29-Am I Dying?

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  EJ's POV
The girls stopped their demonic rampage and fainted. Me and Liu ran to the girls. I ran to Okotte first and Liu to CC. I checked her pulse. She was still breathing. I looked at her arm and it was bleeding pretty bad. I went into my pocket and found a knife. I cut off the left sleeve of my hoodie and tied it around her arm to stop the bleeding. As I wrapped up her arm she hissed in pain while still asleep. I sighed and combed my fingers through her hair.
I finished tying her arm and looked to Liu. "Hey Liu, check the girls' pulses. Make sure they are ok."
"Got it." Liu nodded and went to Raven making sure her engine was still running.
I turned back to Okotte. I checked for any other injuries on her. She seemed fine other than she had just passed out and her arm is bleeding. She mumbled something in her sleep. I leaned forward to hear better.
"D-dad...EJ...C-CC...R-Raven...C-Cat." She seemed to be mumbling her friends' names. She went on...Jeff...BEN...Toby...Liu. She repeated my name once more. I smiled and picked her up bridle style.
"Let's go home Liu. Text your brother and tell him to get LJ. We need him and Dr. Smiley." I told Liu.
"Why Dr. Smiley? And why LJ?" Liu asked.
"Dr. Smiley is the only one that can fix Raven and LJ is CC's brother. Kinda. I don't think CC would want to wake up in anyone else's arms. Liu you carry Cat. Got that?" I asked.
"Alright. Fine." He rolled his eyes.
I looked down at sleeping Okotte in my arms. Hr eyes were still flaming from under her eye lids. I wonder what is going on in her head.

Okotte's POV
The last thing I remember is fainting. Suddenly I was put into a dream.

It was about two days after I became a Pasta and Dad decided to give me the symbol of the CreepyPasta on my arm like everyone else. Everyone was gathered in the living room. EJ stood next to me. I smiled a blushed a little.
Children, we are gathered here today to officially make BloodSplatter apart of us. Father announced. He looked down at me and I smiled.
"You ready for this Splatter?" EJ asked.
I fist pumped. "YEAH!" He chuckled and nodded.
Well then. BloodSplatter, would you kindly take off your hoodie and reveal your arm? Father asked. I nodded and toke off my hoodie and rolled up my right sleeve. Slender toke out a needle and gently placed it on my arm. Ready?
I toke a deep breath. "Yup." I turned to EJ and he grabbed my hand. I blushed again and nodded. Slender drew the symbol on my arm and my blood dripped from my arm down to the floor and I hissed in pain. Slender finished and the symbol began to glow red and it was no longer a cut but a scar to forever stay on my arm. I looked at my arm and licked the blood off my arm. EJ let go and clapped. Everyone else cheered. I smiled and giggled.

~~~Next Dream/Flashback
A few days after I told Toby that I liked EJ, EJ ironically asked if I wanted to go down to the lake with him, Toby, BEN, and Jeff. They wanted to go swimming. Well, BEN not so much. He was just going to do some parcore tricks off trees. I agreed and my uncle Trendy made me a swim suit.

I blushed putting it on and I grabbed some clothes to put over it

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I blushed putting it on and I grabbed some clothes to put over it. I put on my black jeans and a button up black and red plaid flannel over it. I left it unbuttoned cause I'm lazy. I walked downstairs and the boys, except BEN, were in their swimming trunks. EJ had dark blue ones, Jeff had black ones, Toby had green ones. EJ was shirtless with a white towel over his shoulder. Jeff had the same thing and Toby had a white tank top on.
The moment I saw EJ I blushed and looked away. CRAP HOW AM I GOING TO GO SWIMMING IN THIS AND SEEING EJ LIKE THAT?!?! I yelled in my head.
"Ready to go love birds?" Jeff asked. BEN was in normal clothes as he walked down the stairs.
"W-WHAT?!?! WE'RE NOT-" me and EJ yelled blushing and Toby giggled. I toke off my flannel and covered my face with it. Toby laughed. I peaked it from my flannel and saw EJ was blushing through his mask. I raised a brow and looked down. Well then ...I'm literally standing here shirtless.
"Well...BYEGUYS!!!" I yelled running out the door and towards the lake. I heard Jeff yelling at me and I beat everyone to the lake. I toke off my jeans and jumped in before anyone could see me. EJ got there first and saw me in the water.
"H-Hey Splatter." He said rubbing the back of his neck. He toke off his mask and saw my jeans by the tree. His eyes widened.
"Yeah just ignore that." I said blushing and sinking my face in the water.
EJ saw me trying to drown myself and laughed.

