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Okotte's POV
  So it's been a week since the Zalgo incident. I've gotten closer with the OCs, Jeff, BEN, and Toby. I've stayed in my room most of the time now. Slender keeps me home from school but I FaceTime everyone during class to get the notes. Dad has kept me away from EJ. He's really over protective over me around him. He makes one of the boys stay near me while I hang out with him. *sigh* that's my dad for ya.
  I lay on my bed trying to clear my mind. I told everyone Zalgo hasn't talked to me since. He has actually been taking over whenever I go "hunting". He keeps talking to me but I have learned to ignore it. Yeah notice I said it and not him.
  I heard a knock at my door. I groaned telling them to come in. It was Toby.
  "H-Hey S-Splatter. H-How y-you h-holding up?" He asked.
  "Alright. Just fine. Still sounding like Satan himself. " I said.
  "S-sorry t-to hear that. W-wait! Then h-how do y-you s-sound f-fine when y-you FaceTime?" Toby asked.
  "Voice changer." I stared. I hate having my voice like this. Sally is scared of me now. She won't step in this room with me in here. She will start crying. "How is Sally?"
  "S-she's doing f-fine. D-dinner is r-ready." Toby said.
  "Alright." I said and went downstairs holding Toby's hand. He makes me smile. I've heard that's what brothers are supposed to do. I sat between Toby and BEN at the table. EJ sat across the table from me. I looked down. He must think I'm a monster.
  "Hey Okotte." I heard a deep voice say. I looked up and EJ stared straight at me.
  I gently smiled. "Hey." I looked back down. I felt something touch my ankle. I looked under the table and it was EJ's foot. I giggled but it sounded demonic. I covered my mouth. I looked up and everyone looked scared. My eyes started watering. I ran out of the room. I went outside and climbed a tree near the lake.
  "Fucking Zalgo." I muttered under my breath. Tears fell from my face to the grass below me. I watched as they fell to the grass. I wish I could turn back time. I sat in silence, only sniffling every once in a while.

BEN's POV (didn't see that coming)
  Toby brought Splatter into the kitchen and sat down. EJ said something to Splatter and she looked down. Suddenly she giggled and it was...scary. We all looked at her. She began to cry and she ran out. I wanted to go after her but Toby told me to stay. I sighed and sat back down. After a while, the OCs went out to talk to her.

Raven's POV
  Watching Okotte run out like that made me want to cry. She's an amazing friend and seeing her like that kills me. After a while of waiting me, CC, and Cat went out to find her. I checked the Lake. CC went to check her circus and Cat went to search the city.
  I ran around the lake trying to find her. I got tired and leaned against a tree. I felt a drop fall on me. I looked up to see if it was raining and I found Splatter in the tree crying. I got off the tree.
  "Hey Splatter. Are you ok?" I asked. She looked down at me.
  "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit upset." She said quietly.
  "A bit? You just ran out of the mansion crying! You wanna talk about it?" I asked.
  "Not with this voice!! " she exclaimed.
  "Alright. Well will you at least come home?Everyone is worried about you." I said giving her a concerned look.
  "WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT ME BACK?!?! AFTER EVERYTHING I PUT YOU THROUGH!!! I EVEN TRUSTED ZALGO!!!" She screamed. The voice was very intimidating. I backed up a bit. She saw me back up and sighed. She turned away from me and teleported away.

  I went to check the circus. I walked to the tent and went to check around. I didn't see her at the tent so I checked around the place. I found someone sitting on one of the horses of the carousel. I saw that the person had long purple hair and I automatically knew it was Bloody. I walked to her slowly and tapped her shoulder. She turned and faced me with tears streaming down her face like a river.
  "Hey Bloody~Chan. Are you ok?" I asked.
  "Does it look like it?" She asked wiping away some of her tears.
  "I'm sorry. Please come home. We are all worried."
  "I've heard." She said looking down.
  "Oh so someone found you before me. Well, your worrying everyone. So please come home." I begged.
  "Everyone is scared of me. Don't even say you're not. I saw the look on your face at the table." She sighed.
  "I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel bad."
  "Too late. I let Zalgo into my head. I endangered the only thing I could ever call my family."
  "......" I stayed silent. I looked down and sighed.
  "See. I told you." She said turning away.
  I hugged her. I cried a bit. I feel awful for her. She thinks it's all her fault. It's not. She had no control over this. How could she know that the voice in her head was Zalgo. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, we were back at the mansion.
  "Fine. Come on. I guess I just needed a hug." She smiled. I let go of her and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside. Everyone smiled as they saw her. She kept her mouth shut as everyone said sorry. She just smiled and made hand gestures. I guess she is not talking at all anymore.

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