Chapter nineteen

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2:00 am talks

After caving in and pouring his heart out to the girl, drink being more than enough to open his head, klaus had found himself pacing through the room

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After caving in and pouring his heart out to the girl, drink being more than enough to open his head, klaus had found himself pacing through the room.

Ava propped herself on the
Sofa contributing to his words as she submerged herself in deep thought.

Klaus had told her about Hope, had revealed his true meaning of killing his father. He had also spoke about his mother and her incessant need to be in his life, whether that be to prolong it or to end it.

Ava was intrigued by his stories through the millennia, so much had happened- so much drama it could have been a tv show.

Klaus stopped pacing and spun in his heel to face the girl who had flung her feet into criss cross Apple sauce.

She looked so innocent.

"Enough about me, love. What stories have you got?" Klaus queried, a smirk placed on his lips. Ava's big eyes widened, her life was dull and she kept what was interesting to herself.

She could not compete with a millennia curse and delusional parents.

"That was not a part of the arrangement." Ava stated abruptly, her hands quickly meeting and fumbling with the hem of her top.

Klaus was even more interested, Ava was hiding something. He sauntered over to the girl, placing himself on the chair opposite.

"Oh I know love, I'm merely changing it." He countered, repeating her words from previously.

"So out with it, what's avangaline O'Connell hiding." Klaus smirked, he was enticing himself into the conversation.

Ava frowned, her private life was something that not even Cami knew of. She was reserved, much like the hybrid himself.

She hastily took her glass that and swirled the containment anxiously.

"Nothing. Nada. Nil. I'm an open book." Ava lied, sipping the drink in hand in anticipation for his comeback.

"I hardly believe that, love. Tell me why did you move away from New Orleans and decided to come back?" Klaus asked, wanting to know a slither of her life like she knew his.

Ava sighed, her thumb rubbing uncomfortably on the glass, watching the marks it created.

"Why do you think I moved away? You've felt grief, the continuous condolences of strangers. If you could get away from the constant sympathy for just a minute, you would. And I could and did." Ava explained, not extending to why she had felt as much pain as she did for her brother.
That was something she never shared.

Klaus waited for the second answer, leaning back into the chair with his gaze focused on the blonde.

"I came back because my uncle died, I grieved by myself like I do and then I came home. For Cami." Ava caught on, but her tone was clear to show she would not share anything else.

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