55-The Ship Sailed

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The moment most of you have been waiting for...BloodSplatter (Okotte) x Eyeless Jack (Jack) to sail. It's happening just to get it over and down with. Let's do this.

~~~Weeks later (No's POV)

"COME ON JACK!!!" Okotte yelled as she dragged EJ by his hand through the forest.
"I'm coming!!! Calm down!!! What's so important that you dragged me away from school to see?" EJ asked.
"It's a surprise!!" Okotte smiled and started walking still holding his hand.
EJ starred at Okotte. He realized over the months she's been here that she is very sweet and doesn't seem like she would hurt a fly. Like a yandere but would kill for anyone she cares for.
Okotte stopped and ran behind EJ and covered his eyes.
"Okotte. What are you doing?" EJ laughed.
"Just shut up and go with it. Do you want to get caught by dad?" She asked.
"Alright alright. Just hurry up before lunch ends. If you dad catches us we are so dead." He smiled.
"Then shut up!" She giggled. Okotte pushed EJ through the forest. Suddenly she stopped. "So one day when I was hunting, I decided to follow the river that leads to the lake near the mansion and I found this."
Okotte uncovered his eyes and there was a waterfall falling into a small pond.


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"Woah." EJ said starring at the waterfall in awe.
"I know right. Looks pretty huh?" Okotte smiled.
"Yeah but I've seen something prettier." He smirked.
"I swear to god if you say me then I'm going to eat you alive." Okotte rolled her eyes.
"Awww you ruined it." EJ chuckled.
"Stop being cheesy and cliché and I will stop." Okotte crossed her arms.
"Fine. I have better one." EJ smiled.
"Alright fine. Go for it." Okotte rolled her eyes.
"You know what me and this waterfall have in common?" EJ asked.
"What? You've both fallen on rocks?" Okotte asked.
"Close. We've both fallen for you." He winked.
"I walked myself into that one." Okotte facepalmed.
  "So did you just bring me to see the waterfall?" He asked.
  "No~ I also came here to spend some alone time with you since dad has been watching us none stop and making Jeff and BEN keep an eye on us at school."
  "Oh. I see." He nodded. He looked at the waterfall and sat next to the pond.
  "Yeah." Okotte sat next to EJ and laid her head on his shoulder.

Okotte's POV
  I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I blushed.
  He saw me blush and chuckled. I smiled and he smirked.
  "So are we ever going to finish what we started?" EJ asked.
  "What do you mean?" I asked tapping the water with the tip of my toe.
  "First off, when did you have time to take off your shoes?! Second the day I woke up and Slender walked in on us."
  "Whenever you want to I guess." I said softly.
  "Well if you told me that sooner I would've already done it." EJ said and looked down at me. We heard the bell ring from the school.
  "We should probably get going. The bell rang and if we don't leave now we're going to be late." I said standing up. "If you want I can teleport us there."
  "Then that still gives me about 4 minutes left until you can teleport us both to our classes." EJ said getting up.
  "Jack...what are you saying?" I asked.
  "You'll see. It's my turn to show you a surprise." EJ smirked and stood up. He grabbed me by the waist with one hand and covered my eyes with his other.
  "J-Jack this isn't funny. W-We need to head to c-class." I stuttered. I must sound so stupid right now.
  "Just calm down. It won't take long." He said in a calming voice.
  I sighed and nodded. "Fine. W-We need to hurry. Where is this surprise of yours?"
  "Your so dense. It's right here." He laughed.
  "HEY! IM NOT DENSE!!! IM JUST IN A-" I was cut off by something smashing onto my lips.
  EJ removed his hands from my eyes only to reveal that it was him. He is kissing me. I closed my eyes and kissed back.
  Heh and to think after these few months, this is the first time he actually kissed me with a clear mind. (She's talking about you CC!)
  Without realizing it, I had teleported us outside my classroom. Everyone was still heading to class so everyone in the hall way saw it.
  "WHOOP WHOOP!!! GET SOME OKOTTE!!!" I heard Sean (remember Antisepticeye and Darkiplier. Yeah. They are still here and their parts are coming in soon.)
  We both pulled back. I was blushing and EJ was laughing.
  "FUCK YOU SEAN!!!" I yelled. Sean laughed and smiled.
  "Wait what happened?" CC walked down the hall.
  "SEAN I FUCKING SWEAR IF YOU TELL HER!!!!" I yelled again.
  "K I S S I N G!!!" Sean and CC sang. I banged my head on the wall. EJ was laughing so hard.
  After we all calmed down, we all head to class.
  Best. Day. Ever. Even with school and the embarrassment.

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