28-Halloween Special! (Not part of the story)

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It 'twas Halloween Eve and throughout the mansion were of course the psycho killers. They were all decorating the place for Halloween which is the only night where Slender(p) allows ordinary people to come in the mansion. They turn the place into a haunted house (mansion) and anyone who comes in, never




  "YEAH YEAH YEAH WE GET IT AUTHOR~CHAN!! NOW LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!" Splatter yelled. Everyone was gathered downstairs for a Halloween party. Even though they are already killers, they dress up anyways. Here is the list of what everyone is.
Jeff: Vampire
BEN: Peter Pan (jk he's a Frankenstein)
EJ: Jack Skeleton (to too perfect😂)
Masky and Hoodie: Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Cat in The Hat
LJ: Jig Saw (you know from the horror movie Saw)
Liu: Batman (BECAUSE BATMAN!!!)
DL: Demon
Dr. Smiley: bloody doctor (couldn't think of anything else)
Bloody Painter: Zombie
Sally: Annabelle
Jane: Red Riding Hood with a blind left eye and scratch marks on her eye
ClocksWork: scarecrow
Raven: Broken Doll
Hope: Insane Alice in WonderLand
CC: a magician
Last but not least BloodSplatter: Sans from UnderTale (because I'm lazy and it's funny)
And this is what Splatter's costume looks like.

 10/10 Author~Chan approves!!! And to make the costume better, she kept her left blue eye flaming

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10/10 Author~Chan approves!!! And to make the costume better, she kept her left blue eye flaming.

