50-Jail Cell

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Okotte's POV
  I woke up in a red and black jail cell. I rushed to the bars and looked around. It was just a long black hallway of jail cells. I tried to teleport out but I couldn't. I tried to break the bars with my magic but it didn't work.
  "Hello? Anyone there?" I asked and I noticed my voice was back to normal. I looked around and a huge beast with a mask came.
(Forget that EJ is in the picture.)


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  "Hey. Uh do you know where we are?" I asked it, him, whatever it is.
  It walked to my cell and sniffed me. I stood there with a blank face. It stopped and stared into my eyes. I slowly breathed so I wouldn't scare it. Suddenly it...


Licked me. I giggled. I reached out slowly to pet it. It let me and I scratched its chin and head. I heard a door open then close. The beast heard it to. I looked down and saw ...fucking sonic? He had black eyes and red pupils.
  "SEED EATER!! I thought Zalgo told us not to mess the prisoners." He scolded.
  Seedeater whined like a dog and backed away. I reached my hand out for him and he shook his head.
  Sonic walked towards my cell and looked at me.
  "So you're BloodSplatter. Liu and DL has told me a lot about you. Is it true that your eyes change colors?" He asked examining me.
"I pray to god you are not checking me out, anyways yes it is. My eyes change red and blue when I use magic." I explained.
"I see. Well Zalgo wishes to talk to you so let's get it going." He said unlocking the cell and I walked down the hall as Sonic and Seedeater.
"So how did you became a CreepyPasta, Sonic?" I asked.
"My name isn't Sonic for one. It's Sonic.exe. And it's because of my game." He explained.
"Oh I'm sorry. So you copied BEN?" I asked.
"NO!!! I didn't copy BEN!" He said with sass and Seedeater growled at him. "Shut it Seed. When did you care about anyone? I thought you only care for your master EJ!" She said sarcastically.
I froze. Sonic.exe poked my back with a knife. I turned to Seedeater. "Your master is EJ!? No wonder you like me."
"Move along girly. We have to get you to the master." He said as he cut my back.
I groaned and Seedeater howled. Seedeater pushed Sonic.exe to the wall and grabbed me, throwing me on his back and taking me to Zalgo. He put me down and stood me up straight.
I pet his head. "Thanks Seed. Don't worry. I know your master. Do you want to see him again?" I asked him.
He shook his head frantically. I giggled and kissed his forehead. I heard a demonic chuckle.
"I see you made quite a bound with Seedeater here. Why is that? He seems to accept no one but his master Eyeless Jack." The voice asked. I couldn't forget that voice if I tried. Its Zalgo.

  "Probably because I smell of him

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"Probably because I smell of him. I tend to hang around him a lot. You of all people should know that, Zalgo." I said.
  "Of course. So now that our bond is broken, this entire trip  is a win win." Zalgo smiled.
"How is it a win win? I get the win for me but how-"
"Your friends and father my dear. You have grown connections with them now they are trying to find you and when they do, they are all D E A D!!!" He yelled.
"Fine. I will only battle your father and the winner lives. The rest will have the same fate as their master. If he wins they live, if he loses, they all D I E!"
I growled along with Seedeater. Seedeater walked to my side.
"Seedeater. You choose her over me. After Eyeless Jack left you. He abandoned you and I toke you in. This is how you repay me?" Zalgo sighed.
"EJ would never abandon Seed. He's not that type of person. He understands what it's like to be hated because he's different." I defended.
  "I see. Defending Eyeless Jack isn't going to change my mind about the battle. SONIC.EXE!!! Take both SeedEater and BloodSplatter to the dungeon please." Zalgo commanded.
Sonic.exe came back and toke me and SeedEater to the cell again. SeedEater laid down and whined. I sat next to him.
"I'm sorry Seed. This is my fault. I'm so so sorry Seed. If I wasn't here you wouldn't be here." I sighed as Seed nuzzled me with his nose. I pet his head and smiled. "Thanks Seed."

Raven's POV
  I woke up a bit early. I got up and yawned then walked outside my tent. The first thing I noticed was EJ punching and kicking a tree.
  I sighed and went to the backpack on the ground and got some food. I went to the fire pit and sat on the logs. The stupid dirt is going to get in my system!! I yelled in my head.
I toke a bite of my metal. (GAJEEL FROM FAIRYTAIL CONFIRMED!!!) When I finished it, I stood up and walked a little ways into the forest and began target practice with trees and animals that just happened to come around.
  I walked back to camp and everyone was gathered around Slender.
  "What's up Slender?" BEN asked.
I'm afraid that Zalgo has already gotten BloodSplatter. We will enter the comic book in about two hours so everyone please train, get some rest, eat, do whatever it takes to have full energy and strength for this journey. I as well will be training. I don't know how powerful Zalgo has grown. So be prepared for the worse. Alright. That is all. Slender concluded. I looked around and everyone was busy. I saw Jeff and walked to him.
"Hey Jeff, mind training with me?" I asked.
"Sure." He sighed and got up.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Just a bit worried about Splatter." He said as we walked into the forest.
"Isn't everyone?" I asked.
"Yeah but now, after what Slender said, I'm a little more worried. Zalgo could have already killed her and we wouldn't know. WHY CANT WE JUST GO NOW?!?" Jeff yelled.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "We have to prepare. We can't just go charging in and expect to win. We don't know what Zalgo is capable of."
  "Calm down. Knowing Splatter, she's fine. She even most likely made a friend in there." I smiled.
  Jeff sighed. "You're right. She probably has."
  "Alright. Now come on. I wanna kick your ass in training!!" I cheered.
  "BRING IT!!" Jeff yelled.

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