24-What's Mercy? A Love Triangle? Maybe.

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Okotte's POV
  "Still wanna keep me?" I asked with a smirk and a twitch. They stared at me with fear longing in their eyes. I giggled.
  "Y-you d-don't s-scare me!!" The one in brown yelled.
  "Says the one being held by the neck and trembling in fear. That and I can see it in your eyes."
  "L-let my sister g-go. T-take me!" She yelled. I shrugged.
  "Alright. As you wish." I made the sister come towards me and set her down. She laid in a ball on the ground gasping for breath. I looked at her. "You're not off the hook yet."
  She gasped and crawled a bit back. I kept an eye on her as I began finishing off the sister.
  "Wanna quick and easy or a slow and painful? I like both. Either way I get dinner!" I smirked.
  "You're not going to do what I think you are going to do!! Right?" The sister asked.
  "Depends. If you think I'm going to eat her then yes. If not then no." I sassed.
  "NOOO!!! PLEASE DONT!!!" She yelled clinging onto my arm.
  "Watch it. I already granted her dying wish to keep you alive!! No be grateful and sit down!" I snapped.
  She did as told and sat down crying. I rolled my eyes. The other sister stopped struggling. No she's not dead. I let go of her throat and was just making her body levitate.
"Then do it!!! Kill me!!!!" She yelled. She's playing the hero act. Not working missy.
"Nah. I might have a use for you two. What are you?" I asked referring to if they were OCs.
"Well were CreepyPasta OCs. What are you? Some unknown CreepyPasta?" She asked.
"HEY! I'm the one asking the questions. Now. Since technology speaking you belong to me since you gave me your life and your sister's, I am your master. You shall join my group. You know the story of how OCs right?" They nodded. "Well, my group is here to prove everyone that OCs are just as good as the CPs or Zalgo's group."
They were silent. "Fine. We do kinda owe you since we did try to kill you. Is it ok if we call you senpai since you kinda are?" The one in brown asked.
"Sure. I don't care what you call me." I shrugged. I let her go and she walked to her sister and they both stood before me and bowed.
"Senpai." They both said. I sighed and pushed their shoulders up making them stand up straight.
"Don't do that. I'm no one important. Now let's go. Start heading towards the big tent. Tell the girls in there you are with Bloody. My name is BloodSplatter by the way. You can call me Splatter or Bloody or whatever." I told them.
"We will continue to call you master or boss or senpai. You did give us mercy and gave us a place to live." The one in white said.
"Alright. Before you go. What's your names?" I asked.
"I'm Mizuki. I'm the moon twin!" The one in white cheered.
"I'm Taiyō. I'm the sun twin." The one in brown said casually.
"Alright. I know your real names now for the killer names." I said sarcastically.
"Oh well, I'm MoonFall." Mizuki said with a smile.
"I'm SunJinx." Taiyō shrugged. "Well, lets go then. See ya Master." She waved.
"BYE SENPAI!!" Mizuki exclaimed. She began skipping beside her sister as she walked to the tent.
I let out a small "heh" and looked to the lake. The was rising. We should be heading home soon......nah. It's too pretty. Although, it feels like something isn't right. Like something is missing. Whatever it is, it can wait. I'm just enjoying the moment.

The guys were all having a truth or dare game. I was stuck on a truth. They asked who I liked.
"No one. Swear on my life." I said with a straight face. I knew I was lying. I just don't know exactly who I like. I know I like someone, but who?
"Dude, I know you are lying. Who is it?" Jeff asked.
"Come on! Tell us!" BEN yelled from the other side of the circle on the floor.
"Nah. I'm good. And I'm not doing a dare either." I crossed my arms.
"P-please! I-I will t-tell y-you w-who I l-like." Toby begged turning red.
Awww how cute. I can't say no to that. I began thinking really hard and the first name that kept coming to mind was Okotte. Do I really like her? Is it even possible? I guess it is. Well then. I.........I like Okotte.
"I uh like Okotte!" I said quickly. HAHA THEY DONT KNOW HER REAL NAME!!!
"I didn't hear you Jack. Who is it?" LJ asked with a smirk.
"*sigh* fine. I like Splatter." I felt as my face heat up. It does that whenever I think of her. I know I'm supposed to be the doctor but I don't know what that means.
"O-OH MY GOD!!!! I-I SH-SHIP IT!!!" Toby yelled. "I C-CANT WAIT T-TO TELL H-HER!!!"
"W-well I-I need t-to tell y-you s-something." Toby smirked.
"What?" I asked. Toby leaned into my ear.
"Sh-she l-likes y-you t-too~" he whispered in my ear. I pulled my hood down to cover my face. It was so hot and I was embarrassed. Natural reflex.
"Well then. I guess I'm not the only one who likes her." Someone said.

LEAVE IN THE COMMENTS WHO YOU THINK IT IS!!! Stay flaming my readers! 🔥🔥🔥

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