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Okotte's POV
  I wiped the blood from my mouth and stood up. I looked at CC and Hope. Hope was covered head to toe in blood and CC was no where to be found. I raised a brow and looked down at myself. Like my name, there was blood splatters over my jacket. I sighed.
  "Hey uh Hope. You know where CC is?" I asked. She shrugged. I looked off to the left and saw a little room with a trail of red leading to it. Well I know where she went. Due to my laziness, I teleported to the door way. CC was......cutting him up and putting his limbs in a bag. I raised a brow.
"Uh...CC. What are you doing?" I asked.
She jumped and looked at me. "Oh. Just...you know. Saving it."
I gave her a confused look. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm half cannible."
I opened my mouth and mouthed "ooooh" while putting my finger up. I shook my head and smiled.
"Yeah. I eat candy and you know what." She smiled.
"I get it. Well, do you mind saving me some. I eat it raw and straight up. I don't like having left overs." I smirked.
"I see. Don't worry. I will." She giggled. I nodded and headed back to Hope.
"So back to business. This seems like a perfect base. What do you think?"I asked.
"You're the leader here. I think it's great. Just a few homely touches here and there and places to sleep." She shrugged.
I froze when she said "leader". "What? Me? The leader? Heh yeah I came up with the idea of this group. You came up with the name." I pointed out.
"Well yeah. Makes sense." She shrugged.
"Who voted me leader? I never considered myself leader."
"I don't know who voted you leader."
"See. I'm not leader. Anyone but me. If I toke that position I would feel selfish. No one had an opinion in that. If I toke it when everyone voted for it then it would be ok." I shoved my hands in my pocket.
"Ok then. YO CC!!! GET IN HERE!!!" She yelled and CC came out.
"What? I'm doing something important here." She asked.
"Do you want Bloody to be leader?" She asked with a smirk. I glared at her.
"YEAH! It was her idea and having her be leader will be fun!!" She smiled.
I made a what I like to call a "Frisk Face" because of a character from UnderTale. Too lazy to explain. Look up Frisk UnderTale on Google and you will understand. Basically I closed my eyes and a straight mouth.
  "Well then. That concludes it. You're leader. Unless you want to ask Raven." Hope smirked.
  "No. I'm good." I growled. I don't like being stood up. Seems a bit bitter and crude. I'm just filled with bad traits. Everyone keeps saying that I'm nice and pretty and smart. I'm not. Im ugly and stupid and mean and stubborn and creepy and selfish and  can keep going but I'm going to stop here.
  I walked out of the tent and saw the carousel. I've never been to a carnival or circus before. As you can probably tell I did NOT have a good childhood. I sighed and looked around to make sure no one was looking. I smiled and jumped onto one of the horses. I sat on it and giggled. This would be a lot funner if it was moving.
  "Look sis. There is someone on our territory~" I heard a girl coo. I raised a brow.
  "Would you look at that. She seems like she's been through a lot sis. Look at her hoodie~" the other one replied.
  I began to growl. "Show your selfs! I don't like to play games!!"
  "But...but we do~" one of them giggled.
  "FINE THEN!!!" I yelled and my eyes began glowing. I wanted to have a bit of fun so I looked down.
  "She seems mad sis. Let's come and met her~" a girl with pink hair and pink eyes came out. She had her hair down and wearing a brown spaghetti strap dress. She was bear footed.
  "Ok!" The other one came out. They were twins. Same pink hair and eyes. This one was wearing the same dress but white. She also had two braids that met in the back.

  "Awww she's pretty!" The one in white smiled

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  "Awww she's pretty!" The one in white smiled.
  "Yeah but you know what we do with trespassers~" the other one had a devilish smirk.
  "Can we keep this one?PLEASE?!?!" The other one begged with a scary smile. I "tsk"-ed. They looked at me and I began giggling like a maniac.
  "Oh she's crazy. Score. Fine. We can keep this one." The one in brown said.
  "You can't tie me down." I smirked and looked up showing my glowing eyes. They were taken back. "Hi! I'm BloodSplatter..." I tilted my head and twitched. "You can be me too~"
  The one in white began crying. She's too sweet for this world. The one in brown step forward. The one in white fell to the floor and reached up her leg revealing a knife. She threw it at me and I dodged using my magic. They looked at me astounded. I used my magic again and picked them up by the throat.
  "Still wanna keep me?"

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