25- Police

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Previously on BloodSplatter:

"Still wanna keep me?"


"Fine. I might have a use for you"

"I guess I'm not the only one who likes her."

"Who are you?" I asked. There was a teenager about our age (14-17) leaning on the wall by the perch. He had red hair and golden eyes. He was dressed in a black shirt under a leather jacket and jeans. He looked at me with a smirk.
"I guess you could say, a good friend of 'Splatter's'" he said. Everyone looked confused and I glared at him.
"What do you want with her?" I asked darkly.
"Oh just her really. I want to see her again." He tried to sound innocent.
"Sure. Now tell us. What's your name?" I asked standing up and everyone stood up after me. They began slowly drawing their weapons and I licked my teeth.
"Daragon." He said with a smirk. Everyone's eyes went wide. Well except Jeff, since his eyes are already as wide as possible, he just looked surprised. "Seems like you've heard of me in 'Splatter's' story. Yeah. Well let me let you in on a little secret. I wasn't kidnaped. "
I was ready to kill him. HE LEFT HER?!?! HE LEFT OKOTTE?!?! SOMEONE HOLD ME BACK!!!!!
"Seems like I touched a nerve on the guy in the blue mask~" he cooed.
I went to charge at him but Jeff and BEN held me back. "CALM DOWN EJ!!!" They both yelled.
"HOW COULD YOU?!?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER!!!!" I yelled at him.
"I never left her. I was never far from her. I kept watch of her. I just didn't want to get eaten. I've always loved her." He explained.
"YOU STILL CAUSED HER PAIN!!!!" I yelled kicking at Jeff and BEN.
"At least I didn't treat her like an African American during the civil rights movement." He replied.
"............" everyone was silent. I growled.
"I NEVER TREATED HER LIKE THAT! YOU HEARD WHAT I SAID! I LOVE HER!!" I yelled and quickly covered my mouth. I didn't mean to say "love".
EJ, what's going- who are you and what are you doing in my mansion? I saw Slendy come in. You know you're in trouble if Slender walks in.
"*smirk* SLENDY! Welcome. Meet Daragon. Splatter's 'friend'. He just stopped by to let us in on a bit of information~" This. Is gonna be good.
Slender walked toward Daragon. He looked down at him. Daragon reached into his pocket taking out a red button.
"Hurt me. And everyone here gets sent to jail with a death sentence. I work with the police. I'm not here for you, or anyone of the CreepyPastas. I'm here for the OCs. They aren't CPs. They are delinquents. I'm here to take them to jail." He said putting his thumb on the red button.
"You forgot one tiny thing." I smirked.
"And what's that little boy blue?" He asked with venom dripping with every word.
"She's an insane serial killer too~" I said shoving him into a wall.
"Yeah but I want to help her. She's the only thing I have left. If it means bringing her to jail for a life sentence then so be it." He growled.
"I'm not letting you take her. Over my dead body." I said in a dark voice.
"Brin it smurf!" He yelled punching me in the jaw. Then we went at it.

Okotte's POV
I sat on the carousel looking at the sunset. It's beautiful. I sighed longingly. I got up and felt like going on the Ferris Wheel. It was broken so I began climbing it. I got to the top and opened the box car. I could see the mansion from here. I saw lights coming off of the walls. They were blue and red. THATS THE POLICE!!!! I teleported to the tent. Hope, CC, Taiyō and Mizuki talking.
"WE GOTTA GO!!! YOU TWO STAY HERE. HOPE, CC LETS GO!!! NO TIME!!!" I yelled and Hope and CC grabbed onto me. I teleported to my room at the mansion and ran through the house. I found the boys in Jeff's room and EJ was fighting a boy in the floor.
  "EJ? What's going on? Why are the police here?" I asked. Everyone stopped and looked at me. I saw the boy under EJ. It was Daragon. "Daragon? What? Why are you here? And why are you fighting EJ?" I asked I breathing hard. I was confused and filled with many different emotions.
  "Okotte! You're here! I missed you. Come on. I'm getting you out of here." He said pushing EJ down to the floor and getting up. He walked to me and grabbed me by the waist. "I'm here to take you home. With me. Just us two. I can help you. I will find you food. Anything."
  I put my hands on his shoulders. I don't know what's going on. I hugged him. I missed him so much. I saw EJ's face through him mask. He was breathing hard and was mad and scared at the same time.
  I released Daragon. He stared longingly in my eyes. I smiled. I saw Slendy looking at us.
  "Dad. Where is Sally? Is she ok?" I asked. He nodded.
  She's in the basement with the rest hiding from the police. He said to me privately. I nodded.
  "Good. Now back to you." I looked at Daragon. "I still can't believe you found me. I would love to go home with you." I smiled. I noticed EJ stood up.
  I saw EJ take off his mask and drop it on the floor. He walked toward me and Daragon. His face was a bit red. It was probably from the fight. He pushed Daragon out of the way and grabbed me.
  "Please don't leave. We have all grown to love you. Some a little bit more than others. Plus, who will take care of Sally and cause fights with Jane? And...who will go hunting with me? Who will watch anime and movies with Hoodie, Masky, Toby,BEN, and Jeff? Who will deal with BEN's perverseness?" He asked looking deep in my eyes. My mouth hung open. I giggled.
  "You never let me finish EJ. I'm not leaving. I have work to do here. Plus I wouldn't dream of leaving you guys." I smiled. He looked so relived. He hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Everyone joined in the group hug. I heard growling. I looked to Daragon. He looked a bit mad. Note the sarcasm. He pulled out what looked like a button and he pressed it. That never leads to anything good. I snapped my fingers making everyone float and Hope and CC teleported to the room. Everyone looked confused. EJ tried getting out of my grasp.
  "OKOTTE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" He yelled. I walked to him. I kissed his cheek and stepped back.
  "Making sure everyone is safe. Sorry EJ. I love you." I said crying and smiling at the same time and teleported them to the cottage where Liu and DL are living. Then every thing went black.

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