27- Sneaking Out

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Slender finally caught me. He held me upside down by my leg. I laughed nervously.
So, EJ, what is this about you saying you love my daughter? Slender asked in a calm voice that sends chills down my spine.
"Well, uh, you see here, I uh......" I stuttered out. Crap. I'm in some deep trouble now. What am I going to say?!?!
I don't know Jack. What ARE YOU going to say? Slender asked.
"Y-you know, we all love each other here." I said nervously.
"Um not to be rude, but I would like to find Splatter." I turned to see Liu. I sighed out of relief.
"Yeah. Don't you want your daughter back?" I asked getting off subject.
Fine. You got me. This conversation is not over Jack. Slender said dropping me on my head. I got up and walked to Liu.
"Thanks. You really saved me back there." I sighed breathing heavily.
"Whatever. Let's just get Splatter back." Liu groaned and walked off. What crawled up his butt?
"Hey EJ. Ready to head out?" DL asked. I nodded.
"Hey DL, what's the matter with Liu?" I asked.
"He might have had a crush on Splatter and I repeat might."DL shrugged. My eyes went wide. NOPE NOT ON MY WATCH. I went to go kill Liu but DL held me back.
"Sorry. I kinda figure he did. He seemed so anxious to save Splatter. Not that I'm not." I sighed calming down.
"Yeah. I get it. Come on. Let's go get your girlfriend back."
"She's not my girlfriend." I blushed under the mask.
"Whatever. Let's just go. I miss my best friend." DL shrugged.
"Alright. Go get Liu. Met in the living room." I said and walked to the living room. Everyone was gathered around Slender. Slender was holding as many people as possible. Everyone else was holding his arms or shoulder. He grabbed me by the leg again and "glared" at me. I smiled nervously. Liu and DL got back and they held on the Slender's legs. He teleported to the mansion and dropped me again. I landed on Jeff. He pushed me off him and I went back to his room. I saw a broken piece of wood with a bit of blood on it. I picked it up. The blood was still fresh. I used my finger and tasted it. (He's a cannible. Don't judge.) yup. Just as I thought. It's Okotte. Hold on. I feel like we are forgetting something.

Raven's POV
"GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!" I yelled banging on the door to upstairs. The door moved and we all got out. Slender explained what happened and I ran to EJ, Liu, DL, Toby, Jeff, BEN, Hope, and CC.
"Guys. You know what we are doing right?" I asked. I know everyone here is close to her.
"We sneak out and save Bloody on our own?" Hope asked with a smirk.
"Oh yeah buddy~" I smirked. Everyone agreed. We all jumped from one of the porch. We ran through the forest to the city.
"Ok. Well, Doragon said that he was taking her to jail to take care of her. Let's check there. Jeff, BEN, DL, and Toby go and check the cells and CC, Hope, Raven, Liu come with me and we will check the interrogation rooms. Sound like a plain?" EJ asked. Everyone agreed and we went with EJ. We broke into the entrance without tripping the alarm. CC and Hope went with me to check on half of the hall and Liu and EJ checked the other half.

