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Raven's POV
  I woke up in a cell with Cat and CC. We sat down for a while until we heard two voices start talking.
  "I can't believe that stupid mutt!!! He left us in the middle of a battle!!!" One voice said.
  "Maybe it was for the best. He never did anything anyways!" The other complained.
  "True. We're probably best off with out him."
  Cat was twitching at this point. The moment one of them said "mutt" it began ticking her off. She gripped the bars as if she was going to rip them from the ground.
  "ẘнø ∀яε ¥øʊ  ḉ∀ʟʟḯηℊ ∀
﹩⊥ʊ℘ḯ∂ ღʊ⊥⊥?!?!?" She yelled with her voice sounding demonic.
  The two voices came towards us. The two voices ended up being the ones and only Sonic.exe and Tail's Doll.
  "SeedEater. Why do you care?" Sonic.exe scoffed.
  "Oh he's in for it now. Raven, back up." CC said backing away from Cat.
  "Awww the neko actually cares for him~ HES USELESS!! HE NEVER DID ANYTHING WHEN HE WAS HERE!!!" Sonic.exe growled.
  Cat started twitching furiously. She's gonna blow.
  Cat bent the bars. "⊥∀ḱε ḯ⊥ ♭∀ḉḱ!!!!! ﹩εε∂ ḯ﹩ ∀η ∀ღ∀ℨḯηℊ ḉøღ℘∀ηḯøη!!!!!"
  "Wow. You seem pissed." Sonic.exe teased.
  "нε ∂ḯ∂η'⊥ ∂ø ∀η¥⊥нḯηℊ ♭εḉ∀ʊ﹩ε ¥øʊ ⊥øøḱ нḯღ ḟяøღ εʝ!!!!" Cat yelled.
  "I don't understand how someone can eat their own kind like that. Now that's a true monster right there." Tails said.
  That made all of us furious knowing Splatter does the same.
  "⊥∀ḱε ⊥н∀⊥ ♭∀ḉḱ!!!" We all yelled.
  "What? You all got a little crush on him like that other girl did?" Sonic.exe asked.
  "¥-¥øʊ ⊥-⊥∀ḱε ḯ⊥ ♭∀ḉḱ. ø-øʊя ♭ε﹩⊥ ḟ-ḟяʊεη∂ ∂-∂øε﹩ ⊥нε ﹩∀ღε ⊥нḯηℊ!!!!" I said as my circuits started sparking.
  "Oh really? Their both monsters then." He smirked.
  "You're absolutely right. I am a monster." A all too familiar voice said from the other side of the hall. Suddenly a red aura covered the two and they were thrown against wall. Foot steps were heard as they slowly got louder. "You have quiet a tongue don't you Sonic? You should really learn to keep that mouth of your's shut before I cut your tongue off faster than you can run." She growled.
  "Oh Tails! Look it's the infamous BloodSplatter!! What are you going to do?" He growled.
  Splatter stepped in front of our cell. "First, I'm going to murder the crap out of you for locking my friends in a cell like dogs, trash talking about Seed, and CALLING EJ A MONSTER!!!!!" She yelled as the red magic aura squeezed the two. "I was going to spare your lives but now that you called him a monster, I don't think so."

WARNING ⚠️!!! BLOOD AND GORE UP A HEAD!!! I will bold the letters when it's done that way you don't skip too much if you don't like gore.

  Splatter smirked as she held her hand out. Her fingers open the
she slowly closed them. She started humming "pop goes the weasel". She closed her fingers as she got closer to the end. She stopped when she got to "POP goes the weasel" and she closed her fingers into a fist and Sonic.exe and Tail's Doll exploded. Their blood covered the wall and it even got on her. Blood dripped from the ceiling and organs were everywhere. Two piles of skin and fur were left behind.
  She made her lips pop. "Goes the weasel." She said smirked. She walked over to the wall. "Hey guys look! I'm on the wall~"
  We were all shocked. We have never seen this side of her. She was twitching and her eyes were red and blue. They weren't flaming as usual.
  "Damn." Is all we could say. Splatter giggled.

GORE IS DONE!!!! You're safe now!

