47-The Horrible Zalgo of Oz

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Alright. So before I start this chapter I promised a Q&A if I got 1K views before Monday and I did so here it is. There is only two questions but fuck it.

Okotte/Splatter: I would take all of the pictures and everyone would be cheering

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Okotte/Splatter: I would take all of the pictures and everyone would be cheering.

Jeff: FUCK YA IM FAB!!! Bish I'm beautiful!!!

Now onto the chapter.

Okotte's POV
  Screams filled my ears and I smiled. I brought my knife down to the women's body. The screams stopped and I laid back.
"Wow. That was tiring. I'm hungry." I smirked and looked down at the bodies. I smiled and I twirled my knife around my fingers. I cut a piece of the girls arm off. I held it in my mouth and chomped down on it ripping off some meat. I began walking back through the forest. (How many people can recognize that section of the chapter?)
  I continued to eat as some other teenage girls were around. I rolled my eyes. OH SHIT!!! THOSE ARE THE GIRLS FROM SCHOOL!!!
  I smirked and kept walking. I want to scare them. I flip up my hood and continued to eat. I stomped on a branch making a huge CRACK sound. The girls looked at me and screamed. I laughed. The girls stopped screaming when they heard me laugh.
  "What's so funny?!? Is this some prank?!?!" One of the girls asked.
  "It's funny that you guys think this is a prank." I signed.
  "Sorry nerd. I don't read sign language." The girl sassed.
  "Well then. Better learn how because you don't want me to talk." I signed while mouthing the words.
  "And why is that?" She asked crossing her arms.
  "Just because." I mouthed.
  "And why is there blood all over you? And what is that in your hands?!?" She asked and she hugged her friends.
  "Well there is blood on me because I had to get my dinner and this is my dinner." I mouthed.
  "TALK GODDAMNIT!!" She yelled.
  "Fine. I'm bloody because I had to get dinner. And this is my dinner." I said as I toke about her bite out of the arm and they all screamed.
  "YOUR A MONSTER!!! A FREAK!!!WHY WOULD ANYONE WANNA EVEN BE NEAR YOU!!! YOUR INSANE!!!!" She screamed. She tried to run but she tripped and I stood over her.
  "Insane...I like the sound of that." I said with a smirk then I put on a blank face. "Now be a bitch and listen. Tell everyone BloodSplatter is back! " I smiled and she ran. She yelled for help and I teleported. I got out my sketch book and started writing to Zalgo.

Zalgo. Where do you live? You never told me so I'm just wondering the streets.

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Alright. Bye Z.



  I closed my sketch book and started walking. I finally got to the warehouse and I heard someone yell.
  "GUYS I FOUND HER!!!" It was CC. I gasped and toke the comic book and left. I teleported upstairs and opened it. Soon Zalgo in the flesh pulled me into the comic book. I passed out.

The OCs and I went to check the warehouse for any signs of Bloody. I saw her walk in and I yelled for the others. They came running and she was already gone.
  "FUCK!!" Raven yelled as she punched a tree.
  I sighed as Cat ran upstairs. She came back down wth a comic book. The front was covered with demented pictures of comic book characters saying 'Zalgo'.
  "What do we do with it?" I asked.
  "Well obviously we take it to Slender. He should know what to do with it." Raven suggested.
  "Wanna look inside?" Cat asked.
  "Nah. It could have some magic stuff in it. If Okotte had this, then it has to do with where she went right?" I said.
  "Sure. Well let's go then." Cat said rolling it up and putting it in her pocket.
  We began walking back to the forest and we ran into a big problem. Darogon. He saw us and smiled.
  "Hey guys! I was just looking for you! Do you happen to know where Okotte is?" He asked.
  "Actually no we don't. So go away."I growled.
  "Aw don't be like that Cotton Candy. You do forgive me for what I've done right? You know I only do these things for Okotte." He said.
  "NO I DONT FORGIVE YOU!!! GO AWAY!!!" I said going to charge at him but Raven and Cat held me back.
  "Alright. Well I will take my leave. Good bye." He said as he left. I sighed and calmed down.
  We continued to walk to the forest and we found our little campsite that we meet at every night to give intel on where Okotte is.
  Slender came back with Toby. The group are:

EJ, BEN, and Jeff
Slender, Toby, Liu, and DL
Me,Cat, and Raven

  "Slender. We found something regarding to Okotte's location." Raven said taking the comic book and handing it to Slender. He looked at it and gasped.
  "What's the matter Slender?!" I asked worried.
  This is the portal to Zalgo's dimension!! Where did you find this and how?!??
  "We went to check the warehouse and we saw Okotte but she teleported away and she left behind the comic book." Cat explained.
  Alright. When the boys get back we are going in. Be prepared to fight. We will leave for her tomorrow afternoon. I am giving you time to train before we leave. Right now get some rest.
  We nodded. We all ate and went to bed in our tents. We're on our way Boss. See ya soon.

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