20- Calling all OCs

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Cat and I spent all morning hacking into Slendy's computer. We hand picked about three OCs including Stitches. Cat decided to get the other OCs in this. I agreed and she went to get Cotton Candy and I'm going to get Raven. I walked down to the basement as everyone started waking up. I opened the basement and went to Dr. Smiley's room. Raven was sitting on his bed as he fixed her arm.
"Hey Rave. Can I talk to you?" I asked.
"Yeah just hold on. We can talk after breakfast." She replied. I nodded and teleported into EJ's room. He was still asleep. I carefully opened the fridge and toke out a few kidneys. I put the jars back and left. I took a bite out of one as I teleported to the living room. BEN and Toby were sitting on the couch and they stared at me. I shrugged. I walked into the kitchen with the organ in my mouth. I saw Slender making breakfast like normal. He didn't see me though. I turned and went to my room. I saw Sally wake up.
"Morning kid." I said sitting back at my desk.
"Hey Splatter! How did you sleep?" Sally asked.
"Pretty good." I shrugged and turned the computer on.
"What are you doing?" Sally asked.
"Oh just checking out the latest update on a game." I lied.
  "Oh what game?" She asked.
  "Uuuuuuuhhhhhh UnderTale...(?)" I nervously responded. I just said the first game that came to mind.
  "Oh. I've never heard of that one before." Sally said floating to my desk.
  "Oh right, Sally, Dad is making breakfast downstairs." I said getting off topic and her out of the room.
  "Oh ok. See ya!" She said floating to the door and running downstairs. I turned to her bed and saw her worn out teddy bear sitting near her pillow. It's head turned toward me. I raised a brow.
  "I'm trippin'. I did not just see the teddy bear's head move." I said to myself.
  "Oh but sweetheart, ya did." The teddy bear said.
  "I need sleep. Nope! Screw this!!" I yelled walking out of the room and to Cat's room. Cat was talking with CC.
  "BLOODY~CHAN!!!" Cc yelled running to me and hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back.
  "Hey CC. What's up?" I asked. She let me go and smiled.
  "Cat just told me about the group you are making. I would love to be part of it!!!" She exclaimed. She seemed so happy about it. I smiled and nodded.
  "That's good. We are still working out details like the symbol and who exactly we are besides outcast OCs." I shrugged. "Anyway go eat breakfast. Slendy should be done."
  "Aren't you coming?" Cat asked.
  "No. I got in an argument with him the other night. I'm not too happy about it though." I replied looking down slightly.
  "Oh. Sorry I asked. Well I will see ya after then." Cat smiled.
  "See ya Bloody~Chan!!" CC yelled and dragged Cat downstairs.
  "Looks like you are hanging out with your own kind." Someone sneered from the door way.
  "Shut it. I belong here as much as you do Jane. I thought you fought for what's right." I rolled my eyes.
  "I do. OCs and CreepyPastas don't belong together."
  "Why not? Do you have history with OCs or do you like to discriminate against OCs?" I asked with a bit of sass in my voice.
  "None. I'm not discriminating OCs. I'm just discriminating you."
  "Then why point out the fact I'm an OC? Got a problem with it? I don't. I'm proud of it. Anyway, see ya in a bit." I said teleporting outside by my window. Liu and DL were standing there waiting. "Hey guys." I said with disappointment in my voice.
  "Are you ok Splatter?" Liu asked.
  "*sigh* its dad. He wasn't very happy when he heard I was talking to you guys since you were with Zalgo."
  "I see. I'm sorry." Liu looked down.
  "It's not your fault. It's Zalgo's for trying to take over the world or whatever." I sighed.
  "So what are we going to do? Where are we going to live if Slender won't let us in?" DL asked.
  "I don't know. I will have do something about that. Here, follow me." I said and I started walking through the forest. They followed me. I remember seeing a little hut in the middle of the forest. I turned right and there it was.
  "Its small but it will work for now." DL shrugged.
  "Thanks for everything Splatter." Liu smiled.
  "No problem. I will come and check on you guys in a little bit ok?" I gently smiled. They nodded and head inside. I teleported back home and saw everyone through the kitchen window. They were laughing and talking. Toby was tapping Masky's shoulder as Masky was getting annoyed. Hoodie was talking to Masky. LJ and CC were sitting together talking with Cat at CC's right. Jane and Clocky were talking. Jeff and BEN were laughing. Slender and his brothers were talking as they all cleaned up. Dr. Smiley came out with Raven and Bloody Painter. They sat down and started talking with everyone. Sally was tugging on Slendy's leg and he picked her up and she giggled. I smiled to myself.
  "Looks like they are having fun. Is everyday like this?" I asked myself.
  "Yeah it is actually." I turned around to see a boy wth black hair and yellow eyes with a lightning bolt over his right eye. He was wearing a partially ripped pikachu jacket over a black shirt and black jeans.
  "Who are you?" I asked looking at him weirdly.
  "Oh, right. I forgot you've never seen me like this. It's me. BRVR." He smiled.

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