39- Another Cannible

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Okotte's POV
  I was laying on my bed listing to Melanie Martinez and Panic! At The Disco. Sally and Lazari were sitting on the top bunk (or Lazari's bed) talking.
  "So do you think any of the boys are cute?" Lazari asked Sally.
  "Well, Toby is cute. But BEN is cuter." Sally giggled.
  "Well it's pretty obvious that I like EJ!" Lazari glanced at me. "And who do you think is cute Splatter?"
  I sat up. "Well uh, since it's just you girls, I guess I can tell you." I sighed. "I think that EJ is cute but so is Toby, but I think of Toby as a brother."
  I could feel Lazari glaring at me. I stiffened up.
  "LOVE RIVAL!!!" Lazari yelled.
  "Calm down kid. Plus you are too young for him." I said laying back down.
  Lazari jumped from the bed and ran to me. She bite down on my arm to the point it drew blood. It was like an animal bite my arm. I growled.
  "Slow...down kid!" I yelled throwing her down to the floor. I didn't throw her too hard though. She is only a kid. I don't blame her.
  "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!! HE IS MINE!!!" She yelled with my blood dripping down her mouth.
  "Sure. Whatever kid. Anyway, I'm going to get something to eat. See ya." I said as I held my arm and walked out of the room and down to EJ's room. Seeing her take a bite of me made me hungry. I looked down at my arm. She tore through my gray long sleeve shirt. I went down to the basement and knocked on the door.
  "Hold on a sec!" I heard him yell.
  "Well sure. I have all the time in the world when my arm is gushing blood." I said with sarcasm. EJ came running at the door and saw my arm.
  "Oh. I thought you were joking. Come on." He said. I nodded and sat on his bed. "What happened?"
  "Well I found out the newest little sunshine is a cannible." I said letting him look at my arm. He stopped and looked away. "What's the matter?"
  "Well, I need to look at your arm." He said. I thought a moment about what he said and looked down at my sleeve. Either I tear off the sleeve or...THE SLEEVE IS COMING OFF!!!
  I tore off my sleeve with a red face and looked away. "There."
  "Thanks. So...Lazari bit you. I don't even want to know why." He said looking at my arm. The Mark's left by her were deep.
  "Heh, now I know what it is like to be on the other side of the food chain huh Jack?" I smiled.
  "Heh, yeah. Alright well I'm going to have to stitch this cut up so it might hurt. A lot actually. So just lay down and I will get Toby to comfort you while I do it." EJ said getting up and about to leave the room.
  "Wait uh, EJ." I called out for him. He stopped and looked at me.
  "What's up Okotte?" He asked. I smiled. He used my real name.
  "I just wanted to say thanks for everything."
  "No problem. I will be back ok?" He said leaving the room. I laid on his bed and sighed. I closed my eyes. I began to get drowsy. I fell asleep. I woke up and looked around. I was still in EJ's room. I looked at my arm and it was stitched up. I saw I was covered by his dark blue blankets. I looked toward his alarm clock and it read 10:00 am. To tired. It's Saturday anyways. I sighed and went to get up and find EJ so he can have his bed back. I sat up but something besides gravity was pulling me back.
  "Go back to sleep Splatter..." I heard a voice say. I raised a brow and saw...(everyone knows who it is.)

EJ's POV (before she fell asleep)
  I found Toby and brought him back to my room. I got there with Toby behind me and I saw she was asleep. I sighed and told Toby to sit on the bed with Splatter. I closed the door and got to work on her arm. Every once and a while she would toss and groan in pain. Every painful groan made me feel bad. I kept it together for her and finished.
  I wiped some sweat off my forehead. (He toke off his mask) I saw Toby yawn and laid next to Splatter. (Leave in the comments if you thought it was EJ. You guys should know by now I like making you guys think twice when it comes to cliché moments like this.) He fell asleep holding her. I smiled. They make a good pair of siblings. I thought to myself as I fell asleep on the floor.

~~~Time Skip
  "Go back to sleep Splatter..." I heard Toby groan. I looked up and saw Okotte awake. She looked back at Toby and sighed. She looked down and saw me. I waved.
  "What are you doing on the floor?" She asked quietly.
  "Sleeping. What are you doing in my bed with Toby?" I asked back.
  "Sleeping while you stitched my arm. Thank you." She whispered.
  "Your welcome. You say thank you too much. I do this because I care about you." I smiled.
  "Th-......I care about you too Jack." She smiled. She laid back down but still looked at me.
  "Good morning Okotte. Sweet dreams ok?" I said laying down by the bed looking up at her.
  "'Morning Jack. Sweet dreams." She smiled falling back to sleep and soon enough I did the same.(and after this chapter was published so did the Author!! Good night everyone!!)

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