58-The Stupid Puppet

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Okotte's POV
  As I threw the boy across the floor and I was dragged with him. I stopped and groaned. The side of my face was cut up. I tried to teleport but his stings wouldn't let me.
  "Smart move but dumb on your part." The Puppeteer groaned.
  "Shut up! I just want to go home!" I groaned.
  "Sorry to disappoint." He said getting up and pulling me up into the air. His strings started squeezing my body, slowly suffocating me. I gasped for air.
  "LET HER GO!!!" Cat yelled.
  "I'm good. Plus I want to have my fun." He smirked.
  "What part of I want to have fun do you not understand?" He asked squeezing me tighter and I screamed feeling my organs being squeezed to the point that they might pop.
  "Fine! I will give you fun~" CC smirked and rushed at Puppeteer. She kicked him sideways and he fell taking me down with him.
  "BE CAREFUL GOD DANMIT!!!" I yelled in pain as blood rushed down the left side of my face.
  "Sorry Bloody." CC said worried.
  "Heh...I guess you can say I'm Bloody." I joked with a weak smile and the strings squeezed me tighter.
  "ENOUGH! Let's end this already!" Puppeteer yelled.
  "With pleasure~" Cat smirked and toke out her knife and used her speed and night vision to cut him.
  With each cut, he groaned and squeezed me tighter.
  "STOP!!! ST-STOP!!" I yelled as blood came up my throat.
  "I see you have finally caught wind to what is happening." Puppeteer smirked wiping blood from his cheek.
  "B-Bloody? Are you ok?" Cat asked.
  "What do you want?!" CC asked.
  "I just want a new puppet. So basically I'm out to kill tonight." Puppeteer shrugged.
  "AS YOU CAN OBVIOUSLY SEE WE ARE NOT NORMAL KIDS NOW LET ME GO!!!" I yelled as he squeezed me even tighter.
  "Yeah. Well who do you work for?" He asked.
  "Why should we tell you?" CC snickered.
SLENDERMAN!!" I yelled.
  "Wait. You work for Slender?" Puppeteer asked.
  Puppeteer thought and moment and dropped me. I fell on my knees and clutched my stomach, starting to cough up blood.
  Cat and CC ran to me.
  "Are you ok?!" Cat asked.
  "Nope...*cough*" I said weakly.
  "Why did you let her go when she said Slender?" CC asked.
  "Because. My friend and I have been looking for him." Puppeteer said.
  "Oh well why didn't you just say? We can take you to him!" CC smiled.
  "Yes take the boy who almost squeezed me to death back to the mansion. Great." I said sarcastically as Cat helped me up.
  "Actually that would be great." Puppeteer smiled.
  "Well go get your friend!" CC smiled.
  He nodded and left for a few minutes and came back with a boy taller than him with long red hair and green eyes. He looked like an LJ reject.

  "Why hello ladies~ My name is Jason

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  "Why hello ladies~ My name is Jason. Jason the Toymaker." He bowed.
  "OH DID I HEAR TOYS!?!?" CC perked up.
  "Why yes ma'am!" Jason said proudly.
  "OH MY GOD!!! TOYS!!!" CC giggled.
  "Can we get home please. I'm still hurting over here. You know...the girl who almost got squeezed to death and half of her face is cut up!" I pointed out.
  "Oh yeah! Sorry Bloody." CC giggled and rubbed her neck.
  "Alright so how are we going there?" Puppeteer asked.
  "Just grab onto me." I groaned. This is going to hurt like a son of a-
  Everyone grabbed some part of me. Jason touched my shoulder, Puppeteer grabbed my hand, Cat already had my entire arm around her shoulder, and CC hugged me.
  "Ready guys?" I asked. They all nodded or said yes. I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain and teleported.
  I teleported to the living room and I fell to the floor screaming in pain.
  "SHUT UP AND GET EJ!!!" Cat screamed.
  Everyone gathered around me. I was groaning in pain and panting. (Even writing this makes my stomach hurt lol 😋)
  "WHERE IS SHE?!?!" I heard EJ yell. Suddenly everyone moved and the last thing I saw was EJ hovering over me.

  Okotte fainted by the time I got to her. I picked her up and toke her to my room. I laid her on my bed. I saw the wound in her left cheek. I started cleaning it and she would hiss in her sleep.
  I finished her cheek and checked for any other outside wounds. Cat told me that she was squeezed intensely by Puppeteer.
  I sighed knowing either her or Slenderman was going to kill me for this but, I had to take off her shirt to see what kind of damage was left.
  I looked at her stomach and it was purple. Shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt.
  Okotte started waking up. Oh great. Here it comes. She tried sitting up but I pushed her down gently.
  "EJ...why am I shirtless?" She asked glaring at me with both eyes glowing.
  "Let me explain. I only did it to check on your stomach area. As you can clearly see and feel, it's better that I did." I explained.
  "Fine. I will let you get away with it this time." She said blushing and looking away.
  "Well anyways, I'm going to give you some pills to help with the pain. The only thing we can do is wait it out like a bruise." I said sadly getting up and getting her a pain killer.
  "Thanks Jack." She said laying back taking deep breaths.
  "My pleaser. Well helping you of course." I smiled and handed her the pill and a bottle of water from my fridge.
  She smiled at me and threw the pill in her mouth and toke a drink of water.
  "How are you feeling?" I asked.
  "Like crap as always." She giggled.
  "I mean pain wise." I chuckled.
  "Fine. You always make things better." She smiled again.
  I smiled back. "I'm glad. You should get some rest though.  It will help you heal."
  "Can you do me a favor real quick?" She asked.
  "Uh sure. What's up?" I asked getting up.
  "Can you...never mind. It's ridiculous." She shook her head.
  "No. Tell me." I insisted.
  "Fine...will you sleep with me? What if I wake up and something starts hurting. I don't know what to do besides scream." She said covering her face wth the blankets. Oh my god. She's so cute when she acts shy.
  "Sure." I smiled and climbed into bed with her. She laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and we both fell asleep.

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