?" I asked.
  "It's my real name." She closed her eyes.
  "Oh well then you can call me Jack." I smiled. She giggled and looked at her leg. I put my hand over it. "May I?"
  She nodded and grabbed onto my other hand. My face turned red again. Why does this keep on happening? I shook my head and went back to Splatter's leg. I slid my hand out from her's and put it under her knee. I carefully bent it back in place and she screamed. I grabbed onto her hand. She squeezed my hand tightly. After a while she calmed down.
  "You ok?" I asked sitting next to her not letting go of her hand.
  "Yeah. Thanks Jack. You're the best." She smiled as a tear fell from her eye.
  I wiped it away with my thumb. "Heh. You're welcome." She looked down at our hands and looked away quickly blushing. "Want me to let go?"
  She seemed a bit taken back from my question. She mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't hear it.
  "Huh? I didn't hear you?" I felt my face heat up. Is there something wrong with my face?
  "Uh n-no." She said quietly. I smiled and nodded. After a few minutes of comfortable silence I remembered that I still have to put the brace on her knee.
  "Hey uh I gotta put the knee brace on heh." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
  "Oh! Uh yeah. S-sorry." She said slipping her hand from mine. I grabbed the brace and wrapped it around her leg.
  "There you go. It should be healed by at least two weeks." I smiled.
  "Thanks Jack. Well uh I better go. See ya." She said getting up and limping to me,kissing my cheek and leaving. What just happened?

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