52-The Battle

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Ok before I start this chapter I want to complain about my Band at school. THEY MADE ME SING!!!! UGGGGGHHH THEY MADE ME SING!!!! HOW DARE THEY!!! THE LEAD SINGER DIDNT SHOW UP SO ME BEING THE BACK UP SINGER HAD TO SING!!!! Oh and don't play the song yet.

  "Challenge...Accepted!!!" Slender said getting into Zalgo's face.
  Okotte was in a corner of her cell shaking.
  "Then let the battle begin!!" Zalgo snapped and we were all teleported to the living room and Okotte was strapped to the wall. Her cuts were more visible and she looked down.
  "LET MY DAUGHTER GO!!!" Slender yelled.
  Zalgo was sitting on a black and red throne. He chuckled. "You have to come and get her if you want her."
  Slender growled and charged at him.
  Zalgo charged at him with his arms covered with black flames. He went to punch Slender but Slender grabbed his wrist and threw it up in the air. I heard a scream from upstairs and ran towards it. The scream sounded like BEN.
  "BEN!!!!" I called. He screamed again and I burst into the room. I gasped at what was inside.

~~~~~I'm evil!!

Okotte's POV
  I watched as Zalgo fought my father. Everyone was watching.  Or so a thought. While Zalgo was distracted, EJ made his way towards me. I felt like this whole battle is capture the flag with me being the flag.
  EJ was so close to making it towards me and Zalgo noticed him. He charged at EJ and threw him at the wall. I didn't look. I couldn't. All I heard was a large scream then a thud. Tears streamed down my face.


If you think this is bad, it gets worse. Soon, one of the people you love......will die.
  All that you know is going to be destroyed. And it's all your fault.

Flashback end

Is this what he meant? No.
"Oh. That boy. Yeah. That's exactly what I meant. Now, it has began. Your entire family gets to watch as they see their 'father' dies!" Zalgo said with a smirk.
"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" I yelled and my eyes began to glow. Suddenly, before I knew what happened, Slender was on the floor with Zalgo's foot in his chest. "GET OFF OF HIM!!!"
"He lost fair and square. Now... ie" Zalgo growled.
A flash of pink raced by Zalgo and cut his stomach. I saw Cat and she...was Faceless again.
I smiled gently. "C-Cat." I muttered.
  Slender threw Zalgo off him and started the fight again.
  Cat ran to me and started unstrapping me.
  "Stop Cat." I muttered softly.
  "Why?" Cat asked.
  "H-Help E-EJ." I stuttered.
  "After I help you!!" Cat demanded and continued to unstrap me. I fell to the floor then teleported to EJ.
  "EJ......say something please." I cried.
  EJ was silent. I toke off his mask and his eyes were closed. I pressed my head on his chest. His heart was barely beating.
  "EJ...please. D-Don't leave me. Please." I cried. His breathing slowed down.
  "SPLATTER LOOK OUT!!!" I heard Cat yell. I turned and my eyes were flaming furiously. Zalgo went to hit me but I caught his hand and threw him back.
  "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" I yelled and tears streamed down my face. I turned back to EJ. "EJ PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!"
  He was silent. His breathing was slow and his chest rises as he breathed.
  "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM!!" I yelled. Raven ran over. She began shocking his chest. Slender started pulling me away. I tried to fight back. I wanted to be by his side.
  "OKOTTE YOU ALL NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!!" Slender yelled.
  "NOT WITHOUT EJ!!!" I yelled and teleported back to him. I grabbed Raven and EJ and teleported. Slender got everyone out and ran for it. If Zalgo got a hold of us it wouldn't be good.
~~~~A few days later.

  EJ has been in a coma for a while. I've been in his room the entire time. I never leave. When I eat, well I don't anymore. I don't eat at all and I sleep next to him. This entire thing was my fault. If only I dint come here.
  I was laying next to EJ holding his hand. " I'm sorry EJ. This is my fault. I'm so stupid to think I would have a good life."
  Okotte. Please go outside. You need a break. I heard Slender from the door way.
  "Alright Dad." I sighed. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went outside. The moon was out and the stars were shining. It was beautiful.
  I sat on the grass and plugged my earbuds in my phone. I put my earbuds in and played a song. Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars. I started to sing along. (Obviously play song now)

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back, I want you back
My neighbors think I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have, you're all I have

At night when the stars light up my room
I sit by myself...

Talking to the moon
Trying to get to you
In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?

I'm feeling like I'm famous, the talk of the town
They say I've gone mad
Yeah, I've gone mad
But they don't know what I know
Cause when the sun goes down someone's talking back
Yeah, they're talking back, oh

At night when the stars light up my room
I sit by myself...

Talking to the moon
Trying to get to you
In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?

(Ah, ah, ah)

Do you ever hear me calling?
(Ah) oh oh oh
(Ah) oh oh oh
'Cause every night

I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you
In hopes you're on
In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?

"I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away" Someone finished it. I turned and it was......

The cliffhangers are real!!!! Now if you would excuse me I'm going to go have candies for dinner.
(If you've seen the video you get a cookie!!)

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