21- History Lesson

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Okotte's POV
I looked into BRVR's eyes as he looked down at the ground.
"It all started with Nina. Nina the Killer was an OC that made it big. She ended up committing suicide. She was a huge fans of us Pastas. Zalgo blamed us for her death. Then someone said it wasn't us. That it was the small group of OCs that was here before you. No one knows who it was so Slendy beloved it for a while and kicked out the OCs. Since recently, he has gotten over his grudge with the OCs. People like Jane still believe in that pile of bull. There is a huge fight between Slendy and Zalgo right now."
I stay silent. I couldn't believe this. All this bull just because of a rumor. Well if I now know the story, I'm getting behind it. I'm going to find out who started this rumor.
  "Okotte don't you dare. I know that look and I'm not letting you dig into this." BRVR said sturdily.
  "Sorry. I have too. What if this continues? What if this becomes a huge problem? The what? First it starts with Jane then who? Jeff? BEN? Toby? ......EJ?" I looked down.
  "......" BRVR stayed silent.
  "I'm making my own group. My own group of OCs. They will help me out. Are you in or out? You are half OC." I extended my hand to him.
  He thought for a moment and nodded taking my hand. "I will see what I can get out of Slender."
  "Thanks BRVR. It will help a lot." I said pulling him up and smiling.
  "You got a hide out yet?" He asked.
  "Nope. I'm going to ask Hope, CC, and Raven if they know a place." I explained and began to walk inside as everyone finished breakfast.
  "Alright. Well I gotta turn back. See ya Splatter."
  "Oh wait!! How did you know my real name?" I asked.
  "Oh I hear Slendy call you that." He shrugged and black smoke came off him and blinded me for a second. The smoke cleared quickly and he was back to being a pikachu. I smiled and picked him up. I walked inside and Raven noticed. I walked upstairs to my room and set BRVR on my bed.
  "So what did you need me for?" I heard Raven ask from my door way.
  "I need you. Do you want to know how to make a difference?" I asked and turned to her.
  "Well yeah. What do you mean by that?" She asked coming in and closing the door.
"Will you be apart of my group of OCs called the Heathens. I made this group to stand up for the OCs, to show that OCs are just as good as CreepyPastas." I explained.
  "...what about everyone else...my sister?" Raven looked down worried.
  "Your sister? Who's your sister?" I asked.
  "ClocksWork. Dr. Smiley made me her sister. I don't want to leave her...or anyone here."
  "We're not leaving them or betraying them either. We are just working behind their backs to stand up for OCs. It's not far. It's like sexism. We are all killers just a different type. I'm basically the same as EJ. Different back story but same killing style."
  Raven thought a moment. "Alright. I'm in."
  I smiled. "Thanks Rave. It means a lot. Hope, CC, BRVR, and I are all in this. We need a few things like a hide out and a symbol. Anyways, uh go back downstairs and don't tell anyone especially Slender."
  "Wait, BRVR? The bloody Pikachu?" She asked confused.
  "Yeah. I will explain later. Go back downstairs." I shrugged.
  "Alright. Be careful Splatter." She waved walking downstairs.
   I sighed and flipped on my bed. BRVR cuddled under my arm. I giggled and wrapped my arm around him. He purred. It's a bit weird knowing he is part human and I can't get the image of human BRVR cuddling with me but I shrugged it off.

  We all sat at the table and Jeff was picking on Sally as usual. Slender yelled at him and I rolled my eyes. I sighed. Where is Okotte? Is she asleep? Wherever she is I hope she is alright.
  "Yo EJ! You ok? You seem a bit spaced out." I looked up and saw BEN tilting his head.
  "Oh, sorry. I'm fine. Just...thinking." I said poking my kidney with a fork.
  "You don't seem ok. You look worried or depressed."
  "It's nothing." I shrugged. I was planning on going to check on Okotte.
  "It doesn't look like nothing to me. What's up?" BEN asked.
  "It's Ok- I mean Splatter. Just wondering why she hasn't come downstairs to eat yet."
  "Oh. Want to go check on her. I will cover for you. I'll just tell Slender you had to take a crap." BEN smiled.
  I lightly chuckled. "Heh. Thanks Benny. I'll be back." I got up and he waved. I walked upstairs to BEN's room and stopped. What if I'm just overreacting? She's most likely fine. I shrugged and walked to her room and slowly opened her door to see her asleep on her bed with BRVR in her arms. I smiled gently under my mask and tip toed over to the side of her bed. I moved a piece of hair out of her face. I wasn't thinking and kissed her forehead. After a second of realizing what I just did I ran out of her room, closing the door behind me. WHY DID I DO THAT?!?! WHAT IF SHE WAS AWAKE AND JUST PRETENDING TO BE ASLEEP?!?!?

(Good idea Jack 😏)

Okotte's POV
  I was seconds from falling asleep and someone opened my door. I opened one eye and saw it was EJ. I shrugged it off (not literally). I closed my eye and tried to fall back to sleep. Too lazy to go downstairs. (Me every morning) I felt something move a piece of hair from my face. I mentally raised a brow. Then I felt something KISS MY FOREHEAD!!! I opened my right eye and saw EJ wide eyed staring down at me but didn't notice that my eye was open. He suddenly ran out of my room closing the door. BRVR looked up at me. My face turned crimson red. I looked at BRVR and he was smirking. I glared at him and shoved my face in my pillow.

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