Chapter eigthy four

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Fucking and Fighting

Her vision was fuzzy as she woke, head splitting underneath the pain that still traced her body

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Her vision was fuzzy as she woke, head splitting underneath the pain that still traced her body. Her fists cupped the silk sheets in a bid to ground herself, stretching each muscle in her body until she heard a pop.

The stench of blood lingered in the air, even when the scenery had changed. Too many times she had woke up in agony since her transition, too many people taking advantage of the fact a snapped neck could silence her.

The viscous sting of Ava's failure from killing Aurora rang in the back of her head, taunting her recklessly. She groaned as she tugged down the shirt that had somehow adorned her body, hastily rummaging through the drawers for any of her own clothes.

"I see sleeping beauty has risen." Klaus noted smugly, leaning against the door frame as Ava ignored him. She silently scolded herself for not washing her wardrobe regularly or replacing every torn piece of clothing over the past year or so.

"Gone mute, have we darling?" Klaus observed, unphased by Ava's plan to ridicule him, as it always seemed to fail. She paused, slamming the drawer shut and sending the hybrid a harsh scowl.

Her footsteps shuddered through the floor as she stormed toward the door, anger aching every inch of her bones. In a flash, she was pressed against a wall, wrist caught on klaus' grip.

"Come on, Ava! You can't keep ignoring me when we have a spat." He whined, dropping his hold on her and yet keeping his close stance.

"Was she telling the truth? Aurora. Did you sleep with her?" Ava asked with a sour expression, begging for it to be another poisonous lie. Klaus paused, already giving her the answer she didn't want.

"Why would you do that? After everything we have been through?" Her voice had suddenly rung quiet as she used every ounce of her energy to stop the tears threatening to spill.

"I needed information from her." Klaus sighed, regretting the idiotic action and the tinge of love he once had for aurora. In a second, Ava had thrown him across the room, his body clattering against the bed frame with a thud.

"So you fucked her?" She roared, eyes shining red as her emotions took over.

"It wasn't like that, Ava." Klaus tried to reason, dusting himself of as he regained his composure. The blonde scoffed, fighting against her instinct to kill him, knowing she didn't have the power to do so.

"What was it like Niklaus? Was it euphoric, passionate? Did you, in that moment, love her?" Ava demanded, even if she didn't want the answers. The hybrid etched forward, remorseful of how his actions had made her feel. How she eagerly turned against him.

"Ava, I love you. All Aurora was, was a mean to an end. I will never love anyone but you. You are my always, my forever." Klaus hummed, trying to crack the anger shielding Ava's vision. Trying to realign her outlook toward him.

"When was it? Where was I?" She rebutted, frozen in place as the hybrid stepped forward. For a moment it was silent, klaus recollecting the time of his impulsive behaviour, pretending it hadn't been scorned into his mind.

"It was when Lucien had you."

"I was being abducted, and you were with someone else?" Ava screamed, diving toward him as another wave of anger took over. The pair fell to the floor, Ava gripping his shirt as she pinned them down.

"I nearly died! Hell, the bitch you screwed did kill me!" She spat, and with each sentence she slammed him in to the floor again.

"This is what she wants." Klaus huffed, laying limp underneath her touch.

"Then she got what she wanted, didn't she." With her finite words, Ava dropped her ring upon klaus' chest, speeding off into the night before either one could change their mind.


"Ava?" Cami called as the window whipped open. She hurried into the kitchen, stake in hand and ready to kill whichever vampire had chosen to trespass. But instead, she found Ava with a bottle in hand and a loosely fitting shirt on her body.

"What happened?" Cami asked, noticing the lack of the shining ring that was normally nestled on Ava's ring finger.

"The usual. A psycho cow came barrelling in, abducted Freya, shot me, and told me Klaus screwed her." She counted it off in her free hand, downing the spirit with her other. Cami froze as she took it all in, furrowing her eyebrows and how relaxed Ava was. Had she switched it off?

"Oh god Ava, are you okay?" The big sister instinct shone through as Cami rushed toward Ava, ready to bury her in comfort and snacks.

"Oh I'm fine. But if I'm to live a few more centuries I think I could stew for a couple more decades or so, don't you?" She shrugged, sliding away the then empty bottle of spirit and jumping from the countertop with a stint in her step.

"Well you're clearly still a light weight when dead, come on let's go watch a movie." Cami soothed, slipping underneath Ava's arm and hoisting her to the sofa.

It was obvious Ava was attempting to hide the tears glassing her vision, fighting the urge to run like she always had. Because for better or worse, she couldn't run from the rest of her eternal life.



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