Chapter fifty five

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Lost memories

Ava stood, coffee in hand and awaiting the hybrid to leave the precinct

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Ava stood, coffee in hand and awaiting the hybrid to leave the precinct. The sunrays pulsated through the air and against the side walk like a heart beat. Each beam capturing more of the light as it danced within the air.

The brooding face of a hybrid was hard to miss as the man pushed his way across the road; anger evident on his features. Without any words, Ava handed him the drink she had bought for him and awaited for an argument to begin.

"Ava love, I'm starting to think you're a tad suicidal from all these new mates you've found." Klaus observed bitterly as he took the warm beverage and tapped on its lid. Ava chuckled at his remark, her eyes glistening through the crystal.

"Don't worry, that drink is catered for all your needs." Ava pointed out, sipping on her own in amusement. Klaus simply raised an eyebrow, how had little Avangaline obtained someones blood without raising suspicion. His gaze fell to her hand.

In one moment his coffee was shoved on the public post box stuck to the sidewalk, his hand pulling her fingers away from her palm to reveal a small plaster stuck to one side.

"Bloody hell Avangaline, you are quite literally insane." Klaus reprimanded as he eyed the fresh tiny plaster decorating her palm.

"You and your buddy Lucien have killed for sport, I think if by sparing a couple spots of blood of my own could stop that. Then maybe it's the more sane alternative." Ava pointed out, slowly taking her hand away from his and nodding toward the new friend who had just left the building opposite them.

"Speaking of, Vincent thinks you should kill him. I on the other hand, think if he's not lying there is no need." Ava noted as the pair watched him head towards a sleek and black car. Klaus sighed as he began to head toward the road, his eyes glossing with fury. Ava immediately reached out and pulled him back, her gaze firm.

"You don't need to kill him, Nik." Ava reasoned, lacing her fingers through his. Klaus turned back to her for a moment, his features softening at one glance of those blue eyes.

"Even if he is telling the truth. He flirted with you, love. I see that as reason enough." And with the sly mikaelson smirk, klaus vanished.


Welcoming new vampires into the quarter was always unforthcoming, it meant death was met with the same virtue. And Ava hated that. She knew Lucien had one of the largest roles in the mass murders happening throughout the city, and she hated him more with the visions he had coincidentally seen of the Mikaelson downfall. Which only became more prominent with the new introduction of Tristan De'Martel.

"It's Hallows Eve, Freya! As residents of New Orleans it is our duty to celebrate such a tradition." Ava declared, already thrusting a costume toward the eldest mikaelson.

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