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  I ended up falling asleep in BEN's room. I fluttered my eyes open and saw I was still in the floor. I had a green jacket over me. I smiled and went to get up but something was preventing me from getting up. I looked down and saw an arm around my waist. I followed the arm to...BEN?!?!?! He was asleep next to me. He groaned.
  "Lay back down Splatter." He said sleepily.
  "B-BEN? Can y-you let go of me?" I asked.
  "But your so warm." He said nuzzling into my back.
  I growled. I smirked as an idea popped in my head. "But BEN, I'm hungry~ and you know what I eat~" I putted in his ear.
  "OK OK IM LETTING GO!!!" He yelled letting go of my waist and I got up.
  "Thanks Benny." I smiled walking out of his room. I saw Hoodie, Masky, and Toby sitting on the couch. I smirked. I snapped my fingers and appeared in front of them.
  "SURPRISE!!!" I yelled giving them a satanic smile.
  "AHHHHHH!!!!!" They all yelled. Toby curled in a ball, Hoodie jumped five feet in the air, and Masky climbed over the couch and attempted to run but tripped.
  I fell back laughing and almost breaking the coffee table. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES!!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!" I laughed.
  "Oh look it's Ms.Emo." I heard Jame's voice tease.
"Emo stands for Emotional so are we all Emos?" I asked in a matter-of-fact way walking into the kitchen and looking through the refrigerator. "WHERE ARE THE GOOD FOODS?!?!?" I yelled/asked.
Child, why are you yelling? Slendy asked teleporting to my side.
"There is no...you know what I eat!" I yelled.
Oh then ask EJ. He said going through the refrigerator and taking out eggs, cheese, and bacon.
"Are you making bacon?" I asked eyeballing the bacon.
I thought you were a cannible. Slendy said confused.
"Oh I am. I like bacon too. I just prefer to eat humans. If I had to, I would eat normal food." I explained.
Alright. I will make you some bacon as well. He "smiled".
I smiled then went to find EJ. Wait a minute! Why did he tell me to find EJ? I asked mentally.
I forgot to tell you. EJ is the other cannible. Slendy said.
"Oh. Thanks Slender!!!" I yelled running upstairs. "EJ!!!" I called.
"Splatter, EJ's room is in the basement with Dr. Smiley and Bloody Painter." Jeff groaned.
"Oh. Well uh can you-" he cut me off before I could say anything else.
"Yeah come on." He said grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. Right next to the TV was a button and Jeff pressed it. A hallway appeared in between the TV and the kitchen wall. "It's down there. Do you want me to walk you down there?"
"Yeah. If it's not any bother." I said shyly.
"No problem. Just squeeze my hand if you get scared." He said smiling. Even if he had a permanent smile, this one was a real smile.
"Thanks again." I smiled back. He lead me down the hallway and down a flight of stairs and there were three rooms. Two small and one big one. Jeff led me to the far left small room. He knocked on the door. A few seconds later EJ answered the door without his mask. His eye sockets oozing out. I looked down and he was shirtless and wearing black and blue plaid pajama pants. (Don't judge I don't know what guys wear to sleep in!!! Well my brother does this so...)
"EJ, Splatter needs food. You got something?" Jeff asked.
"Well, I got kidneys. I don't know if she will like them though." EJ shrugged.
"I'll try one." I smiled.
"Alright, come on." He said invited us in. There was a bed on the right side of the wall, the left had a closet and a TV, on the front wall was a refrigerator with a clear door next to a dresser. EJ walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. There were jars filled with what looked like organs. EJ toke out one of the jars and handed it to me.
"This is a kidney? Looks delicious." I smirked opening the jar. I took out the organ, slipping it into my mouth. I started chewing it and my mouth burst with flavor. My eyes widened. The last time I ate a kidney was when I was a kid.
"How is it?" EJ asked.
"Can't put it in words!" I exclaimed finishing the last of the kidney.
"You guys are weird. How can you eat your own kind?" Jeff asked.
"How can you murder your own kind with a smile on your face?"I asked him.
"She got you there Jeff." EJ smiled taking a kidney for himself.
"Yeah well that's different." Jeff said crossing his arms.
"How? We kill to eat and you kill for fun. Honestly your situation is worse." I shrugged taking EJ's kidney and taking a bite out of it then giving it back.
"HEY!" EJ yelled.
"I'm hungry get-" I was interrupted by the smell of bacon and by the look on Jeff's face he smelt it too. We froze for a second then I ran out of the room with Jeff behind me. "MY BACON!!!"
"NO THE BACON IS MINE!!!!" Jeff yelled throwing a knife at me. I dodged it and ran into the kitchen and hid behind Slender. I noticed the plate of bacon behind him.
Jeffery, I thought we went over not throwing knives in the house. Especially at my daughter.
"Heh sorry Slender. I was just trying to get to the bacon." Jeff said ridding the back of his neck. While they were talking I snuck a few pieces of bacon in my pocket and walked back to EJ. He was still in his PJs laying on his bed eating a kidney, and listening to music. I walked over to his bed and laid down next to him.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hey. What are doing?" EJ asked.
"Stealing bacon." I smirked getting a piece of bacon out of my pocket.
"You're eating a pig. You know that right?" EJ asked.
"Yeah but it's good. Here try one." I said giving him a piece. He toke a bite out of it then froze. I toke one of his earbuds out and heard Centuries by Fall Out Boy. Before I could blink EJ ran upstairs to get some bacon.
"SLENDY MAKE ME BACON!!!!" I heard EJ yell. I just smirked and listened to EJ's music eating bacon.

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