~~~Next Dream/Flashback

CC wanted to put on another show for us so yeah. We headed down to her circus and Cat and I sat down. Carousel by Melanie Martinez played as she danced and sang. She danced like a ballerina, so gracefully. She has her own style of half ballet and half freestyle. CC dragged Cat out whose dance style is also ballet and a combination of a lot of different dance styles.
I laughed as Cat almost tripped being dragged by CC out into the ring of the tent. After CC got Cat in she dragged me in. I just stood there. I usually don't dance. My style of dancing doesn't match theirs or the song. My style is hip hop and freestyle. See! Doesn't match them or the song. They ended up making me dance anyway. We laughed the night away and headed back to the mansion.

~~~Next Dream/ Flashback
I ran through the forest chasing Raven. She giggled. She made this ask or dare thing where humans/ normal people ask or dare us creepypastas. I decided to mess with her and put in a date for her to kiss Dr. Smiley. She got mad and did the same to me and EJ. I wasn't mad about that. Oh no. It gets worse. OUT OF ALL THE ASK AND DARES THE KNE WITH ME AND EJ GOT THE MOST VIEWS!!!! (True story go check it out on darkmist02 's profile and its under CreepyPasta Ask Or Dare then to Dare three where mine and EJ's is)
"ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT PAYBACK SUCKS!!!!" Raven laughed running and jumping over roots from trees. I teleported to her and picked her up by the collar of her dress.
SPLATTER AND RAVEN GET BACK IN THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!! Father yelled. I dropped her and we walked back to the house. I looked at her and we both started laughing.

~~~Next Dream/ Flashback
I sat on my bed and looked at a picture of my old family. Well, me, my mom, and my dad. Like my birth parents. I used my magic to smash the picture against the wall. I looked at the glass on the floor. I picked up a piece. I touched the tip with my finger and it cut my finger. I sat back down on my bed and looked at my symbol on my arm. I smiled and a tear fell down my face.
"Hey Bloody, you ok?" I turned and Cat was at the door. She walked in and closed the door.
  "Yeah. Just a little bloody. Heh. Literally." I showed her my finger and she shook her head. I licked my finger clean and sat in my bed. I saw as Cat walked to my broken picture frame. She picked up the picture. She saw my mom and dad.
  "Who's the girl with purple hair and blue eyes?" Cat asked.
  "*sniffle* my mom." I said quietly.
  "And the man with dark blue hair and red eyes must be..."
  "My dad. Yes. *sigh*" I looked down into my lap and Cat put down the picture.
Cat sat next to me and pat my back. I tried so hard not to cry. Just thinking of my parents makes me want to commit suicide.
"It's ok. Go on and cry. We are all here for you. It's not just me who has your back you know." She smiled. I have a weak smiled and burst out crying. Jane showed up at my door and laughed.
"Oh poor baby. Mommy and daddy problems? Suck it up buttercup. You're not the only one in the house with bad histories."
  I gasped. No one has stood up for me before. I smiled.

I seemed to be having Flashbacks of me and my friends. Am I dying? Everyone says your life flashes before your eyes before you die. Is this what this is? I hope not. I still have much more to do. If I am dying then I died saving my friends. Right? Heh. I'm probably dying of blood loss or of exhaustion. Dying of blood loss would be ironic because of my name. Heh. Making jokes even when I'm dying. That's one way to go.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Child you are not dying. Plus. I need you.
Fourth wall? What? Anyways, I'm here to give you an opportunity. To gain power and the will power to do what ever your heart desires.
  Uh no thanks. I don't need some random person giving me power I have no idea of.
Smart girl are you not?
Nope. I'm stupid as all crap. I'm just logical. If some stranger came up to you and asked if you wanted some powerful magic crap would you take it?
You got me there dear child.
  Don't call me child. The only person that can is my father. Now who are you and what are you doing in my head?
My name is not important. I'm here to give you power. To save you. Even with this new home and friends, you are still depressed and scared.
  Why would I be scared? Depressed, yes. I've always been depressed because of my parents and bullies but why scared?
Scared of losing them all. I can give you the power to help them all. I can see the future and it is not pretty. Just let me control your body whenever you need help. And to summon me all you need to do is  draw blood.
  You mean like, cut myself? Why though?
It sends alarms to my mind and I will rush to your body.
Ok then. Let me think about this. For now, you can be a voice in my head until I decide. Is that ok?
As long as you are happy.
Thanks. So what should I call you if you don't want to tell me your name?
You can call me......Zane.
  Ok then. Zane.

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