Part 13- Starting Something New

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Okotte's POV
  I laid on my bed with the thought of me being an OC. Why is it so bad that I'm an OC? Did something happen between the CPs and the OC's? Are OC's bad?
Child please stop thinking about it. It's not something that you should dig into. I heard my dad say. I sat up and my dad was standing by my bed.
"But dad, everyone keeps calling me an OC like its a bad thing." I whined.
Just drop it please child. I don't wish to talk about it. He begged.
"...fine. I'll drop it. For now. BUT I EXPECT ANSWERS SOON!" I yelled stomping out of my room and downstairs.
"Calm down Crap Splatter. What got your panties in a bunch?" Janes smirked.
"None ya." I scoffed in response.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Did you eat the wrong people?" Jane laughed.
"SHUT UP WOULD YA?!?!" I yelled at her.
"Nah. Why don't you get your OC butt over here and make me."
"FIGHT ME!!!" I yelled getting in her face.
"BRING IT!!" Jane yelled drawing her knife.
I licked my teeth showing how sharp they are and lunged at her. I pinned her to the floor and I heard the boys cheering me on. I started repeatedly punching Jane. She kicked me off her and almost stabbed me but I dodged. I rolled out of the way and stood up. She did the same. She charged at me but I teleported out of the way. I stick my hands in my pockets and teleported to dodge. I playfully yawned and angered Jane. Suddenly I was pulled out of the fight by my collar. I looked up to see EJ.
  "What was that about?!?" I asked.
  "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?! YPU COULDVE GOTTEN HURT!!" He yelled throwing me into his room. No not literally.
  "She got on my last nerve. I had to do something." I said crossing my arms.
  "Why do you care if I fight her or not?"
  "EJ calm down. It's not a big deal. It's a little fight. No one got hurt. Never mind that Jane got hurt."
  "*sigh* please don't do that again." EJ said taking off his mask.
  "Why are you taking off your mask?" I asked raising a brow.
  "So you can see how serious I am about this. Jane won't hesitate to kill you." He said turning back to me. Even if he didn't have eyes, he gave me pleading look. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and smiled. I walked up to him and hugged him. He was taken back by my actions but hugged me back.
  "Sorry for scaring you, dad." I teased.
  "Heh. It's ok. Don't do it again." He said softly. I let go of him and pulled back.
  "I'll be back. I'm going outside." I said walking out of his room.
  "Uh, you might want to teleport outside. You know, to avoid running into Jane." EJ said. I smiled.
  "Alright. Thanks."
  "No problem."
  I took his advice and teleported outside. I walked through the forest and thought. I sighed. I have to find out what happened with the OCs and the Pasta. I know dad said not to but I'm doing it anyway. Maybe Doctor Smiley knows. Or maybe Jeff or BEN.
  I smirked. I have an idea. I will make a secret group of OCs and we will find out together what has been going on behind the scenes. CC, Raven, and Cat will go through Slendy's file and find other OCs. Let's do this.

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