  "Why thank you." She winked. Suddenly she went serious. "Let's get you out." She said as she broke the lock with her magic. Along with breaking the lock she opened the cell door. We all ran to her hugging her.
  "How did you find us?" Cat asked.
  "Long story." She smiled hugging back.
  "I thought you were hurt!!" CC exclaimed.
  "Fast healer." She shrugged.
  "No you're not." CC said.
  "Fine. I'll tell you guys later but for now let's go." Splatter said letting us go and walking down the hall. We followed her.

~~~Before Splatter got there.

Okotte's POV
  After showing everyone I'm ok, I suggested we got out in teams to find them. Slender disagreed and said we should all go as one group. I shrugged and let it happen. I snuck away and grabbed Seed.
  "Seed. Follow me." I whispered. He nodded and followed me. I brought him to CC and Cat's room. I had one of Raven's scarfs in my pocket. I grabbed Cat's cat blanket and CC's ribbon. "Let's go." I said climbing on his back and teleporting outside. I held out the three items for him to sniff and he did and started following the sent.
  Seed brought us to Zalgo's. I looked around as Seed laid close to the ground. He started growling. I pet his head.
  "It's ok Seed. You don't have to go in." I said climbing off him. He nuzzled my back with his nose as I got off. I giggled lightly. "Don't worry. I'll be back soon. Now what would Zalgo want with my girls?" I said muttering the last sentence. I walked around and finally snuck inside.
  As I walked inside I saw the Rake guarding the door to the dungeon where they kept me. I growled lowly. I saw a case and used my magic to knock it over so he would be distracted. He noticed and walked toward the broken vase. Heh oldest trick in the book. With that thought I ran over and heard two voices. They started talking smack about Seed then I heard Cat trying to defend him. I smiled to myself. I was about to walk down there but then I heard a second voice say that EJ was a monster for being a cannible. Suddenly all three of the girls talked at once yelling for him to take it back because I was a cannible too. I growled and walked in.
  "Oh really then? They are both monsters!" He scoffed.
  "You're absolutely right. I am a monster." I said with a smirk.

~~~~~~~~~back to the present

  CC's POV
  As we followed Bloody up out of dungeon, I couldn't help but replay what she just did. Wow. She snapped. More like popped. I wonder what set her off. Does she regret what she did?
  "CC, keep up. I'm trying to get out of here as fast as possible. If you didn't see, I just killed two of Zalgo's proxies he's going to be furious when he finds out so let's pick up the pace shall we." Bloody said.
  "Oh sorry Boss~Chan!" I smiled and caught up with them. As we were about to leave the ground shook. Bloody looked around and her red magic surrounded me, Cat and Raven.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Raven asked.
  "Zalgo's on his way. I can't afford losing you guys." She said emotionlessly.
  "You can live without me. Tell Dad where I am. I'll see ya later." She growled as she teleported us home.

Okotte's POV
  As I teleported them away Zalgo came into the room.
  "ẘнø н∀∂ ⊥нε ℊʊ⊥﹩ ⊥ø ḱḯʟʟ ღ¥ ℘яø✖ḯε﹩?" He growled.
  "I did. Before this place becomes a blood bath, tell me, why did you take MY girls?" I growled.
  He looked down at me. "¥øʊ ∀η∂ ⊥нεღ  н∀ṽε ∀ ℊøø∂ ﹩ḯ∂ε. ḯ ẘ∀η⊥ε∂ ⊥ø ∂ε﹩⊥яø¥ ⊥нεღ ∀η∂ ღ∀ḱε ⊥нεღ ღ¥ ℘яø✖ḯε﹩. ♭ʊ⊥ ηøẘ ⊥н∀⊥ ⊥нε¥ ∀яε ℊøηε ∀η∂ ¥øʊ ḱḯʟʟε∂ ⊥ẘø øḟ ღḯηε ¥øʊ ηεε∂ ⊥ø ℘∀¥ ⊥нε ℘яḯḉε." He said.
  "How did you know? How didn't you know about the good part of us?" I asked.
  "I told him." I looked to the right and there was a boy there with black eyes and white hair. He had pointed horns on his head and sharp teeth.

  STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!! I heard Tanoshī yell

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  STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!! I heard Tanoshī yell.
Huh? Why not? I asked.
Not that I don't like you but why is that a big deal?
Because!!! If he turns me from you......then you'll be nothing but insanity. You will kill everyone without a second thought and......you won't be able to feel love or mercy to anyone ever again.

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