44-Finding a Way To Get Rid Of Him

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Okotte's POV
A few days after the whole thing happened. I found out Lazari has been locked up somewhere. I really don't care where she is. I just want to get fucking Zalgo out of my head.
I sit on the couch downstairs and watch BEN and Toby play some GTA. Masky, Hoodie, and Jeff are also playing by they are taking turns. I tap on Jeff's shoulder. Since I don't like hearing my voice anymore I learned sign language. (The one other language author~chan DOES know, well a little bit but I can spell in ASL)
"So how much of this can you read?" I signed to him. I want to make sure they can understand me.
"Are out asking how much of that I read? If so I read most of it." Jeff shrugged.
I sighed and looked down. What if I can never talk to anyone again?
Child please don't think negative. I'm sure we will find a way to get Zalgo out of your head. Don't worry. I heard Slender say.
Thanks dad. I smiled and watched as Toby lost a race to BEN.
"HAHA!! See I told you I would win!" BEN yelled.
"Sh-Shut up B-BEN!!" Toby yelled. I stood up and walked to the boys.
"I challenge BEN to a race." I signed. Toby understood it.
"A-Are y-you sure Splatter?" Toby asked.
I nodded and toke his controller. I sat on the floor next to BEN.
"So you sure about this? How about we make a deal? I win, you have to let Sally give you a make over." BEN smirked.
"And if I win, you have to......kiss CC on the cheek." I smirked. (IM NOT SORRY littlekat3 !!! KILL ME IF YOU WANT!!! PAYBACK SUCKS DOESNT IT!! At least it's not as bad as what you did)
He blushed and shrugged. "S-Sure. Not l-like I'm g-going to lose anyway." The only thing that could've made that sentence better is if he said "baka" at the end.
We started playing and it was a tie so we both agreed to do our parts of the dare. BEN did his part and I got a small pi of it before he got slapped.
BEN came back rubbing his cheek. "Your turn."
I sighed and went to find Sally. Since the thing with my voice happened she has been sleeping with Jane. Ew.
I walked to Jane's room and found Jane and Sally having a tea party. Sally hid behind Jane the second she saw me.
"Jane. Tell Sally that I'm letting her give me a make over. I will not talk at all while she is doing it though." I signed slowly so she could understand.
"Fine. Sally, she is letting you give her a make over and she's not going to talk." Jane said gently to Sally. Sally still hid behind Jane.
  I nodded. "Never mind. I will get CC to do it. I'm sorry Sally." I signed. A tear streamed down my face.
  "Good ridings." Jane muttered. I grabbed her by the neck with my magic. After like ten seconds, I let go and left. I teleported to CC's and Cat's room. I knocked on the door.
  "Oh hey Bloody! What's up?" CC asked as giddy as ever.
  "I was dared to let someone give me a makeover." I signed.
  "I'm sorry I don't understand. I don't read sign language." CC said.
  I nodded and went to my room, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and teleported back. I wrote the same thing on the paper.
  "Oh. I see. Then come in." CC smiled. I stepped in. I sat on the bed and CC toke out one of her dresses.

  "Here, put this on

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  "Here, put this on." CC demanded and pointed to her bathroom. I nodded and put on in the bathroom. I came out and CC started doing my makeup. She finished and I went downstairs. The boys stared at me for a while.
  "What?" I signed. They all shook their heads.
  "Sorry. Not used to seeing girls in dresses. Well not you girls. Jane and CC yea. But I've only seen you in a dress once." BEN explained.
  (For some reason I can just imagine EJ running into the room yelling "OKOTTE IN A DRESS?!? WHERE?!? Lol 😂)
  "I see. Well don't get used to it. This is a once in a life time opportunity. Take advantage of it." I signed.
  BEN smirked. "Oh I will take advantage of it alright."
  "I swear to God BEN. Touch me and I will kill you." I signed angerly.
  "Who said I was going to touch you?" BEN asked with a plastered smirk on his face. He took out his phone and toke a million pictures.
  "BEN!!!" I yelled. I covered my mouth and ran to my room.
  "WAIT!!! SPLATTER IM SORRY!!!" I heard BEN yell.
  I ignored it and went to my sketch book. So far that's how Zalgo has been communicating.

Zalgo, you there?

¥ε ḉнḯʟ∂. ẘн¥ ∂ø ¥øʊ ηεεღε?

Because. I want you out of my head!! NOW!!!

øяя¥. ¥øʊ нṽε ø øღε ø ღε ḟḯя﹩⊥. ẘнεη ¥øʊ ﹩εε ღε ḯη ℘εяøη øʊя øʊηẘḯʟʟ ♭ε ♭яøḱεη.


∂øε﹩η' øяḱ ʟḯḱε ⊥н∀⊥. ¥øʊ ღʊ﹩⊥ øღε ø ღε.

Screw you.

﹩ʊяε ʝʊ﹩⊥ ḯṽε ღε ḉяεẘяḯṽεя.

Whatever. See you soon donkey.

⊥н∀⊥ ʟღε ∀⊥⊥ε℘⊥ ø ∀ʟʟ ღε ʝ∀ḉḱ﹩﹩?


ø ⊥нεη.

  I closed my sketch book and threw it across the room. (Lost reference) Zalgo, I don't know where you are or how the fuck I intend to find you but I will find you and kill you for what you've done to this family.

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