Okotte's POV
I sat in my chair and looked down. Daragon would come back every once and a while to come and check on me. He would rub in my face that EJ could never love such a monster like me. With each word he said, another crack formed on my heart.
"Hey there. So the chief said I could take you home. You ready? Of course you are. Let me just get you out of there." Doragon said touching my hand. I growled. "Oh. Don't like it when I touch you? Too bad." He began unstrapping the buckles to the chair. I kept my head down.
"Get up. Follow me. Don't try anything. If you do, your OC friends are all dead. Got that?" He asked.
I nodded. He slapped me. "TALK!! ITS RUDE!!!" He yelled at me.
"Yes. I understand." I said quietly while looking away from him.
"Good girl~" he said putting his hand on my cheek forcing me to look at him. He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand leading me through a building. I continued to look down as officers gave me THE look. The look they would give to a monster. A tear streamed down my face. We stopped at the entrance. At corner of my eye I saw something on the cameras. It was EJ and Liu looking through interrogation rooms. I smiled a bit. NOT NOW!!! STALL DORAGON!!!
I had to think fast. Something to get me to an interrogation room. What am I going to do?!?! Bait him in? But how? AHA!!
"Uh Doragon, not that I'm an expert at the law but aren't I supposed to be interviewed before I am able to leave?" I asked.
"You're right sweetheart. Well let's go then." Doragon smiled. He toke me to an interrogation room and sat me down. He sat on the table.
"Ok then. Ask away." I said rather harshly.
"Alright. Do you plan on killing?" He asked.
"Yup. Nothing to stop me." I answered with a bit of pride in my voice.
"Getting cocky here are we sweets?" He asked as his eye twitched.
"Nah. Just being honest, like you should've been from the start." (DAAAANG!! YOU NEED SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN?!?! Okotte be flamin')
Doragon growled. I smirked. Knowing EJ has enhanced hearing, I yelled at the top of my lungs. "EEEEEEEEEEJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!! HEELLLPPPPPP!!!!!!" I yelled.
Doragon panicked and covered my mouth. I smelled his flesh and my stomach growled. He smells good~ I smirked and bit down on his hand, ripping of a bit of his flesh. He pulled back screaming while I chewed happily of his flesh. I crossed my legs and slouched.
"You taste good~" I smirked licking my teeth. I watched as blood fell from his hand and to the ground. My mouth began watering.
"I'm thirsty Dragon~" I fake pouted.
"NO!" He yelled clenching his hand.
"Fine then. I will just go get everyone else. Eat them instead of you. Just like I did all those years ago. You're selfish. And you say I'm the monster." I spat as I walked out the door. I saw EJ and Liu walk out one of the doors. I ran down the hall. "EJ!!" I yelled as I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist.
"Splatter!! Are you ok?" He asked hugging me tight.
"Yeah. Let's just say o got a bit of a snack while I was here~" I smirked. He pulled back a bit but didn't let me go. He looked me in the eyes.
"You didn't eat him did you?" He asked.
"No!...maybe a little." I smiled sheepishly. EJ gave me that "really" face. "It was just a bite!"
"I don't care! I'm just thankful you're back." He said hugging me again. The moment was interrupted by gun shots and alarms going off. Red lights began blinking I let go of EJ and ran outside. I saw Raven, CC, and Hope being held at gun point by a huge group of police officers. I tried to run to them but Liu held me back.
  "If you try to save them you will die!!!!" Liu screamed.
  "I DONT CARE!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled kicking at him to let me go.
  "HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE WETHER YOU DIE OR NOT?!?!" Liu yelled asked.
  "BECAUSE I CAN NOT LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled.
  "NO!!!! WE DONT HAVE TIME!!!" I yelled and got tired of this argument. I used my powers to left him up and teleported myself to the girls. Next thing I heard was a gun shot. I looked down and it hit my arm. The girls gasped. Electric charges came from Raven, Cat's face literally became Faceless as in her name, and CC gave a satanic giggle and began twitching. The pain shorting from my arm was unbearable. I screamed in pain clenching my arm and fell to the ground. I watched as Raven shot a group of police officers with a lightning bolt, Cat ran at super speed at more officers slitting their throats as she ran by, CC seemed to hypnotizing the officers and most of them shot themselves. I watched amazed. Wow. Wait until dad hears of this. No. Wait until the world hears about it. This could show everyone what OCs are made of. I smirked. I stood up slowly, still clenching my arm. I closed my eyes and shot them open.

3rd PPOV
Splatter's eyes were flaming. Literally. One had red flames and the other had blue flames. A purple aura surrounded her. She began levitating above the ground. She picked up about 20 officers with her magic and threw them to the wall. Some tried charging at her and she shot them across the floor.
Meanwhile, Raven was shooting officers left and right with lightning bolts. Her blue eye was spinning energy through her body.
CC was still giggling. She continued hypnotizing the officers.
  Cat was running around still slitting throats. Her face was gone. She looked like the REAL daughter of Slenderp. (lol I don't think she is. Idk. Hope?)
  After all the officers were down or killed, the girls calmed down. Okotte fell to her knees and fainted along with the rest of the girls.

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