80-Dont Mess with The CreepyPastas

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Okotte's POV
I ran downstairs in my usual gray hoodie, red flannel around my waist, black jeans and black vans. Everyone was in their usual clothing. I smiled. Slender told me to pick 5 people to come with me on my killing spree. Of course the girls three were my girls, CC, Cat, and Raven. Next,of course, EJ then my bro Toby.
Slender sighed and let us out. We ran outside as I giggled malevolently. (That vocab tho.)
We ran through the forest and found a taciturn neighborhood. (More vocab) I ran up to the house and climbed through the nearest window.
"Splatter!! Get back here!!" Raven yelled through her teeth.
"Nah. Gotta have fun while it last right? Plus I'm hungry!!" I whispered as I jumped into the room. It was small. There was a bed to the left and a closet to the right. Across from me was a bookshelf and next to the bed was a dresser. The floor was covered in a white and pink rug. The bed had a light pink comforter and matching pink pillows. Under the covers was a little girl. She had long red hair and a white bunny stuffed animal in her hands as she slept. There was a small pink bow on the bunny's left ear.
I walked over to the girl and looked at her hair. It fell behind her and all over her pillow. The moon light from the window shone on her hair.
I crouched down beside the girl and put my arms on the bed and rested my head in my arms as I starred at the girl. I daintily breathed, trying not to wake her. Her eyes fluttered open revealing a silver color similar to my own.
"Good morning kiddo." I said in a sweet voice.
"G-Good morning. Wh-who are you?" She asked removing one arm from her stuffed animal and rubbing her eyes.
I thought of an excuse quickly. "I'm your new friend." I smiled.
"Oh! Hello." She smiled back as she sat up and held onto her bunny. "What's your name?"
"You can call me Splatter. What's your name?" I asked her sitting on the bed.
"My name is Maraia. (Pronounced: Madiya)" she said and looked down at her bunny. "And this is my best friend Bow."
  I started thinking back to my sad, sad childhood. I decided not to kill her. I can't really kill children. It's too sad for me. Teenagers yes but not kids like her. I smiled and pat her head. "Well if you would like, I could take you to a new home."
  "Why? I like it here." She asked tilting her head.
  "Because. If you don't then you will be in danger. Your mom and dad...they already left. My friends took them." I lied.
  "Oh ok! Let's go then." She smiled as she uncovered herself revealing a little white nightgown and her bare feet. She got up and grabbed my hand.
  Damn it. Now I want a kid. I thought as I lead her out of the house and to the forest. Toby was left out there. I told him to watch her and I went back inside.
  I walked out of the Maraia's room and downstairs. EJ and Raven held her parents.
  "Would you like to do the honors?" EJ smirked.
  "MARAIA!!!!!" The mother yelled. I looked around for something to shut her up with and I covered her mouth with a rag.
  The father kicked and struggled to get out of EJ's grasp. "LEAVE US BE!!!" He yelled.

