Chapter sixty four

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Unravelling hidden pasts

"It was the night my brother died

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"It was the night my brother died. I walked in without knowing what would happen, but I should've known. I should've been able to stop it from happening. And I should've died along with him, along with my..."

Ava hiccuped, staring down to the red stain seeping through the floor.

"I sense the stories about to get good, go on love." Aurora hummed, her eyes narrowed in curiosity.

"I should've died along with my baby." Ava's voice was barely a whisper, but Aurora heard her clear enough to clap in enjoyment at what she had said.

"No one knew it at the time, even I had only known for a couple weeks. Maybe if he had known, he wouldn't have tried to kill me. But instead I was selfish, and I can only imagine what my selfishness caused."

Avas hands curled around her knees as she brought them to her chest, resting her chin as she finally revealed something she thought she never had to.

"Thats why you ran isn't it? You didn't just run away because your brother had tried to kill you. you ran because he not only killed that little foetus swimming around inside you, but took away any chance of you ever having a child again. You're not ashamed that you couldn't stop him from doing it, you're ashamed you didn't want the baby in the first place."

Aurora was fuelling from the pain entrapped within avas frame, her eyes wide as she pieced something together she thought she never would be able to.

"And they said my family understands people." Ava muttered as she rose from her position and brushed the stale feeling her pain left behind.

"I see why Nik is so taken with you." Aurora smiled, toying with one of the blonde strands perched on avas shoulder.

"The trouble is, my burgeoning respect for you is overshadowed by my somewhat puerile jealousy. so I suppose we've reached the inevitable, wouldn't you say- my love?"

Avas face drained of colour as Nik marched through the church doors, he had heard what she had said. Something Ava wished she had never revealed in the first place.

"Stop this game." Klaus advised as he stopped only a few metres short from the two girls.

"This is not a game, Nik. This is an intervention. You're in danger of losing the love of your life- me." Aurora whined, stepping infront of the blonde to create a form of barrier.

"We're finally together after so long apart, all the world before us. If we can just dodge a few minor obstacles." She continued, her expression almost sullen from how she saw his body react to Avas state.

"But what I cannot overcome is your affections for someone else. I've waited far too long to share you now." it was as if she was a rabid animal, growling to protect her young from predators.

"You can't believe this girl means anything to me Aurora." Klaus tried to reason, watching the pain flicker through Avas expression.

She knew he was trying to save her life, but some of what he said rang true. How could he feel anything for her when the supposed love of his life had arisen from his past?

"But I do believe it, Nik! I see it, I see the fear in your eyes." Aurora cried to be told she was wrong, to be convinced Ava was nothing but a minuscule human to pass time.

But Aurora knew, she saw the familiarity of the way he looked at Ava. The way he used to look at her.

"Do you actually love her?" She whispered as her eyes began to water. Klaus shook his head, eyes wide and frantic for her to take the bait.

"You know I love you." he begged for her to believe him, a rush of relief flooding through his expression as Aurora began to smile.

"I'm so glad you admitted that." She beamed, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.

"I wanted Ava to hear that. Before I rip out her throat." In a second, Avas throat was caught within auroras hands. Klaus immediately took a step forward, a hand outstretched as soon as Avangaline let out a shallow cry.

"Honestly Aurora, these petty displays are so far beneath you!" Klaus exclaimed, trying to mask the fear of losing someone he loved flooding his body.

"Avangeline is no rival to you." The blonde chocked again, her fingers clawing at the hand entrapping her windpipe.

"Nik, I have no doubt you love me. I was just hurt to learn you would lower yourself to this little distraction and particularly when she constitutes a rather fiendish lie." Aurora pouted, Avas blood still stained on her fingertips.

"Aurora-." Klaus began to argue as Ava squirmed in her grip.

"Shes right." The blonde murmured through her blurring vision. "Everything I've ever said to you is a lie." She lied, pleading for the pair to believe her as aurora dropped the girl from her hold.

As the air flooded back into her lungs, the O'Connell heaved in a heavy breath. Before she could relish any small morsel of the cold air, Aurora sent her flying into another pit of darkness.



really short authors notes, how is every one feeling after the Christmas hype because I'm still shattered.

shout outs:

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sorry for any mistakes,

thank you for reading,

goodbye X

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