18- Welcome to the Heathens

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  I can't believe I just did that. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!? HE PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN LIKE ME BACK!!!!!
  "Hey Splatter. Slender wants to see you." Jeff broke my thoughts.
  "Oh uh. Thanks Jeff." I said rubbing my neck.
  "So what were you thinking about?~ I saw that flustered look on your face. What did you do?" Jeff asked.
  "N-nothing." I stuttered out.
"Sure. Anyway. Slendy needs you." Jeff shrugged.
"Alright. Bye Jeffy." I smiled hugging Jeff and teleporting upstairs. I knocked on Slender's door and he told me to come in. I walked in and saw three other Slendermen. One was Trendy, one was dressed in a pock-a-dotted suit AND HE ACTUALLY HAS A FACE!!! The other one was in a black button up shirt with the top two unbuttoned and black jeans. The one in black offered me a rose. I hesitantly toke it.
Good afternoon Okotte. I would like you to meet my brothers, or in this case, your uncles. Slendy explained.
  "I believe we already met." Trendy said shacking my hand. I smiled.
  "How have you been uncle Trendy." I asked.
  "Good. I heard you've grown a liking here. I'm glad." He said.
  Well then. Okotte this is Splender and Offender. He mentioned that the one in pock-a-dots is Splender and the one in black is Offender. I regret taking that rose now.
  "HI!!! IM SO GLAD TO FINALLY MET MY NEICE!!!" Splender yelled.
  I giggled. "It's nice to meet you too uncle Splendy."
  "Awwwwwww she called me uncle!!!!" He yelled picking me up and hugging me.
  Brother. Please put my daughter down. Slendy face palmed.
  Splender chuckled and put me down. I turned to Offender and froze. He chucked and toke my hand. He kissed the top of it and smirked.
  "Hello~ I'm Offender." He said.
  I stood still and shook my head in response.
  "Did Trendy tell you what I do? Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He reassured.
  I eased a bit and sighed. "Thank you. I'm BloodSplatter. You can call me Splatter for short."
  "Oh I've heard so much about you from the boys. They seem to enjoy your presence." Splender said.
  "Heh yeah. The boys are great." I replied then EJ came to mind. I smiled a bit.
  I saw Offender smirk. I raised a brow. Offender bent down to my level and whispered in my ear. "I can read your mind you know~ I can tell that you are thinking of EJ~"
  My face went red and my eyes widened.
  "Are you ok there sweetheart?" Splender asked.
  "Y-yes. I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered out.
  Okotte? Did Offender say something to...offend you? Slender asked.
  "N-no dad. I-I'm fine." I reassured. Offender laughed in a corner and I sent him a glare.
  Alright. Well that's all  I wanted you for. Go and have fun. Slendy smiled. I nodded and left the room. I went outside seeing that it was morning already. YOU GUYS WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I SAW!!! Liu. FUDGING LIU!!
  "How is it going here?" He asked.
  "Just fine thank you very much." I said with a bit of sass.
  "Aww. Come on. Give me a chance. Please. Let me take you home with me just so you can see how it's like to live with me and my friends."
  "Liu. I like here. I don't want to leave. Please don't make me leave." I begged. I've been talking to him secretly for a while. Him and I are good friends.
  Liu looked down. "I understand. I don't want to leave you though."
  I put my hand on his shoulder. "Then join us. You and DL (Dark Link) can come and live with us. I'm sure you guys will love it here." I smiled.
  "But what will Zalgo say? He will kill us." He said looking at me.
  "We will protect you. Even if no one does, I will. I promise."
  He smiled and nodded. He told me that he was going to go get his stuff and DL. By tonight, he will be living with us. I ran back inside only to be met with my dad who looked pretty mad.
  What were you doing out this late? He asked tapping his foot.
  "Before you get mad! I got two new proxies. Their coming from Zalgo's."
  "Dad, please listen. Their good guys. Well besides them being Pastas. Please dad. I've gained their trust and they have mine. Dad I'm begging you. Let them in." I begged. I heard the basement open. EJ came out.
  "What's going on boss?" He asked Slender.
  Splatter has been talking with Zalgo's proxies. Slender said crossing his arms.
  "YOU DID WHAT?!?" EJ yelled. I rolled my eyes.
  "Fine." I said marching upstairs. I closed the door remembering that Sally is asleep. I grabbed the files from under my bed and got on my computer. I started hacking into Slender's computer. I finally got in and found many files under OC. I found one named Stitch. I clicked on his picture. He has blonde hair, red eyes and looked like the Frankenstein. His mouth was stitched together and so were many other of his limbs.

  "Bloody~Chan? What are you doing up this late?" I turned and it was Faceless Cat

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  "Bloody~Chan? What are you doing up this late?" I turned and it was Faceless Cat. Or Cat for short.
  "Oh hey Cat. Nothing. Just go to bed." I said going back to my computer and reading more about this boy.
  "I heard yelling." She said walking in.
  "Be quiet. Sally is asleep." I whispered.
  "Sorry. Anyway, what are you doing on your computer?" She asked looking over my shoulder.
  "Making my own group of OCs. I trust you with this so don't tell anyone. Especially Slendy." I told her. She nodded.
  "Can I join?" She asked.
  I raised a brow. "What? Why? If you join you know people are going to criticize you for being an OC right?" I asked.
  "Yup, but I don't care. I'm proud to be an OC." She smiled.
  I shrugged. "Alright. Welcome to the...... I still haven't come up with a name yet."
  "The Heathens." Cat suggested. I smiled.
  "Yeah. The Heathens." I giggled and turned to my computer.

Stitches is a made up OC. I still haven't gotten any request for OCs.

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