⚠️ WARNING!! GORE!! ⚠️

  I rolled my eyes and took out my knife and quickly sliced his neck causing blood to splash out all over his collar and down his chest. Blood fell to the floor as EJ released him and he fell to the floor. The mother started screaming Bloody Mary.
  I turned to her and tilted my head. "If you don't shut up now, I'm going to make sure you get it worse than he did."
  She shut up as tears streamed down her cheeks.
  I walked over to the kitchen and searched the drawers.
  "What are you looking for?" EJ asked.
  "Forks. I'm hungry." I said reaching into the next drawer. There was nothing but a rusty fork. (Here you go alliecat15123 ) I groaned and threw it over my head. It hit the ground and I sighed. "I guess I'm going to have to get messy."
  "Can I have some?" Jack asked.
  "Of course dear." I giggled and winked at him. I went back to the body and bite down on his arm as blood got all over my arms and clothes. Cat gagged. I rolled my eyes as I ripped meat off of the body and continued to eat. Blood ran down my arms like a shower. It was warm. I moved my arm from the corps and to my mouth as I licked the blood off me. After I got the blood off I continued ripping the bare flesh off the corps. Soon the arm was nothing but bloody bones. I took my knife and cut into his chest and down his stomach. I pulled the skin off the chest and Raven and Cat covered their mouth along with the mother. CC watched me intensely.  I smirked as I began breaking the ribs and reaching into the lungs and grabbing the heart and setting it next to me. I reached down into the lower intestines and found his kidney. I ripped it out as the meat holding it in snapped splashing blood around. 
  I stood up, grabbing the heart and kidney. Both were showered in blood as it dropped off of them and onto the ground and my sleeve. I bit down onto the heart and blood from it ran down my lips and chin and fell onto my hoodie. I held out the kidney to Jack and he took it as he grabbed my hand and turned it over. He kissed my hand.
  I smiled and counties to eat as everyone watched. Both me and Jack finished up and I wasn't paying attention. The mother ran at me and stabbed me with the rusty fork I threw earlier.
  I screamed as the fork ripped through my skin and flesh. I growled as I held my arm and pulled out the fork. (Rrrrrrrusty fork.) I groaned as I went to go attack her, the girls already got her. CC and Cat pinned her to the wall and Raven punched her. They all ganged up on her and beat her to death.
  I sighed. I sat on the couch as I took off my hoodie revealing my red tank top. I ripped off my sleeve and tied it around my arm to stop the bleeding. Blood rushed down my arm in streams.

❗️Gore is over guys!!!!❗️

  I stood up and groaned as pain shot through my stomach. I felt hungry and nauseous at the same time. I ran upstairs and might or might have not threw up. I ran back downstairs as I heard wails of the police. Red and blue lights lit the house. We all froze. The neighbors must have called them. My breathing got sharp as I looked outside. We were surrounded.
  "Shit. We're cornered." I panted. Jack hugged me from behind holding me close.
  "We'll find a way out." He reassured.
  "I can teleport you guys out." I suggested.
  "Not like that. First you are weak from the stab and second you just threw up." Cat said.
  "We can call out to Toby and he can get Slender." Raven said as she turned to the back door. She looked out and yet again, we were completely surrounded.
  "What now?" I asked as I looked down. "Once again, we are stuck and it's all my fault."
  "No it's not. Stop blaming yourself for everything bad that happens to us." Jack said
  "I can't help it. I feel so...impotent, helpless." I sighed.
  "It's ok. We can find a way out." CC smiled.
  "Either we teleport out risking Bloody or we somehow escape through the woods." Raven said.
  "We can't do that. We just got her back. No." Cat replied. "Plus we need to hurry! Do you not see she's injured!?!"
  "Don't yell at me!!" Raven yelled.
  "Both of you calm down. I'm fine. We can find another way out." I said as a moved out from Jack's arms. I walked to the door.
  "What are you doing?" CC asked grabbing my arm. Well, my good one anyway.
  "I'm not going out there if that's what you are thinking." I smiled lightly. "I got an idea. Since there are too many to fight and I'm injured, CC, I want you to use those mind powers of your's to cause a distraction then Raven will take out a quarter of them to get them shaken and scared. Cat I want you to distract the guys in the back. Get them to the front. EJ, go find Toby. He has a little girl that we can use for a hostage. Got it?"
  "Sure thing Boss!" CC smiled.
  "Got it." Raven said giving me a thumbs up.
"Yup!" Cat said as she smirked.
  "What will you be doing?" Jack asked.
  "I'm going to head up to the roof and keep an eye out for everyone. Jack, you keep an eye out for me, I'm going to try and find Toby and Maraia. I'll point to where they are alright."
  "Got it. Be careful ok." He said kissing my head and walking to Cat.
  "Ready guys?" I asked.
  "YEAH!" Everyone yelled.
  "LETS SHOW THEM THAT THEY SHOULD NEVER MESS WITH THE CREEPYPASTAS!!!!" I yelled as they all yelled back and ran outside. I climbed up to the roof and saw that my plan was working.
  CC was making the police start friendly fire, Cat was running around stealing weapons and such then making them chase her to the front. I looked around and saw Toby and Maraia hiding behind a tree. I whistled and saw Jack look up at me. I pointed to them and the last thing I heard was a loud bang. I lost feeling in my legs and fell off the roof. As I hit the ground, I heard my spine crack and I screamed.

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