Splatter's POV
  I jumped off the railing and played the music as everyone came down/upstairs. As I saw everyone's costumes, everyone asked me who I was. I did a Frisk face (aka this -__-). Cat, CC, Raven, and BEN knew who I was and complimented my costume. Everyone looked great. I went to the kitchen to get a drink. Slender actually put out blood for the drinks!!! THANK YOU SLENDY!!!! Anyway, I got a cup and poured me a glass. I leaned on the counter as I watched everyone talk and have fun. I watched as EJ walked in the kitchen in another Skeleton costume. It was too perfect. It was Jack the Skeleton from The Nightmare before Christmas. I couldn't help but laugh. I fell to the floor, spilling my drink.
  "You ok Splatter?" EJ asked. I was laughing to hard to respond.
  "Oh the irony HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I yelled between laughs.
  "Yeah I thought it would be funny." EJ smiled.
I finally calmed down and EJ helped me stand up. My legs were a bit wobbly so I leaned on EJ for support.
I looked down at my costume, then at his, then back at mine, then back at his.
"You copied me." I playfully glared at EJ.
"No you copied me." He chuckled back. I finally got feeling in my legs and stood up. I heard Spooky Scary Skeletons play. I fell back to the floor laughing.
"DANG IT!!!! THE IRONY IS TOO REAL!!!" I laughed.
EJ looked down at me. "Come on. Get up. Let's go hang."
I calmed down. EJ offered me his hand and I toke it. He lead me to the living room and we began talking to Jeff, BEN, Cat, CC, Raven, Toby, Liu, and DL. CC noticed something and started giggling. She whispered something in Cat's ear. She giggled as well.
"What's so funny?" I asked tilting my head.
"Look down at your hand Bloody~" CC giggled.
I did as I was told and EJ was still holding my hand. I blushed hard. I tapped EJ's shoulder.
"What's up Splatter?" He asked.
"Um EJ, l-look down." I stuttered out not making eye contact.
He did so and blushed. "Um a-are you w-wanting me t-to let go?"
I was taken back by the question. I shook my head no slightly. He nodded in response and intertwined his fingers in mine. I smiled and looked down. Cat and CC were giggling up a storm. I glared at them. I mouthed to them "do you want to have a B A D T I M E?" Making my left eye glow blue. They continued to giggled. I sighed and shook my head smiling.
I noticed Raven and Dr. Smiley talking and Raven giggled. I smirked. I ship it! I yelled in my head. I mentioned for CC to come over here. She did. I whispered in her ear.
"Go push Raven into Dr. Smiley." I smirked. She nodded her head and pretended to trip, knocking Raven into Dr. Smiley causing them to kiss. (YOUR WELCOME RAVEN [darkmist02 ] )
I fist pumped. Whispering "yessssss" to myself. Raven looked so flustered. Her face was blood red. Dr. Smiley too. Raven glared at CC and she pointed at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and mouthed "you're welcome". She stomped toward me. I hid behind EJ.
"SPLATTER YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!" She yelled. I teleported upstairs.
"COWARD!!!" She yelled while watching me balance on the rails.
"YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME!!!!" I yelled down to her sitting on the rails.
"OK EVERYONE TIME FOR TRUTH OR DARE!!!" Jeff yelled. I smiled and jumped off the rails. I teleported myself safely downstairs. I went to sit on the couch but all the spots were taken. On the couch was Hoodie, Masky, BEN, and EJ. Everyone else was on the floor. I sat on the arm of the couch next to EJ.
"Splatter you first~" Raven smirked. I smirked back.
"DARE!!!" I yelled.
"I dare you to sit on or kiss EJ." Raven's smirk got bigger. "Pay back."
My face turned red again. "Do I have to?"
"If you refuse to do it then you have to do both~" CC cooed.
I want to do both but no one can know that. SLENDER IF YOU READ MY MIND I WILL KILL YOU!!! I yelled in my head. I sighed and got up then sat on EJ's lap. I looked down, then shot right back up and sat on the arm of the couch again. "There I did it!"
"NO THAT DOESN'T COUNT!!!" Jeff yelled.
"Ugggggggghhhhh!!!!" I groaned and sat right back on him and he wrapped his arms around me. I looked back at him and he smiled. I smiled back and went back to the game.
"Ok MY TURN!!!" I smirked. Raven put up her hand to stop me.
"Hey Jeff~ since you are the game master, didn't she technically refuse when she sat on him the first time?~" she smirked.
"Oh yeah~ you're right!" Jeff agreed.
"NOPE IM DONE!!" I yelled trying to get up but EJ wouldn't let me.
"Come on Splatter we are just messing with you!" Jeff laughed.
"No I actually wanted her to do it." Raven crossed her arms. "She made me kiss Dr. Smiley. Now it's her turn."
"Nah uh. Nope." I said crossing my arms.
"Aww why not~?" EJ asked.
"Not you too!" I whined and leaned back on him. My head was resting on his shoulder and he chuckled. I groaned and he kissed my forehead and we continued the game. The next night Slender let a bunch of teenagers and adults in and let's just say I got a lot of food. We all stayed in our rooms and the teens got to chose what room they got to look in. They would walk in and we would put on a show then end with a bang. (You know what the bang is. You know ☠️) my show was that I would scream in pain baiting them to come in. A teenager and his friends walked into my room. I was in the corner of my room and Sally was crying on her bed. We covered the walls in bloody hand prints and painted scars on ourselves. I was in the corner holding onto my arm. It had a a fake but realistic cut on it. I began whispering.
"Why daddy? Why would you hurt us? Mommy? Why are you so mean?" I whispered as Sally's fake cries got quieter. The group looked at me and saw the cut. It looked so real they thought I wasn't acting. One of the boys crouched down to my level and grabbed my arm. He looked at it.
"Are you ok?!? Do you want us to get help?!" He asked.
"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm nothing but a bad girl." I whimpered. The girls went to calm Sally down.
"They hurt her! Daddy and mommy hurt her!" Sally cried. (I forgot to mention the walls are sound proof)
"We're calling the cops!" The girl said and went to leave the room but I used my magic and closed the door.
"No. If you do, then mom and dad will hurt us again." I whispered.
"It's ok. Your mom and dad won't hurt you anymore." The boy said holding my hand.
I began giggling. They looked at me confused. "No one can help us. We have already tried."
Sally followed my lead and began giggling. Sally floated over to me.
"You see what happened to poor Sally. She tried to stop mom and dad. It didn't turn out well." I cried. Blood leaked from Sally's head. I was mentally laughing at their terrified faces.
"YOU CANT STOP THEM!!! YOU CANT STOP US!!! NOTHING CAN!!! AND THESE VOICES!!! THE VOICES WONT SHUT UP!!!" I yelled gripping my head as Sally giggled. After that, let's just say my name was all over the place. Hehe.

~~~~After Slender closed the haunted house

I flopped on my bed. Sally did the same.
"That was fun sis." Sally said breathing hard.
"Yeah. Do you guys do this every year?" I asked.
"Yup. Every year. It's always fun." She smiled.
"I can tell. Good acting skills!" I smiled.
"Me? No way! You had the better acting skills. That one group actually thought it was real! How did you do that?!"
"Meh. I just thought of my 'childhood'." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh. Seems logical. I can't wait for next years' haunted house."
"Same, Sally, same!" I giggled falling asleep.

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