Chapter one

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Extra sugar

Camille O'connell once told the mikaelson family she had a sister

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Camille O'connell once told the mikaelson family she had a sister. A girl in which they would never have the pleasure in meeting.
The younger sister held the same qualities as Cami, the blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, along with their infatuations with the evil in each personality.

This could have been to do with their brothers murder.
Or the fact their uncle died with a similar ending.
But they both held their reactions very differently.

Camille suffered with the presence of her family, where as her sister left without saying a word. She couldn't handle the abrupt death of her older brother Sean.
But then she returned.
And fell into a life she wasn't expecting.


Ava O'connell slotted the key she was given before she left, into the lock and twisted the handle.
The door creaked ajar and Ava happily flounced into the apartment with a suitcase drawling behind her.
A blonde haired girl quickly turned around from the noise, obviously being in high alert.
Her dark blue eyes widening as they assessed the new arrival.
Too shocked to move.

Ava pulled her suitcase up to stand, chucked her keys to the bowl that held a variety of similar objects and turned to her sister.
Her eyebrows quirked as she smirked her normal smirk.
Her crystal eyes sparking with curiosity.

"What no welcome home hug?" Ava asked, her hands perching on her hips. Cami finally snapped out of her daze and matched her sisters smile. Sprinting over the obstacles and toward her little sister.

Cami's arms outstretched and quickly engulfed Ava in a hug.
How she missed the smell of her sisters pine and violet scent. But then her happiness was washed away.
And it was replaced by fear.

Cami finally pushed away and looked at her little sister with concern.
"How long are you staying?" Cami asked, her hand rubbing Ava's arms in comfort. Ava's eyebrows furrowed at the question she was asked. A sly smirk toying with the edges of her mouth.

"This is my home too, so I was hoping a while." She laughed, confusion lacing her tone ever so slightly. Cami smiled half forcefully, because if Ava was staying, her last name would force her In to danger.

"Right of course." Cami laughed, her mind never failing to think of the danger. Ava noticed her distance and instantly sighed, stepping away from her sisters grip and grabbing her keys once more.

"Right that's it, I've just come home, and now we are going to go grab coffee." Ava informed her older sister, heading straight to the door so there could be a lack of protests.
Without hesitation she yanked the wooden door open and strutted down the hallway.
Soon followed by Cami.


Both girls were strolling down the walk way, both girls doing very different things.

Ava was absentmindedly walking down the street, absorbing all the differences and similarities the semi familiar route held. Wisps of her hair caught in her mouth on several occasions as her lips parted in awe of the city. She had missed the safety within New Orleans. But it was only safe because she was protected.

Cami was always on high alert.
Her gaze snapping to each place where sound originated from. Cami stayed glued to Ava's side, her hand protectively out behind her sisters back, shaking with anticipation. Her eyes shot back as a sound hummed behind her. She was not wrong to be afraid, because there walked two werewolves lurking behind them.

Cami slammed her feet against the cobbled floor, spinning around to address them. Ava barely realised, her mind all wrapped in the wonder of New Orleans as she carried on walking.

"It's never gets old for you guys, does it? Like a couple of dogs with a bone. Tell Francesca I'm just trying to live a normal life. See if you can get that through her thick canine skull." Cami bit at the two who had stopped in front of her. The two men, obviously buff and broad, stood staring down at her. Their gaze casually flickering back and forth from the girl in the background and the girl in front.

Ava slowed when she heard her sisters voice, her body spinning around in shock that Cami was no longer next to her. It was clear the two men Cami was yelling at had pissed her off, but Ava was un sure why. She watched as the men didn't respond to her sister words, their expressions blank. Cami sighed, out stretching her hand with her coffee within her grasp.

"Why do I bother? Here. Your regular extra sugar, right?" She stated, pushing her drink toward one of them before turning and strutting off back toward her sister. Ava smirked at Cami as she came toward her, one eyebrow quirked.

"Ex boyfriend?" Ava questioned, receiving a glare from Cami. Cami walked straight past, forcing Ava to scurry behind her.

"If only." Cami muttered, never looking back.

And whilst her face was hidden,
her expression contorted into fear.


So this has been sitting in my drafts for who knows how bloody long. I thought as my previous and continuing story has just hit 650 reads, I would just upload this part of the new book.

I wrote this because I've always wanted to see a book about T.O that started in New Orleans but I couldn't find many. So if you know any good books like that please comment.

If you like this first chapter, comment and vote because it means a lot, even just reads do. If you have come from the other book because you too, have an infatuation with the supernatural genre, then tell me and comment!

Thank you for reading this far,
Sorry for any mistakes.

Goodbye X

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