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    I was in Sally and my room. I hid under covers to my bed. I realized that I still had makeup on and I was ruining it. I uncovered my head from my blankets and someone came in. It was EJ. I hid my face again.
"Hey Splatter. You ok?" He asked closing the door.
"*sniffle* heh yeah." I replied from under my sheets.
"Come out." EJ said sitting on my bed.
"Nah. I'm good under here." I said hugging my knees and hiding my face in my legs.
"Please. I didn't get a good look at your makeup." He said. My eyes widened.
"W-what? Didn't you see it when I came down stairs?" I asked.
"No. So come on out." He said.
"I messed up my makeup. I probably look ugly." I said disappointed.
"Oh I see." He said. I felt him get up. I was confused then I was picked up. EJ toke me to the bathroom and sat me the counter. He got a piece of toilet paper and got it wet. He started wiping away the makeup. I smiled.
"Thanks EJ." I giggled.
"No problem." He said still wiping the makeup away. I stared at his mask. I wonder what he looks like under the mask. I thought.
"You ok Splatter?" EJ asked.
"Yeah. I'm good." I said shaking off the thought. He probably wears it for a reason.
"I know what you are thinking." He said. I felt as if he was smirking under his mask.
"And what is that mister mind reader?" I asked smiling.
"You want to see what's under the mask. Huh?" He asked.
My eyes went wide. "Wow. Good job."
"I get that look all the time. I got it when I first became a Pasta. Everyone wanted to see. I did end up showing them." He explained.
I put my hand on his mask. I smiled.
"Go ahead."
"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.
"Take it off. Go ahead." He said. I felt like he was smiling.
I smiled and wrapped my fingers around the edge of his mask and lifted it. I placed it on his head making his hood fall off. His skin was dark gray and, like his mask, he had black ooze coming from his eyes. More like where his eyes should be. Like in his name, he didn't have any eyes. His eye sockets were black. Nothing but black. He smiled showing his sharp teeth. I grabbed the piece of toilet paper he used to wipe my makeup away and wiped the black ooze from his eyes. He smiled.
"There. All better." I smiled.
"You're not scared?" He asked.
"No. I've seen messed up dead bodies worse then you. And you don't even look that bad." I smiled. He was silent for a bit.
  "What happened downstairs?" He asked.
  I was silent and I looked away. "My parents abused me."
  "I don't know. Probably because I'm a bad person." I said shrugging.
  EJ placed a hand on my shoulder. "We all are. We're murders. We do it for fun too. So, you're not alone in this one."
  I smiled lightly. I hugged EJ tightly."Thanks."
"No problem. If you want, I could get BEN and Jeff and we can go kill Jane together." EJ suggested.
"Heh. Nah I'm good. I want to play some video games, come on." I said jumping off the counter and walking out with EJ following behind. I walked next door and saw BEN and Sally. Sally was playing with BRVR and BEN was playing COD.
"Yo BEN. Can I play?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Sure. EJ, wanna play too? I can get Jeff to join too." BEN suggested.
"Yeah. Bring it Shorty!" I yelled pumped up.
"HEY!!! I'm not that short!!" BEN pouted.
"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor next to him. EJ say next to me and when Jeff came in he sat next to BEN. After a while I laid down on BENs lap and put my feet on EJ.
"You guys are comfortable." I smiled and continued to kill some online players.
"That's nice." BEN said too busy with game. I saw BEN's aviator and head shot him. "DANG IT SPLATTER!!"
"Nice one." Jeff said. I jumped from one of the houses and found EJ. I held him at gun point.
"Splatter. I thought we were friends." EJ said nervously.
"Out of amo and being held at gun point. This is fun." I smirked then shot him. "Oops my finger slipped."
  "Nah I'd rather be nailed. " I smirked.
  "Ooooooooooohhhh!!!!" Jeff and BEN yelled.
  "Whatever." EJ scoffed.
  "You mad bruh?" I asked.
  "This is going to be a great night." EJ said sarcastically.
"Yup." I said smiling at him. "So wanna play a game while playing a game?"
  "Sure. What kind of game?" Jeff asked.
  "I think I a subject and we each take turns saying something funny about the subject." I explained.
  "Alright. What's the subject?" He asked.
  "Comebacks because they are funny." BEN said.
  "Alright. Jeff insult me." I smirked.
"Your ugly?" He said confused.
"Good because I was trying to look like you today." I said with a straight face.
"Nice one."EJ smiled.
  "Oh and Splatter I'm not short I'm fun sized." BEN said trying to shoot my character but I dodged.
"Dude BRVR is taller than you." Jeff said.
"Yeah he got you there." EJ said.

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