51-We're Going In

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Sorry again guys. My parents toke us to some carnival thing and didn't get home till late last night.
Okotte's POV
I woke up under SeedEater's head. He must have cuddled next to me when I fell asleep.
I smiled and pet SeedEater. He nuzzled me with his nose.
"Your just like a huge puppy. It's cute." I smiled. SeedEater licked me again and I giggled.

Cat's POV
  I was training with CC and BEN when Slender said it was time to head in. We all gathered around him and he explained the plan.
I will head in there first to make sure everything is safe, then I will send everyone a telepathic message saying if it's safe or not. Slender explained. We all nodded and he opened the comic book. The comic book suddenly teleported Slender away. We waited a few minutes and he sent us the signal to come on in. We each went in one by one. When it was my turn, I opened the comic book and there was a bunch of old school comics. You know like Garfield, Batman, Spider-Man. But the thing is, they weren't normal comics. They were all demented. Like Jon from Garfield would have black ooze coming from his eyes. There was one thing that stood out the most though. At the end of each comic, the characters would say "Zalgo, he's coming".
Before I could read more I was teleported to a different forest. All the trees were black and the leaves were red. In front of us was another mansion but it was black.
We waited for everyone to get in then we all walked to the mansion. Slender stopped as we were about to get through the door.
"What's wrong Slender?" CC asked.
It's Okotte. She heard my calls and is wanting us all to go back. Slender said concerned.
"WELL TO BAD!!! WE'RE GOING IN!!" Jeff yelled.
Maybe we should listen to her. I will send myself and maybe four in with me. Okotte is telling me that Zalgo is expecting us. Alright. So we are going to split up. DL, Liu, BEN, Toby, and Jeff go around the house and take out his Pastas. Cat,CC, Raven, and EJ come with me. Slender explained and we all nodded.
I opened the door and the boys, except EJ, snuck in. They all headed up the stairs to the left. Slender turned human so he would draw too much attention. Slender told us to stay downstairs and look for the dungeon. We nodded and searched all the doors.
I opened a door and it was a closet. I have knife out behind my back in case if there was one off Zalgo's Pastas around. Suddenly Raven yelled for us and we all found Raven. She had found the dungeon.
We all walked downstairs. The dungeon was a long black hall way with cells off the left. We quietly called for Bloody.
"Over here guys!" We heard a little call. It was soft and broken. We ran down to the direction it came from and we saw Bloody strapped to the wall with cuts all over her. She smiled. "Hey guys!"
EJ started picking the lock to her cell. As we opened the door we heard growling from the shadows under Bloody. We all stepped back and drew our weapons.
"Seed. It's ok. Their here to help!" Bloody said. Out of the shadows came a beast with a long snout and a mask. He had the body of a super sized human. We all stepped back except for EJ.
"Seed? Hey there buddy!" EJ said getting on his knees and reaching out for the beast. "It's me. EJ."
The beast walked forward and licked EJ like a dog. EJ chuckled and pet the beast. EJ turned to us and stood up. "Guys this is SeedEater. I lost him in the woods the night Slender found me."
We all sighed.
"Sorry to interrupt this reunion but my best friend is strapped to the wall with cuts all over her body." Raven sassed.
"Right. Sorry." EJ said walking to Bloody and cutting her lose. She fell to the ground but EJ caught her. "You ok?"
"I'm alright, but not that I'm being mean or nothing but can you not touch me. The cuts hurt when you put pressure on them." Bloody requested.
EJ let go of her. "Oh sorry. Come on let's get you out of here."
Bloody nodded then froze. We all looked back at her with concern.
"Bloody what's wrong?" I asked.
She began walking back into the cel and closed the door. "I can't leave."
"Why not?" I asked walking to the cell door.
"Because if I do, Zalgo has threatened to kill you all. He says he wants to battle Slender alone and you guys will follow his fate." Bloody said backing away from the bars.
I reached into the bars. "Please Bloody! Come on. He won't hurt us." I reassured her.
"I don't want to take that chance. take SeedEater and leave." Bloody said sitting on the floor.
"No!! We are not leaving you here!" I yelled as everyone agreed.
Suddenly we heard the door open and footsteps walking towards us. Bloody started crying.
SeedEater stood in front of us to protect us from the coming threat.
"Oh SeedEater. You know you can never get a scratch on me." A cocky yet demonic voice said. Soon the figure got into sight and we could all clearly see a monster. The one and only monster. Zalgo. "Oh. I see we have guests. Welcome! I've been waiting for you Slenderman. Nice get up. I have one of those too!" He said turning into a human.


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  "See. Me and you aren't that different Slendy. You toke something of mine. Now I take something of yours. You toke my daughter. Now I take yours. May I just say, she was an easy one to catch." Zalgo laughed.
  Slender stepped forward. "Leave my children alone." He said sternly.
  "HE TALKS?! Wow Slendy. What do I have the honor of hearing Slenderman talk with his own voice and not using his telepathy." Zalgo acted like he worshipped Slender.
  "You sent your own daughter to get to Okotte. No wonder why Liu and DL left. Now, about his battle." Slender said calmly.
  "Ah yes. I'm wanting to fight you and if you win, you get your daughter and everyone leaves unharmed. Well except Okotte and you because you will most likely get cuts from the battle. And if you lose...every...single...pasta that came with you along with you and Okotte...D I E!! Oh and by the way, I'm not letting you leave until I get that battle so there is only one option here." Zalgo explained.
  Slender starred straight into Zalgo's eyes. "Challnge...Accepted!!"

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