Chapter twenty seven

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Hidden hope

It was a quaint house hidden within the tree line

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It was a quaint house hidden within the tree line.
Something no one would notice as conspicuous and want to investigate.

Why would the owners want to create commotion when residing within the residence was the thing everyone desired?

The person the originals cherished most.

Hope mikealson.

As the door gently swung open, Ava glanced at the man strategically placed a few metres adjacent to her.

When their eyes connected, Ava scowled as if in warning not to mention anything.

All klaus did was run his finger down his lip, a mischievous grin forming as his nail dragged down his chin to signal a smudge under her own.

The girl grunted as the back of her hand rubbed whatever makeup was stained beside her lip, heading in to the house without another moment of hesitation.

"Let me introduce you to the newest member of the mikealson family." Klaus whispered as he caught up with the quick moving O'Connell; his hand slipping to the small of her back and head by her ear.

"Hope mikealson." He announced as Haley entered the room with an amused expression.

Ava guessed the hybrids could hear the acceleration of her heartbeat- and she hated it. She hated how her privacy was ripped away just because she couldn't control the pace of her heart or the rhythm of her breathing.

And then she saw the child.

A girl, with short tussled hair, had attached herself to her mothers side. Her eyes matched the blistering blue that had froze within klaus' irises, family resemblance too uncanny not to notice.
And when she saw the girl smile, Ava realised why they had called her Hope.

She was the hope for klaus' redemption to Elijah.
She was the hope for a family,
to Rebekah.
And she was the hope for love,
to klaus.

Because maybe if he could love a child without penance, he could love her.


Not more than an hour later, Camille oconnell finally slipped through threshold- a smile plastered on her lips.

It took what felt like hours to explain the reasoning behind her not knowing of hopes survival, even longer for the acknowledgement that Ava knew before her.

They had moved into the living room. Haley had slumped down next to Cami in a huff of exhaustion from parenting,

her voice -however- never faltering as she carried on to explain everything to the two sisters.

Klaus had pulled Ava to the other sofa and handed her Hope, watching the two intently as they bonded.

Ava was perched on the sofa, allowing the child to tug on each of her fingers as she played with a ring resting on her pointer.

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