Chapter Sixty Three

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Retelling old stories

"I find it odd how he trusts you

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"I find it odd how he trusts you." Aurora sung, as she wondered through the maze of corpses aligning the floor.

"Isn't it true Nik killed your beloved uncle right about... here?" She pointed to what otherwise would seem as a pointless and bare spot.

Ava pushed down the lump swelling in her throat, nodding as memories of her family flashed through her mind.
Somehow, Ava managed to shove the pain to the furthest part of her mind.

Aurora tilted her head to the side in morbid curiosity, watching the blondes expression fall monotonous.

"And thats where I lost my brother and any chance to have children." Ava stated blankly, pointing toward where the pews would have been situated before the reconstruction.

"I bet it was difficult to watch, was it also hard to have that part ripped away from you by Nik too?" Aurora asked with a malicious grin, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Yes, at first." Ava murmured, her fingers anxiously toying with the hem of her blood stained dress.

"This church hasn't been much luck for your family, has it?" Aurora continued to pry, eyes narrowing down in suspicion.

"How'd you know about my brother?" Ava questioned, her hands slowly balling into tight fists.

"I confess, when I first heard your name, I was intrigued. Nik cares for so few people, so I looked you up." The vicious vampire explained, a tint of pain flashing through her face.

"The internet is such a marvel. I learnt all about your storied past, and it didn't take much to realise how invasive Klaus would have been with you." She muttered, biting her bottom lip until she drew blood.

"The insane brother slaughters 9 seminary student and then does himself. the little sister left traumatised and near the brink of death, saved only a few minutes before the inevitable." Ava almost chocked on the recollection Aurora was forcing down her throat without remorse. Her eyes burning with anger.

"Are you enjoying this, bringing up the tragedies of my life? Do you get off on being this cruel?" Ava spat, her cheeks flushing red as her blood began to boil.

"Maybe I'm looking for the ways in which we are alike. See, Niks been obsessed with me for centuries. And now he is infatuated with you." Aurora noted, barely hiding the matching rage she felt with her hostage.

Ava scoffed.

"What do you think the overlap between us is? is it crazy brother? Yours was quite mad, and mine, well... Tristan, I love him, but he can be a bit daft sometimes." She chuckled, tutting at her brothers actions with cynical humour.

Ava was skeptical; this woman was psychotic and even Ava knew the girl was far too broken to be repaired.


"So you're telling me, you and Nik are stuck in this limbo because of your measly morals. Thats funny, really it truly is." Aurora giggled, throwing her head backward in a fit of laughter.

"I'm glad you find it humorous." Ava muttered, folding her arms against her chest as tight as she could to create a form of barrier.

"I really do. Did you think you would be the one to bring out the frail human inside him that has been withering away for centuries. Oh darling, he doesn't care about you." The auburn haired girl pouted, amusement still laced in her skin.

This time, Ava laughed.

"Say what you want Aurora, it doesn't change the reality. Which is; you're worried." Her eyebrow quirked as she watched the unsettling expression fall on her captors skin.

Auroras eyes twitched, pulsing with anger as she listened to what Ava had to say.

"I think you're worried. Because if theres anything that Klaus likes about me, its my mind. Its how I understand why he does things. And how I am not afraid to counter his opinion."

Ava stepped closer to the vampire perched on one of the many steps that lead to the head of the church, her anger simmering down into logistical thinking.

"And yes, you are beautiful. You are powerful and you do have this long history together." The psychotic girl grinned at the compliments, her emotions running wild as Ava stepped closer to her once again.

"Yet you're still worried. You're worried he doesn't love you, that maybe he does see the truth. That your mind, its a bit damaged, isn't it? You're worried I'll be the one to finally show him how insane you really are."

Blood pooled in avas mouth as she was flung backward and crashed into the chained wall. She scoffed as her body slowly dropped on to the floor, hands still gripped through the chained wall towering behind her.

"I've had enough of your useless attempts to derail me. Now lets shine the light back on you, shall we? Tell me your deepest, darkest secret. And if I sense you are holding back, well, you might not live long enough for Nik to get here." Aurora stood over the girl like the sun blaring undeniable blasts of anger toward the fragile blonde.

She stayed mute for a moment, wiping the blood dripping from her lip as her gaze met with the cold stare of auroras.

"I will not ask you again. You're greatest shame... admit it and do not bother lying because I will know and then I will end you." Aurora shrieked, her veins pulsing and nostril flaring.

Ava gulped down the slick feeling of blood, the only way she could postpone her death was to give in to Auroras demand.



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