59- Waking Up

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I heard whispering as I slowly woke up. I opened my eyes(?) and saw Raven, CC, and Cat in my room.
"Good morning girls. What are you doing in my room?" I asked yawning.
"Well we were looking for Okotte to see if she was awake but it seems like she's still asleep." CC giggled.
I looked at Okotte who was still under my arm, she was holding onto my shirt. I smiled gently.
"You guys are so cute~ Let's just hope Slender doesn't see~" Raven cooed.
I froze. "Crap. I forgot all about Slender."
"Oooooh EJ is going to be in trouble." CC giggled.
I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, let's just wait for her to wake up. She needs her rest."
"Alright. Just call us when she wakes." Cat nodded.
"Ok." I nodded back.
"Thanks EJ. See ya." Cat smiled and the girls walked out of my room.
I sighed and looked at Okotte. She was clinging onto me like she was scared. She must be having a nightmare.
I smiled and kissed her head and her grip on my shirt loosened. I was shocked that actually worked.
I waited about ten minutes and she groaned sleepily. She hugged me then sat up.
  "Good morning EJ." She smiled.
  "Morning." I replied stretching.
  "How long have you've been up?" She asked.
  "Since CC, Raven, and Cat came in my room looking for you." I replied putting my hands behind my head.
  "Ah. I see. I'm sorry to have kept you here." She apologized.
  "It's ok. Not like I don't do that normally." I shrugged.
  She nodded. She tried to get up but she quickly sat back down holding her stomach.
  "You ok? Do you need something to eat, a pill, a glass of water?" I asked sitting up.
  "Some food and a pill if you don't mind." She weakly smiled.
  "Alright. Hold on." I said getting up and getting her another pill and a kidney.
  "Thanks." She smiled and toke the pill and toke a bite from the kidney.
  "No problem." I smiled sitting on the bed beside her. "How did you sleep?"
  "Alright. I had a nightmare but it went away." She shrugged.
  I lightly blushed. "Heh yeah I noticed."
  "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked.
  "Nothing. Anyway, I'll let you eat. You need it. The kids at school have started asking questions. You need to stop hurting yourself." I sad worried.
  "Sorry. I can't help it. It's Karma. Karma hates me. It's all because I was born!" She cried.
  I hugged her. "No. Its not your fault. It's just your always in the wrong place at the wrong time."
  She hugged back and kept her face barrier into my chest. I smiled.
  EJ!!!! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!?! I heard Slender yell.
  "With me Slender don't worry." I sighed. Okotte looked up at me. "Your dad is wanting to know where you are."
  She nodded and went back to her original position. Slender ended up teleporting to the room. Okotte didn't move.
  Okotte. What are you doing? Slender asked.
  "Hugging EJ. What does it look like?" She asked hugging me tighter. I just held onto her.
  Come upstairs. It's time to eat. Slender said sternly.
  "Alright." She whined letting me go and trying to get up but her stomach hurt again. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to the table.
  I saw everyone plus four more. Antisepticeye, Darkiplier, Jason the ToyMaker, and the Puppeteer or as we all call them Anti, Dark, Jason, and Puppet.
  "Good morning you two~" Anti teased as I sat Okotte down in a chair next to me.
  "Morning Anti." She said emotionlessly.
  "I heard about what you two did~ How cute~" He continued.
  "What? I asked for him to sleep with me in the same bed that I stole from him and he kindly agreed like a good friend." She said.
  "Just a friend~?" Anti asked.
  "Nah. Who said I'm her friend?" I asked.
  "Oh. I uh..." Okotte looked upset. I smirked.
  "We both know I'm more than that." I winked at her.
  She rolled her eye but smiled nonetheless. "You boys are getting in my nerves with all this flirting."
  "Is this a bad time for me to jump in the conversation then?" BEN asked. We all laughed. We had our own little talks around the table as we ate.
  When Okotte finished, I toke her up to her room. She fell back to sleep and I left the room.
  "Hey EJ! Do you mind if we talk?" Anti asked as he was walking my direction.
  "Sure. What's up?" I asked.
  "It's about Splatter and the other OCs." Anti said.
  "Alright. What about them?"
  "Their like me. Well like me and Dark. They either have a twin or split personality." Anti started to explain.
  "What does that mean?" I gave him a confused look.
  "It means not all of them are killers. To explain this simply, they either have a twin or a split personality who is actually good and innocent. I'm not sure who has what yet but I know they have them." Anti explained.
  "So you're saying there are parts of the girls that aren't killers? Yeah I can see that." I nodded.
  "This is to be taken seriously. We need to find out what they have or they could get worse. I need you help though. Dark is in on it also."
  "Alright. I will help. As long as you keep the girls out of it." (No CC you cannot use Nina or Rebecca to find it this information. No cheating! That goes for you too Raven and Cat. Don't try to find this out or it will mess up the story.)
  "Fine." Anti agreed.
  "Great. Now where do we start?" I asked with a smirk.

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